JLNobody wrote: Is "Be-ing" the avoidance of "becoming"?
Just asking for the sake of asking. I have no idea of what would constitute a good answer. But let's see what pops into your head.
Intriguing question.
'Becoming' is the 'common sense' way of describing the process of 'uncovering'. What you are really doing is satisfying your curiosity with the 'concepts' of living and thinking that the acquisition of the understanding of those concepts contributes to your 'becoming'. You really aren't 'becoming' anything at all.
The process that 'becoming' addresses doesn't really happen that way.
'Becoming' is an entanglement that communicates to you and the world that there is something 'missing' about you and everybody else and that when you (and they) find what is missing you will become whole so you can 'Be' who you are (freedom).
To participate in 'Becoming' you have to agree: 1) that something is missing, 2) that you have to 'walk your own path to enlightenment' to find what is missing (earn something), 3) that while 'walking that path' you have to acquire knowledge (memorize concepts and insert your 'self' into those concepts), 4) that you have to share that knowledge with others (under the guise of 'helping them to understand'), and lastly 5) you have to be adept at debating with others to 'convince' them that you 'know' what you are talking about so you can reinforce to your 'self' and others that you are 'on the way' to 'becoming'.
'Becoming' is an entanglement that has been 'shoved down your throat' since the moment you were born and it is so ingrained in our way of being with each other that we don't question it and see it for what it is. Therefore we don't even consider that we have a choice in the matter.
What would your life look like if there were no 'path'? Nothing to earn?
You have to 'Be' before you can entertain the notion of “becoming”. I say that each one of us is 'whole' just the way we are and that we have agreed to participate in 'becoming' with each other. It fills up the time we have on the planet. Just about everybody goes to their 'death bed' not knowing they have been bullshitting themselves. What if you replaced “trying to understand” with 'knowing'? What would you do with all the time you just gained?
What would you do with all that freedom? When confronted with the enormity of 'freedom' would you skitter back to the safety of 'Becoming' (predictability)?
I suggest that there will come a time when a 'critical mass” of individuals will have chosen to put down this turd. When this 'critical mass' is reached 'Becoming' will no longer be an acceptable behavior. 'We' as a whole will see it for what it is, a way to distract our 'self' and others from 'Be'-ing, free.