Sun 7 Dec, 2003 11:55 am
This news today has me reeling in anger, though I understand the premise behind it:
Fine print re medicare and drug benefits
Sorry, I just figured out why no one answered this question - I'll go cut and paste.
Here, then -
New Medicare Bill Bars Extra Insurance for Drugs
That is just a first step. Traditional Medicare will also eventually fall victim to this legislation. People will have a choice between HMO and HMO. The sheep will have been shorn.
au1929 - Let's us assume for the moment, that your fears are correct, and insurance for older people is privatized. There is another option besides HMOs. I would assume that the insurance companies would be falling over their feet developing traditional fee-for-service, and PPO plans similar to that which younger people use.
The problem is, that in a few years, baby boomers will be reaching Medicare age. At that point, Medicare, as we know it know, may not be fiscally able to sustain itself.
ANYONE except Bush in 2004...this administration is criminal and raping us as citizens....start this week by having dog food one meal a day...not alpo, the cheap stuff...increase by a meal a day until you're used to it......this is about the only real way to prepare for what's to come compliments of the Bush Crime syndicate.....
The fee for service plans developed by the Insurance companies will run into the same problem as Medicare. In order to make them profitable they will require costly premiums. Premiums that most will be unable to sustain.
The present legislation is geared to give a windfall to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. In addition the cost to the government will be far greater than $400 bln. The entire premise of the legislation is a lie.
au1929 you expected something else? A rhetorical question.....
Bush to Sign Sweeping Medicare Changes
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush is signing into law the most far-reaching changes in Medicare since the program's inception nearly 40 years ago, checking off another priority amid questions about its fiscal wisdom. The most significant part of the $400 billion overhaul adds prescription drug coverage to the federal health insurance program for the elderly, starting in 2006. Beginning next May, seniors can buy a Medicare-approved discount card for $30 or less to help offset the growing costs of prescriptions
Question: What is the discount %? Who gets the $30?
I wonder what branch of government represent the Drug and insurance industries? It must be the department of screw the people.
I would draw your attention to the dicussion on this subject in the link noted.