dirrtydozen22 wrote:I wasn't loud when I asked her about me taking the weekend off.
I don't curse ne more. I think she was more annoyed that I asked at all.
"Was it cuz of the credit card thing?" That truly pissed her off bc I know nothing. I just assume.
We can only do our best.
Occasionally, bad things (or good things) happen that are not our fault,
like when there was a slow time and several of u were asked not to go in to work.
Its not your fault if fewer customers arrive.
The most that u can do is:
nice things, that people like.
Don 't say bad things that people
DON 'T like
and try very,
very, very hard
not to get into quarrels.
U have suffered enuf misery from that already; u don 't need more.
Keep working hard; do a good job. Stay away from trouble.
Live a happy life. Do things that are innocent fun; movies, good food.
ALWAYS speak in a soft, sweet, gentle nice voice.
Don 't let
yelling get u into any more trouble; u have had enuf trouble with shouting.