Wed 10 Dec, 2003 11:17 pm
Could this possibly be one of the silliest colloquialisms ever? I have even heard scholarly types use this phrase.
Hey Cav, You know I know and I know you know that sometimes you really just don't know, you know?
one of my favorites is .... when someone says "ya know?" and they mean it -- and though the other person assumes it's jsu tthe figure of speech, they ignore it ... and the speaker assumes the lack of response is an afirmative. and then later, it usually becomes clear the other person had NO clue!
example: I'm named after my dad ... when my mom talkes about either of us, she only uses our first name. and she's one of those "ya know" people who means it sometimes .... it's SO annoying!!
There's the additional 'I'm like' when, while on a cellphone on a loaded bus, a young girl describes a conversation she had, thus:
"So Clarise is like so mad and I'm like y'know 'What's your problem?' and she's like I don't know, yknow 'Whatever!' and I'm like y'know I don't know 'ah HUh' and she's like trying to walk down the hallway with that creepy friend of hers -what'sherface- MeLINda- and I'm like y'know, I don't know, y'know 'Don't be coming around here like that, k?' and she's like giving me the finger and stuff but I'm like I don't know y'know 'Whatever, y'know.'" (gasps for breath) "Wait sec." (takes another call)
She then proceeded to re-tell the story to the second caller while the first waited for her to return and the rest of us on the bus pleaded with God to let the next stop be hers.
Either that or you could jam your fingers up your nostrils and tear out the bits of your brain that process language. The jury's out on which activity is less dangerous.
Hey Joe, That girl sounded like totally articulate, ya know? And I'm like really impressed that you're able to reproduce the like ya know whole conversation here for us.
Sigh. Of course, on the other hand, Mr. S's idea isn't bad. Rip your brain out through your nose. Just like Egyptian mummy makers.
I wonder if there is a hieroglyph for "like"...wouldn't it be funny to discover that all those papyrus scrolls were written by teens, and 3/4 of the glyphs were "like"?
There are things that we know we know and things that we know we don't know; but there are also things that we don't know we know and we don't know that we don't know. You know?
(My apologies to Vice President Chaney for plagiaristically stealing his thunder.)
Quote:She then proceeded to re-tell the story to the second caller while the first waited for her to return and the rest of us on the bus pleaded with God to let the next stop be hers.
Your prayers are so much more modest and charitable than mine. I expect they get answered more.
I can just imagine that conversation, Joe, and I bet she shrieked it all loudly.
I think that 'y'know' is so popular for the same reason as profanities being used as adjectives is popular; people speak faster than their minds can cope.
It's like, you know, hon, we just like, you know, don't really know anything, you know hon?
Variation I run into too often... "You know what I'm saying?"
There's a woman I want to grab by the shoulders and shake vigorously, shrieking "No! I don't know! Explain it to me!"
'like' is a verbal shorthand for 'don't quote me on this but what actaully happened (said) was similar to...'
When my brother and I were little he would always shout "I hope ya know....!" anytime he was getting angry. I have no idea where it came from, but it's fun to throw it in his face now that we're older.
I've always been fascinated by "And then he goes". I use it, my family and my friends use it.
"And then he goes - well I saw you with him yesterday. And then she goes - there's no way you saw me with anyone. And then I go - I think you're a couple of idiots."
Where the heck are we all going?
To hell in a hand basket?
Petunia, there is a phrase I have heard many a time, but I have no idea where it comes from. Why would anyone actually go to hell in a handbasket? Isn't it just one of those boom, you're here kind of things?
You mean, like...huh? Just seems kind of cool to go in a hand basket, at least, maybe, you know, you would have something to carry around, you know what I mean?
I believe its a corruption of "to hell on a half-brisket," which clearly has anti-semitic origins.
like, I am rolling on the floor, laughing, you know what I mean, hon?