A "thank you" card from one of the saved.

Reply Thu 2 Sep, 2010 11:37 pm
Vomiting Perfidy

By Layla Anwar

September 2, 2010 "Arab Woman Blues" - -Since yesterday I have been vomiting my insides out...

My first bout of vomit came after I read a transcript of your President's speech, his speech to the "nation". Because you consider yourselves a nation ?!

It started off with an uneasiness felt in the pit of my stomach, then quickly transformed itself into a queasiness, then into a foul nausea, only to erupt like a dammed out volcano into violent throes of pure vomit...

I have over the past 20 years or so, developed a high intolerance to perfidy and you throughout your history have excelled in perfecting what I am most allergic to...

You literally make me sick.

Change - you clamored like a herd of sheep, while munching, ruminating like cattle every word that is fed to you...Black and White, even those retards who call themselves American Arabs and Muslims rejoiced at Uncle Tom's arrival to the White House.

Oh the "principled", "moralistic" prudish puritanical perverts called Americans, always showing up late for change...always jumping on the bandwagon, when the train has already passed...

The peace loving war mongers of the new world order is what you are. Fake and ignorant to the bone.

So you pride yourselves on being "a good people", a "compassionate" "sharing caring hugging" people -- nothing but Perfidy.

For 20 years, I witnessed my country, the land of my father, my mother, my ancestors, disintegrate before my very eyes...20 ******* years. 20 ******* years.

Twenty years of people -- first withering, wilting away, like flowers never allowed to see the light, never allowed to turn their faces to the sun, then from fading into shadows, faltering into a colorless background...bombed, massacred, slaughtered into a nothingness...the same nothingness that inhabits you daily...the same nothingness that makes you rush to your shrink, the same nothingness that you feed with your junk, the same nothingness that you fill with your consumer products...the same nothingness of your void, of the pit, the deep pit that you all live in, and I throw up some more, from the pits of my belly....

So you "sacrificed" for us, so you liberated us from "tyranny", so you "lived up to your responsibilities" --- like you did in Falluja, Haditha, Mahmoudiya, Baghdad, Basra, Mosul, Ramadi...¨"kill the motherfuckers" you shouted...and your wives masturbated to your love letters, or shed a few tears while waving that infamous flag...the flag of a degenerate, decaying country that has offered nothing but murder, carnage and mayhem...

You liberated us from "dictatorship" with 5 times the size of a Hiroshima and a Nagasaki...you liberated us until there was no space left in our morgues, and 7 and half years later, we still search for the dead...you liberated us until our streets turned into pools of blood, and mosques became torture dungeons where those hajjis were having their eyes plucked out and their flesh drilled, you liberated us so we can be abducted, raped and murdered for a 1000$ or for wearing lipstick...you liberated us so our bodies can float on the Tigris and Euphrates, mutilated unrecognizable...you liberated us alright...stuffing us in prisons cells, covering us with your piss and excrements, or handing us to your mercenaries and your pimps and whores in turbans, while you fucked the prostitutes specially brought to you in your Green Fortress... and while the rest of us lived in walled ghettos that you constructed for us...

You liberated us alright...and you lived up to your principles, your ideals and your responsibilities...

But I do grant you one thing, you computerized, digitalized death for us...you see, thanks to you our morgue is now equipped with the latest technology, so 7 years down the line, we can finally go and find the corpse of a loved one, maybe. We even got numbers, serial numbers, you are serial killers and we get serial numbers...

We carry numbers wherever we go, number on our passports, on our ID cards, on our prison bracelets, and even on our dead bodies...the numbers follow us to the cemeteries, we got plenty of them today...all this reconstruction money, we built cemeteries with...well not quite, you stole the money...billions of dollars, so we turned gardens and parks into graveyards...our children play there, amidst the wailing of mothers in perpetual grief...

You are indeed a brave people...a noble, brave people. See, all what you've done for us! Your generosity will be recorded in history annals...and you will be used as a historical example, a model of a country and a people of great integrity -- just like the New Iraq model.

Those of us who could not handle this overflowing compassion from you (as your stinking alternative press likes us to believe - Americans are compassionate people), flew away...escaped the milk of human kindness, carrying a few documents and memories, wounds and scars stacked in suitcases...with no destination...

A permanent exile has become our abode...a new geographical location not found on any map...carrying our selves like some overburdening, heavy bundle, struggling to make ends meet, struggling to survive, struggling not to become insane, struggling not be engulfed by that nothingness of yours...

Scratching humanity with our nails...trying to find it, digging with our bare hands, sometimes wishing that we were buried there, alongside our loved ones...sometimes wishing we were never born, sometimes crying in our solitude, sometimes screaming in our nightmares, sometimes numbing ourselves so we can match your nothingness...

Most of the time, confused, lost and bewildered...still unable to grasp what has befallen us, in the name of Freedom...other times engrossed with story after story of endless suffering and misery inflicted by you...with stories of relatives and friends lost in dungeons of Democracy, with stories of monsters being born in the land of Freedom, with stories of disease and illnesses nesting into our DNA and becoming part of our make up, of our being...infiltrating the very essence of us, of our soil, our air, our water...

Story after story...image after image -- wheelchairs, amputations, limbs lost, eyes lost, fingers lost, a child dying, a woman raped and killed, a man tortured to death...story after story of -- poverty, disease, need, neglect, abandonment...story after story of an eternal fatigue that has settled upon us like a blanket...

I watch in my head, in my imagination, in my memory, the river Tigris flowing on a summer eve right at sunset...when the air is cooler (and when there was electricity and drinking water), I watch the river flow, calmly, silently, peacefully...nothing obstructs it, it just flows and I close my eyes and imagine myself flowing with it, in it...to an unknown destination...only in these moments do I find real tranquility...during those seconds, when I am transported there, by that river where everything grew and took shape...from the dawn of Time...

I go back in time thousands of years, when you were non existent, when you had no name, no shape and no color...and I find myself...I find myself and I find Iraq.

This is the only consolation I can give to myself - that even in the buckets of vomit wrought out from my guts, I can still find Her and me.

But you can't.

Layla Anwar, Who am I ? The eternal Question . Have not figured it out fully yet . All you need to know about me is that I am a Middle Easterner, an Arab Woman - into my 40's and old enough to know better.

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:06 am
Source of quote?
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:51 am
You will have to scroll all the way down to read the blogs from the beginning.

I wonder if so many women write because they have no voice in open society? There are so many, voicing sadness, anger, fear, loss and grief.

And we are called unpatriotic because we are repulsed by what our country has done.

Is it unpatriotic of Germans to hate what their country did during WWII?

By talking out about the atrocities, are we betraying our country or are we trying to make it better by shrinking the rot and corruption that love the profit of war? The men at the top, the rot and corruption, never once think in terms of right or wrong or the obscenity of human sacrifice in pursuit of profit. Most, not all, of them are blinded by greed and power.

And I rant. For what? Usually, I'm smart enough to stay out of political discussions on a2k. Usually I'm smart enough not to post when I'm depressed.
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 05:00 am
that's a damn sad post there Diane. I realize that's an overly simplistic comment, but the entire Iraq situtation can be reduced to a feeling of great sadness at it's lowest common denominator IMO, and my heart goes out to this woman and all the people like her. Seriously.
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 05:06 am
Hi Bear. Thank you for your compassion for the women suffering in so many of the mid-eastern countries.

I'm at the low end of a deep depression and this is just making it worse.

Time for bed.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 11:33 am
Ironically, if Americans weren't so sensitive about tyranny the expression of disgust would have no meaningful target.

We dread the possibility that it's really The United States of Assholes.
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 11:55 am

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Lancet Study...

The latest horror is the study published in the Lancet Journal concluding that over 600,000 Iraqis have been killed since the war. Reading about it left me with mixed feelings. On the one hand, it sounded like a reasonable figure. It wasn't at all surprising. On the other hand, I so wanted it to be wrong. But... who to believe? Who to believe....? American politicians... or highly reputable scientists using a reliable scientific survey technique?

The responses were typical- war supporters said the number was nonsense because, of course, who would want to admit that an action they so heartily supported led to the deaths of 600,000 people (even if they were just crazy Iraqis…)? Admitting a number like that would be the equivalent of admitting they had endorsed, say, a tsunami, or an earthquake with a magnitude of 9 on the Richter scale, or the occupation of a developing country by a ruthless superpower… oh wait- that one actually happened. Is the number really that preposterous? Thousands of Iraqis are dying every month- that is undeniable. And yes, they are dying as a direct result of the war and occupation (very few of them are actually dying of bliss, as war-supporters and Puppets would have you believe).

For American politicians and military personnel, playing dumb and talking about numbers of bodies in morgues and official statistics, etc, seems to be the latest tactic. But as any Iraqi knows, not every death is being reported. As for getting reliable numbers from the Ministry of Health or any other official Iraqi institution, that's about as probable as getting a coherent, grammatically correct sentence from George Bush- especially after the ministry was banned from giving out correct mortality numbers. So far, the only Iraqis I know pretending this number is outrageous are either out-of-touch Iraqis abroad who supported the war, or Iraqis inside of the country who are directly benefiting from the occupation ($) and likely living in the Green Zone.

The chaos and lack of proper facilities is resulting in people being buried without a trip to the morgue or the hospital. During American military attacks on cities like Samarra and Fallujah, victims were buried in their gardens or in mass graves in football fields. Or has that been forgotten already?

We literally do not know a single Iraqi family that has not seen the violent death of a first or second-degree relative these last three years. Abductions, militias, sectarian violence, revenge killings, assassinations, car-bombs, suicide bombers, American military strikes, Iraqi military raids, death squads, extremists, armed robberies, executions, detentions, secret prisons, torture, mysterious weapons – with so many different ways to die, is the number so far fetched?

There are Iraqi women who have not shed their black mourning robes since 2003 because each time the end of the proper mourning period comes around, some other relative dies and the countdown begins once again.

Let's pretend the 600,000+ number is all wrong and that the minimum is the correct number: nearly 400,000. Is that better? Prior to the war, the Bush administration kept claiming that Saddam killed 300,000 Iraqis over 24 years. After this latest report published in The Lancet, 300,000 is looking quite modest and tame. Congratulations Bush et al.

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:04 pm
The President of Egypt prophesied that chaos would result because it's been so long since the region has known self-determining stability.

Bush seems to have believed that chances were good that the Iraqis would take the opportunity and make something good out of it.

Thanks for reminding me that Iraq is actually made up of individuals. Their suffering should be recognized.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:05 pm


0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:11 pm
Layla Anwar wrote:
You liberated us from "dictatorship" with 5 times the size of a Hiroshima and a Nagasaki...you liberated us until there was no space left in our morgues, and 7 and half years later, we still search for the dead...you liberated us until our streets turned into pools of blood, and mosques became torture dungeons where those hajjis were having their eyes plucked out and their flesh drilled, you liberated us so we can be abducted, raped and murdered for a 1000$ or for wearing lipstick...you liberated us so our bodies can float on the Tigris and Euphrates, mutilated unrecognizable...you liberated us alright...stuffing us in prisons cells, covering us with your piss and excrements, or handing us to your mercenaries and your pimps and whores in turbans, while you fucked the prostitutes specially brought to you in your Green Fortress... and while the rest of us lived in walled ghettos that you constructed for us...

And we never got so much as a "thank you."

Damned ingrates.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:18 pm
great post, Diane
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:50 pm
And Saddam and his looney sons were SO very compassionate to their very own, too.

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:56 pm
Unfortunately, that's also my fault. Saddam took power with the aid of the British and the CIA.

I don't why I did that. Something to do with siding with the bad against the worse.... the worse being the USSR. Damn Saddam... I mean Stalin... whichever.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:05 pm
And Saddam and his looney sons were SO very compassionate to their very own, too.

So the "liberators" bomb the **** out of the people, create situations of unrest designed to even kill more, hide out in a fortress when they should be protecting those they came to liberate, fail to provide all the essentials of life that they promised - remind me again, when was the power supposed to be up and running?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that it's required that a "liberating" force provide the necessary security for the civilian population.
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:08 pm
And Saddam and his looney sons were SO very compassionate to their very own, too.

Let's pretend the 600,000+ number is all wrong and that the minimum is the correct number: nearly 400,000. Is that better? Prior to the war, the Bush administration kept claiming that Saddam killed 300,000 Iraqis over 24 years. After this latest report published in The Lancet, 300,000 is looking quite modest and tame. Congratulations Bush et al.


0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:16 pm
JTT wrote:

So the "liberators" bomb the **** out of the people, create situations of unrest designed to even kill more, hide out in a fortress when they should be protecting those they came to liberate, fail to provide all the essentials of life that they promised - remind me again, when was the power supposed to be up and running?

Can you back up the assertion that the unrest was by design? If not, you should take that back.

There is a rationale for it being by design. It requires having the Bush administration demonstrating incredible boldness of will and intelligence... if not wisdom.

He's either an idiot or an evil genius. Can't be both.

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:26 pm
As a relative of a US Serviceman in Iraq, I find Anwar's accusations vile and insulting.

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:55 pm
Punkey, as a relative of a US serviceman who is taking part in an illegal invasion of a sovereign country, you should be directing your concerns not at Ms Anwar, she and millions of other Iraqis are the victims, but to those responsible for putting said relative in such a position of evil.

What could you possibly find vile and insulting about the truth?

It easy to tell when one gets too close to uncomfortable truths, those little one-line slogans gleaned from the relentless propaganda start to pour forth.

One has to wonder why your greatest concern, not only, but greatest, is for a relative who gets three sumptuous squares a day, who is in a position of relative safety compared to the people he/she was sent to help, who will come home to a family that hasn't been torn to shreds, physically and emotionally.

My three examples probably fall short by a couple orders of magnitude but I'm sure you get my drift.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 02:05 pm
Can you back up the assertion that the unrest was by design? If not, you should take that back.

Not the best word choice, I agree, Arjuna. But now that you've brought it up, I'm not at all sure that I'm that far off.

Maybe not so benign neglect, or a neglect that actually and truly reflects the concern that exists for the people that they intended to save/liberate.

You don't carpet bomb, you don't shock and awe, you don't train proxies to torture and murder those who you purport to save. Not much different than Vietnam or Nicaragua or Guatemala or ... .

Historically, the pattern is much too set, all too frequent to completely rule out design. If there was no concern about torturing, raping and murdering tens of thousands in Nicaragua under Reagan, why do you think there would be a sea change in attitude under Bush when many of the same criminals from Reagan's time made the easy transition to the Bush times?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 02:59 pm
If Layla wanted to really make some changes, she should have gotten involved in her nation's political, economical, educational, or medical fields long ago . . . .Oh wait! . . . She was not allowed to! . . . Poor girl.

Saddam would have had her head - Or had her family killed. Her nation was one of most oppressive to women in all history. I would have loved to have seen her letter to the editor in the paper being critical of her own government.

Hey, I don't condone war and had hoped that this whole thing could have been solved differently. But it wasn't.

I guess I'm one of the few that feels Saddam had the opportunity to stop it at the beginning. And Bush didn't have to go in so fast. But there we are and we will have a "presence" there for many years.

So much is said about how many troops are coming home, but not much is said about those going over to replace them. 3,000 men from Michigan from the National Guard will leave over the next 3 months. 6,000 total from Michigan in the next 3 years. Plus private contractors are being hired to take over some of the military duties.

But I object that she implies that our troops are killing and raping the citizens of that nation.

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