@existential potential,
existential potential wrote:"You seem to read Heidegger as if it were a gospel. You argue that "the conclusions" we have come to, and I'm not entirely sure which conclusions you are referring to, are the result of "outside forces". If by "outside forces" you mean books, writers, other people in general, then yes maybe your right.
You, particularly you, define who you are by the 'factual' criteria of length, width, height, mass, and locality as if who you are is some "thing" of the world you live in. Until you realize that you are not a definable, measurable thing you will never understand what I am saying. The twain shall never meet.
existential potential wrote:But where have your conclusions come from, what are they based on?
I haven't concluded my discovery process. One thing I am absolutely sure of is that you think that you are that sack of hamburger you walk around in. You think you are the product of your upbringing. You think you are the ethereal concepts that philosophy has brought to you. YOU ARE NONE OF THAT!!!
There is no evidence that 'you' exist. Who you and I are can't be defined or proven. Therefore, your request for 'proof' will never be satisfied because what I am saying doesn't fit into the criteria you demand. Instead of looking at the possibility that your interpretation of who you are as a thing of this world is suspect, you keep demanding the 'world' or the 'they' to provide you with “proof of your existence” and bitching that nobody is giving you the answers you require.
I have a sign on my wall that says “If you want a different result than what everybody else is expecting or producing, you have to do it yourself”.
Here it is as simply as I can state it. You think that you are a measurable, definable thing. You are not a thing that can be defined by length, width, height, mass, and locality. You are not a book, a chair, your history,
res cogitans,
animal rationale, or any other concepts you can string together to prove your own existence. You keep looking to understand who you are by using tools (your system of proof) that don't produce the result you are looking for.
What I'm saying is outside of your system of proof. It will never fit into your system of proof. By the way, 'you', who you really are, is outside of your system of proof also. But you just keep demanding that I and others (for example) take what we know and fit it into your system of proof.
You have concluded that you are a measurable, definable 'thing' and I'm attempting to address the real you. But you just keep arguing for your proof and treating me and others like an idiot when you don't get what you want.
Who you are transcends your system of proof. 'You' will never fit into a system of proof. Get over it.