There are several problems with this. First, your English is horrible. I am not complaining. It just made me chuckle given the topic.
The idea that German or Poland or Russian immigrants were different then Spanish immigrants is simply wrong. There were communities of Germans or Italians. At the turn of the century, pretty much any US city had at least one German Newspaper. There were many Germantowns throughout the country, not to mention places for Italians and Russians (Russian is alive and well in neighborhoods of Boston).
Immigrants have generally mastered English by the second or third generation. It is very difficult for older people to learn a new language (not that they shouldn't try). I am curious about how many languages you have learned as an adult.
The claim that the immigrants from last century were much different then today's Hispanic immigrants is completely bogus. The hatred of immigrants hasn't changed either .
Of course Italian experience much of the same hatred that today's Hispanic immigrants are facing. They were blamed for stealing jobs. They were accused of not assimilating and they even had the same claims of gangs and diseases that today's anti-immigrant people are throwing at Hispanics today. Of course, starting with WWI there was a huge backlash toward Germans (including my grandparents). Asians also had suffered some of the worst hatred.
This is bigotry pure and simple. And it is remarkably similar to the bigotry of that our ancestor's from Ireland, Italy and Germany faced.