Quote:You are contradicting yourself, you just got done saying that people want plans and policy.
No, I haven't contradicted myself at all.
I was asking how people (like you, for example) could vote for a candidate or a "party" with no detailed policy statements. I still don't understand how you could. It's like blind faith that they'll somehow do the right thing in office.
Quote:People hearing over and over again that Palin has no plans or policy would convince people that she is not the one.
No. That's not how propaganda works. It is the constant repetition of slogans, really simple ideas, omitting any complicating details ...
that is how propaganda works. Details are a distraction from the main, constantly repeated "message".
Quote:My above statement proves that people believe that Palin has informed them of what they want to be informed about.
Nope. You haven't "proved" anything, hawkeye. She's told those people what is
comforting for them to hear, but this in no way constitutes a plan of action. What would she
do? That's what I'm asking.
Quote:Your snit (I mean this in a nice way) boils down to the fact that the people dont care about what you want them to care about.
No. (And I'm not "snitting", either.)
I guess my major concern here is that such a simplistic "message" appears to have been bought hook, line & sinker, without the necessary back-up for voters to make informed decisions.
I can understand, honestly, why tea party supporters might dream of returning to nicer, simpler times. Where the US was in lots less trouble. These past years have been rough for the US. But they have also been rough times for many other countries, too. The UK, Germany, France, etc, etc, will most likely never be quite the same as before, either, for that matter.
It is as though the tea party faithful think what's happened to the US has
all been
Obama's fault, that the global financial crisis hasn't happened ... & if more conservative forces replace him that all will be well again. It isn't going to happen. It is all wistful nostalgic dreaming. Exploited for the benefit of very cynical & powerful forces. The tea party agenda (even if there was a plan of action!) isn't going to change anything much for the betterment of all US citizens.