@High Seas,
One of the things about the net is that you HAVE NO IDEA who is out there.
Adolescents with sexual issues are at risk for suicide, and one of my major reasons for not simply ignoring O'Bill on many threads where he advocates that people with sexual attraction towards children should kill themselves is for that very reason...that it is quite likely, given that A2k threads on a subject tend to have very high Google rankings, that highly vulnerable adolescents WILL see such rantings.
It's not a hanging offence...I don't believe in that anyway....but it is not unlikely that O'Bill could have a real effect on real kids.
Edit: Actually, the net is strongly implicated in increasing the likelihood of "cluster suicides" involving more kids than it used to. Cluster suicides for adolescents are where a bunch of kids kill themselves when they hear of a kid in their network doing so. It used to be more or less confined to a school or social group, now it spreads like wildfire over the net. That's anecdotal, by the way....I don't know if anyone has researched it yet...though I think it likely they have...but it was something we were learning to be VERY searching about when assessing adolescents for suicide risk when I was last working with that age group.
That doesn't mean I can prove the possible harmfulness of people like O'Bill etc., because it's a different issue, but I do know the net can be very influential.