HexHammer wrote:For some time I'v been philosophising, yet I see very little progress in the methods which we uses, it's still marked with superstition, compulsive behaviour, stupidity. Only a very minor precentage of us actually progress a tiny bit, but the fools then only have new toys to play with, they don't really get much wiser.
My hope is, that some day mankind as a whole, would get enlighten thus we won't repeat the same mistakes, that we don't wage wars, we don't hurt eachothers, no need for police, jails and lawyers ..etc, all these unessesary costly things which we as enlighten being should be without.
Is it in the genetics to create super savants humans? ..is it there we must begin?
You state you have been "philosophizing." You then state that that process, without identifying it as a universally recognized, discrete process, has been characterized by "superstition, compulsive behavior, stupidity," referring to "the method." You don't, apparently, wish to discuss if that is the case, we are just supposed to accept that on your assertion that this is the case. In essence, you beg the question of what "philosophizing" might be, and so, what progress in such a process might constitute, is not addressed at all, because the process (what you call method) is not defined, nor do you identify a goal toward which to progress, and how such progress might be realized.
You also suggest, again without any basis for the statement, that "philosophizing" can rid us of war and crime. Butchering the word "enlightened," you inferentially claim that wars and crime exist because "we" are not enlightened.
Your entire exercise is predicated on unsubstantiated claims on your part. We can hardly address the subject of progress by mankind when no definition of philosophizing is provided, when there is no reference to specific methods which characterize this "philosophizing," and therefore there is no way to know what would constitute progress by mankind in methods of "philosophizing." Unless and until you define your terms, and are prepared to substantiate your claims, to defend your assertions, his is just so much pointless and largely meaningless chin music.