It must be my computer, Montana, but I can't see your wee critter too clearly ... But I see a lovely, fluffy silhouette!
Such a little madame! Just lovely!
Wanna kitten! Wanna kitten!
Mind you, Possum, the 5 year old clown cat, would probably eat it!
Carlotta is indeed sweet!
i had a go at darkening her eyes to lose the bleaching effect of the flash - have a look in the gallery as I'll upload it for you. She's got a lovely sweet face
Joanne! Lovely to see you again!
What a delightful photograph of Carlotta! Very mysterious!

AND she's quite beautiful! I'm a sucker for tabbies.
Quite a tabby sucker myself girls
Er let me rephrase that....I once had two tabby cats named Henry (originally herietta, until we found out different...dont ask) and Biffo.
Both now in the everlasting catsanctuary Above. They were good cats and well respected
Henry was quite famous for his er,,,,,ability to eat?
and Biffo was, well what do you expect from a cat called biffo?
He was a polycat, a sort of polymath for cats, though his arithmatic was not very good. In fact he was a little like his brother, i,e, useless except at being a cat.
Joanne- your kitty is cute, is she wearing contact lenses? hehe
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:He was a polycat, a sort of polymath for cats, though his arithmatic was not very good. In fact he was a little like his brother, i,e, useless except at being a cat.
Yes, but what an act THAT is!
Joanne, they are both adorable. I would have loved to meet them in person (hm, or is that in animal? No, they have character - in person is fitting!)
Msolga, you are sooo right!
Joanne's Carlotta without the contact lenses!
That is one very stressed cat! Obviously suffering from neglect & deprivation!
My sweet baby girt just keeps getting cuter :-D
I know. Do you think this means she wants to go back to the shelter?
She's gorgeous - isn't she getting big now?
I can't believe how fast she's growing.
Thats not a cat Montana, its a discarded boom microphone cover.
Real cats dont have 3 back legs.
Montana wrote:Olga
I know. Do you think this means she wants to go back to the shelter?

You've ruined her, Montana, ruined her ....!