Sun 31 Oct, 2010 10:19 am
I'm an Electrical Engineering Technology major at Metro State. Its that time to really get into specific classes twards a specific degree. I have to choose to persue Communications or Power and Control systems. And its killing me to pick!!! My question is: What kind of jobs are out there and what do they do? If your an EET major what is your job!! What jobs do you know of? Here is what I would really LOVE to do! I want to design circuits! I would love for people to come to me and say I need this to do this, and I design a circuit to do it. Or make custom circuits. Example. I just designed my own two channel Multiplexer. I like to design thing from basic componenets down to the resistor and transistor. Maybe design amplifers? I just dont know what kind of jobs are out there; I know there are TONS of different kinds of jobs out there. One of them has to be the one for me! I also would'nt mind running a power plan like solar or wind. What I dont want to do!! Program, IT, softwar, repair switches on networks. That would suck. HELP ME OUT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!