Mame wrote:
Fido wrote:
Think you can make it happen??? All you can do is help or hurt...
What in the world does that mean?
That line, Maybe he doesn't know how to make love to a woman... One does not make love A woman, or womanhood... One makes love to a specific woman as though she is the last woman, the only woman in the world. like you are Romeo and she is Juliet, as though she is Delilah and you are Samson; but never ever think you can compel her to have an orgasm first time, last time, or any time... It does not always happen, and surprise surprise, it is not the only thing...
Love is a form of communication, but sometimes people only hear the static of their lives... Then, the act, the closeness, the sympathy and empathy, the caring all help to carry people through to the next time...An orgasm is nice, not the end of the act or the relationship... Because it ends what can be the most healing, essential part of a love relationship, I often put it off too; because I never want it to end...Sometimes life can be so wonderful that death is painful to consider, impossible to welcome... If I ever get too old to make love I will miss it, and regret that I did not love my wife more, or that she was not my only... She is the Goddess of Love...