I think the type of yelling matters to me.
Sozlet's soccer coach last year SUCKED BALLS. Really bad coach. He yelled and yelled and yelled but it was completely arbitrary and ineffectual. He just got everyone upset (while the team did terribly).
I've seen coaches who are both yelly and focused, though -- they know how to use the yelling and emotion to get through to the kids, and it works, and the kids are fine with it.
This year's soccer coaches are WAY better. (Her first year ever she had a dream coach, such a great guy, not a yeller at all, second year was OK but not great, third year was plain sucky.) The one that she had her second year is back this year but he has good ballast -- a really positive cheerleader type who is great with conditioning and morale while the other guy provides more technical instruction.
So, recently we played a game against a really competitive team. Super-serious, super-yelly coaches. (I couldn't hear enough to know what kind of yelly they were, just saw 'em pacing around bellowing.) Our team was short-handed -- there are 9 positions on the field (at this level) and we had 8 girls. Their team had 16 girls. Our coach went over, hey could we borrow one or two girls to make it more even? (Some of the girls on that team had played with our girls before.) Their coach was like "as if."
Eventually one more of our girls showed up, so we had the full nine, but no alternates, so everyone had to stay in the whole entire game, no breaks.
This was a super-hot day by the way. 87 and blazing sun.
So our girls were running around nonstop for an hour with our pleasant low-key coaches, vs. their well-rested girls with the aggressive yelly clipboard-brandishing coaches -- and we won 5-1! Boo-ya. (Glad, in retrospect, that the other team didn't lend us anyone so it was a nice clean win.)