HexHammer wrote:
They will only produce ramblings like communism, inquisitorial doctrins and dictatorious thoughts
if teachers are even capable of teaching children the concept of our current past and other country's governments well enough to even get them to ramble about communism, to have enough leadership, insight, knowledge to establish an inquisition, I think that is a very glorious step for mankind.
I am actually promoting some chaos (secretly in my opinion),
women had no rights and are heading towards too much rights (in the sense that they feel that they obsess over the concept of "need-to-the-same-thing-as-men-to-be-considered-human"... but as reality shows is not the case), and eventually will reach a equilibrium.
church had too much authority, and now too little in the sense that not enough people cherish life, have a sense of community, participate in charitable volunteer works etc. and eventually it will be the best of both worlds.
I feel that today we have diverted too much of our attention in making money and everything in the world is suffering; water, air, land, animals, mankind. obviously there is an unbalance in SOMETHING, I hope we can agree in this sense, as it was the case with women, slaves, kings and gods. Small group of activists and authorities try to ameliorate the situation, but it's almost insignificant in relativity in aspects of intensity and effectiveness. I have a sense that the west is prospering TOO much and perhaps a "reset" of this will be therapeutic for humanity as a whole...
of course, the west, and any first world countries will try to resolve this through technology, not that i'm agains that and i'm not trying to go into political issues. just trying to assess our current situation; schools losing funds, temperature rising = we are dying but spending more money on keeping the adults that created this mess happy and leaving less and less hope for the future...
what's ONE ethics class at 5th grade going to hurt.
(assuming there are 4 semesters in a year, 13 years of required school, and you take 5 classes/semester. that's 260 classes you have to take... we really can't have 0.4% of our educational life spent on philosophy???)
is it really going to yield kids to start contemplating about herecy?
aren't we kinda going down a slippery slope here...?