It wouldn't bother me that you're on the short side. It would bother me that I'd feel so huge in comparaison. I'm already a bit of a tomboy. If the guy's not taller than me (I'm 1.72m), I feel like I lose all of my femininity (beacause I don't have many feminin traits, unfortunately).
However there are plenty of girls who would be shorter than you. The really cute type too. One of my best friends is 1.56. She's adorable.
And another one of my friends went out and fell in love with a guy exactly your height. She was around 7-10cm taller than him, but she doesn't have my complexe. They went their separate ways after a while (2 years!), but they were deeply in love and all over each other.
So I do, genuinely, think that there is a girl (or more!) for you out there. Who'd fall in love with you. If you're a nice guy.
While it seemed like a hopeless case for me, someone came around (out of nowhere) and I found out they're attracted to me, despite my....disadvantages.
Therefore... anything is possible. *The End*