@Io ,
Io wrote:
why do we make such a fuss.... Disagreements are common, especially about such a ambiguous sentence, maybe you need a little bit more about the context:
If we can all hang from the pendulum while it's at its mid-point, pehaps we can slow down its inevitable movement. Maybe we can even tip it back a little to a less complicated world wher you can interact with a real person on telephone, where, if you call your broker or bank, you don't end up somewhere in Ohio, where children are allowed to dress up on Halloween without it being viewed as offensive to some minority group, where landowners have rights, where self-confessed killers are not set free because somebody forget to read them their rights, wher if you smoke yourself to death you cannot blame it on the manufacturer, where you can stop at the scene of an accident to help a victim without being sued, where our tolerance level for violence is dramatically lessened, where some of American's finest feel free to run for political office, and where integrity, morality, manners, decency and un-financilly motivated acts of kindness are integral to our ethos.
so could anyone tell me what it means now? thx a lot!
Well, you added more information, even in that sentence; but the general notion is of nostalgia which is a disease I suffer horribly from, and is likely to be fatal...
When today does not work for people, and does not satisfy their needs or the needs of those around them, they know they are not happy... If they are not demoralized, they look to the future, are hopeful and strong in regard to the present, and look for ways to work themselves through adversity... If not, they look with wistful longing at days past, and remember in vain their happy days...
The problem is that only dead people live in the past, and if the past is to be had in any part it must be captured and carried into the future...There is never a revolution that does not attempt to recreate the past in the future... The Round Heads wanted the old Constitution, and so did the Americans... The Russians had a memory of ancient communism, and the French had an idea of a romantic Noble Savage, and Nature Untamed... There is certainly enough of desire in people to return to past ways... The problem is to find a realistic method of selling people on change in the present to accomplish their goals, since they so fear change; for what has change ever brought them but pain???
All social forms are about stopping change, and this is what people do after they have accomplished change to a point the are happy with life- through the use of forms and institutions... But under the force of will, even these forms change so they serve no good purpose, not the original purpose, nor a hypothetical good purpose; but only an individual purpose...
All old forms degrade, and what is the writer refering to: Economy, Religion, and Government.... As these forms fail us we seek older forms still doing all we can to resist forward progress... Sooner or later, out of sheer desparation, forward progress is all that will save us from total destruction...
The Romans and Greeks failed because they could not change their forms... They could not return to older forms in a new fashion, and so were left divided before their enemies... That is us, and what is the sense of the paragraph, of the threat of time, that time is running out, as it is, but also of the inability to say: Time is On MY Side... We need to push this country into a new day and leave the past behind...What do we value enough to carry with us beyond that barrior???