Thomas wrote:
Occom Bill wrote:If BBB suffered one iota more because of my reference to RM’s despicable treatment of her, for that I am truly sorry. Any damn fool would realize that was certainly not my intent,
Well, that's nice. But enough about
your intent.
Who precisely are you droning on about this for if not for yourself, Thomas? Did Robert, or anyone else ask you to keep pestering me about my posts? Or does Thomas comment on whatever the hell he pleases, just like Bill does?
Thomas wrote:
How about BBB's? Did you ask her back then what she wanted you to do about it?
Did you
ask what she wanted
you to do about it? Who made you the representative? (I hope by now you're starting to see the hypocrisy in your own heinous exploitation, in that it is indistinguishable from that which you are accusing me of. This was a juvenile attack on my person when Robert did it, and it’s no less so when you do. Tell me how many times you’ve asked a member what they’d like done before chipping in your opinions and expressing your distaste whenever the hell you felt like it, Thomas. I’d bet the answer is
Thomas wrote:
Does it occur to you now that asking beforehand might be better than feeling "truly sorry" afterwards? Just look at how you're trying to frame the issue: it's all about what disgusts you, what your intentions are, and so forth. What exactly gives you standing to push a case for defending other people, none of which asked you to defend them?
Again, what makes you think you have more standing to do so now, you big phony? I’ve seen you jump down verbally abusive posters throats more times than I can count. What gave you the standing to be the white knight in shining armor, carrying the mantle for all the downtrodden…. Yadda, yadda, yadda ad nauseum? Your boy King would be just as guilty as you and I, (if indeed we were guilty of anything) and you’re both a couple of hypocrites if you can’t see this obvious parallel.
Thomas wrote:
A case for censorship that everybody except you in this thread opposes? A case that the owner of this site has decided long ago in your disfavor? Instead of proclaiming what disgusts you and what your intentions are, why not listen to other people's interests for a change?
Look you self-important hypocrite; Robert began this thread as a place to debate the relative merits of increasing what you call censorship. Now granted he poisoned the well beforehand, and has mostly fortified his case with bogus, hypocritical ad hominem like you’re doing now, but the friggin thing was set up as a challenge for me to do precisely that.
Since then, only JPB even bothered to reply to the argumentation he requested from me (and barely at that), and a whole slew of mostly abuzzers piled on to the ad hominem bandwagon… but there’s no bias… none. As cyclo pointed out, your own argumentation is absurdly biased in describing what you later call "good points" when challenged, as "just plain wrong" for general consumption. I’m sure not used to seeing
you talk out of both sides of your mouth like this, Thomas, and I doubt you’d be doing so if not for your desire to assist your boy-king in assaulting the traitor.
Anyone that can’t see the bias on this thread is blind. Look at the huge up-vote count Deb got for contradicting herself… simply because it was couched as being in agreement with Robert that Bill is worser. She initially claimed that on the count of volume-trolling of RM; I was much worse! But upon challenging that ridiculous assertion she backpedalled away from her own argument to the apparent delight of the peanut gallery. That’s honesty? That’s unbiased? No, that’s Robert poisoning the well with a bogus statement from authority to begin with for his faithful to believe in, and leaving the deck stacked because the true post-count would obviously demonstrate how ridiculous of an assertion it was in the first place.
I wonder if anyone here has the intellectual honesty to consider how differently this thread might have played out if Robert had banned the demented trolls; and I was defiantly challenging his wisdom for doing so (in my usual, horrendously annoying way).
(Please don't anyone think I'm suggesting a single soul chipped in against censorship, or varied their opinions just to suit Robert on that count. The bias I'm alluding to is much more subtle than that.)