@Robert Gentel,
No, I don't believe folk should be banned because of
I've been reading along the rape thread since the beginning and stopped posting when certain dipsh!ts would answer questions asked of them - as is their right.
I read, then mentally ignore the eejit postings - but to be honest, there is a morbid fascination in realising the huge differences of opinions or thoughts on subjects and
that those people really DO exist or how naive some of us are.
The joy, or not such joy, of the internet is the vastly varying opinions which can make one very much more aware of the world and what's out there - whether it be politics, cooking, misogyny, whatever...
I do object to reading one poster who wants to kill every Italian and who rambles on about making the parents of a murder victim suffer... I do object to seeing ridicule or belittling of persons who have been raped... I do object to a lot of what I read - but I CHOOSE to read it
I don't like some members here who some people think the sun shines out their bahookie and can do no wrong... and likewise they don't like me - and.... so it goes, so what! Each to their own.
We used to have a self-confessed paedophile on A2K (course, he may still be here under a different name, who only knows!) - I chose never to engage with that person - but choosing reading how/why thoughts make people feel the way they do, no matter how disgusting or personally offensive to me, 'it happens!
Inasmuch as others object/ridicule/belittle parts of this community or find some threads equally nauseating - there is a balancing out of views in the bigger picture - and in real life - people are less likely to be so open about their views as they are as 'anonymities' here.
OccomBill - I really do get how passionate you are about the folk you view as scum of the earth, and I reckon many folk agree with you, as do I - engaging folk in these threads, tho, encourages them, it's almost as if they are baiting you, they enjoy to "play" - just as BillRM is doing to Rob now by asking Rob to ask him to leave (twittish little man that BillRM is, why don't you just leave BillRM, you don't need Rob to tell you too <eejit>)
I agree with JPB - anything you put on the internet opens you up to abuse on some level - whether you are nice or nasty - someone's gonna object along the line or someone is gonna use it against you, or call up an old post or something... there's always the possibility that your opinion is gonna piss someone off, even the people you get on with, they can piss you off at times too.
If the internet damages your mental well-being - switch it off or ignore those who cause you upset.
I remember when cjhsa was here and lots of folk despised his views - bit before my time, but I got the gist of what folk disliked - yet, when he wrote about his kids and other things that weren't inflammatory or to do with hunting and guns blah, he was "human"...
that to me is the problem with the ignore function and why i choose not to use it - i would rather see what peoples opinions are, even if I don't like it or reach for the bucket - because folk are human and even when they can be utterly intolerable for the most part, there may be another side to them - it wouldn't mean I would ever engage them in real life ... but then even the nice folk you engage in real life with could be wolves with a wooly coat a?
There is a community here - it's diverse and interesting, and like all communities, as has been said before, there's gonna be those who revel in being the misfits... if that's where they get their kicks - sobeit - no-one has to engage them.
You don't
need to use the ignore feature - I haven't as yet - when it gets to "vomit" level on my feelings about what others post, I read on past it <noted, move past>.
I would agree to banning if someone is "stalking" another member and it can be clearly seen by the community and the administration
I would agree to banning if someone makes real threats against other members
and other bannable offenses that folk have already highlighted...
but those things are not about people having untoward opinions
If the community starts to ban people for their
untoward opinions, being obtuse, obnoxious or having put their stupid head on for the day <or everyday>, well, there wouldn't be many people left here, would there? Especially in the politics and religion forums where the debates do get very heated!
so, NO!
<this is the internet - if it makes you scream and shout at your computer and start punching the keyboard (as some folk have made me do when I read them on the odd occasion) - then switch it off, read something else, do something else - the community can ban people itself by using the thumbs up/down and collapsing posts and can ignore the trolling if needed by placing the member on ignore - if a newbie comes along, the community is there to alert them if a newbie starts to get hammered by a troll - isn't that what the community does?>