I'll leave the proposed "rule" and schema for implementation to Robert, but it sounds prohibitively complicated to me.
I've read your post a number of times trying to find something in there I agree with. I've failed. First, your can remove me from your list of folks whose opinion (thumb) should have greater value than others. My opinion is worth no more or no less than anyone else and I wouldn't want my opinion to be used in determining the value of another member. I also wouldn't want to be judged by the others on your list as to whether or not I was worthy of a good or bad grade.
Your rant about Hawkeye and your inclusion of Thomas in that rant only goes towards demonstrating that you're the one who can't deal with the folks around you. I think spendi has pretty well nailed your involvement as self-serving rather than being a solution to the problem.
The problem with wannabe white knights is that they tend not to fix the problem, but exacerbate it. The best way to make Hawkeye and Billrm ineffective is by NOT interacting with them. You think that throwing gasoline on the fire will put it out. It never has, and it never will. I know you think you're doing the right thing by coming to the aid of your perceived victims and trying to beat some sense into the --pick your favorite invective name-- but it doesn't WORK. It makes things WORSE.
Yes, we all have people around us we'd rather not associate with. No one says we have to be one big happy family. And it's a damn good thing too, because with the 1000s of folks who come through here every year there's no way you're not going to bump up against the poster or two or twelve who rub you the wrong way. Viva la difference.