Sun 29 Jan, 2012 12:30 am - I believe it is safe to say that since no honest, serious, nor forthright
investigation has yet to ever deal with the death of JFK, and since
this fact is OK with Americans who have en masse... (view)
Sun 29 Jan, 2012 12:15 am - I agree that "having money" alone is not such a problem. Where the soul is
truly endangered is when GREED and ENVY rear their heads in our lives. (view)
Sun 29 Jan, 2012 12:03 am - That's the kind of crappy things that actually DO happen in families afflicted
with the disease of alcoholism, it's awful, it makes me wish that you had
only dreamed it; but as moral... (view)
Sat 28 Jan, 2012 01:41 am - I used to keep up with all the latest in films right at home on my
computer, sometimes seeing films as soon as they were out at the
theaters. But I've not kept up with the latest in free... (view)
Sat 10 Dec, 2011 05:24 pm - I doubt there is ANY hope for intelligent or meaningful change regardless of which boob tries to be America's figurehead - as a species, we seem dumber than dirt and truly believe that all... (view)
Sat 10 Dec, 2011 04:57 pm - I've watched firsthand as my youngest daughter struggles with the erroneous concept in her mind that she is FAT (and she's 39 years old now) but, it is so ridiculous; she is not...not at... (view)
Fri 28 Oct, 2011 03:53 pm - Being recently hospitalized for back surgery - and at a time when I was semi-conscious, Patty L, a woman with whom I've lived with for +24 years, had me sign a Durable Power of Attorney.... (view)