I think I understand where you are coming from, but yes, it does come across rather suffocatingly repressive. I think you need to pick your battles. And this? To me, doesn't seem like a good one to bring out the guns for when you are talking about a 16 year old girl who will quite quickly become a woman.
At that age, the harder you push on the little stuff, the more you pretty much push 'em to the big stuff. I think it's cause, as she is exploring more and more her own personality and stance on this - -independent of how she's grown up or you - - there is a huge friction with teenagers as to whether the parent supports and loves em as an individual or just for what they do.
You say you love your daughter so much, so yeah I agree with the giving her space thing completely.
I don't envy the job of being a dad to a teenage girl, but a dad is a very important person to a girl, and you want her to feel she can come to you and is loved, yes?