Fri 20 Aug, 2010 09:57 am
So, yesterday, I dialed who I thought was my sister-in-law (my brother's wife, not RP's sister, who is not in the US).
The phone is picked up. It does not sound like D___.
It sounds like J__, who is one of my cousins. Her mother is there, oh, it's so good to hear from me! Etc. etc. etc. it's like I made her week.
And, while I appreciate the love bucket being poured on me, all I can think of is, did D__'s voice change?
Takes me a few minutes (slow on the uptake) to figure out, no, it's really J___.
We chat for a while, it's lovely. I even talk to her mother. We hang up.
I check and, sure enough, on the saved numbers, J___ comes right after my brother's home number.
I very, very, very carefully dial D___ and get the elder nephew. We proceed to chat and I ask him to leave a message, etc. I finally connect to D___ later that evening.
So -- while I didn't mean to, I guess I kinda made J____'s day. This is kind of an odd bit of karma, like an unexpected Monopoly Get out of jail free card, tucked into the sofa cushions. You don't mean to cheat, it's just there, and it ends up sticking to your Monopoly money and suddenly it's in your hand.
It is a bit of a guilty feeling.
Oops, I don't call J____ enough. Never mind that J____ talks my ear off every time, and we have little in common and I generally despise phone calls anyway and do a lot to try to avoid them in any way I can.
This is all coming to a slender point, and the point/question is this: have you ever done an accidental good deed? And, how did you feel about it afterwards?
Somehow, it puts me more in the mind of a couple of salesmen who came calling, rather than an accidental good deed.
The first arrived while the boss was out, with a case full of propaganda. I guess he didn't like the looks of the visitor's chair so he took the rig superintend's desk. Odd for a salesman, but what the heck. A few minutes, in walks another sales guy. He had his own batch of literature, and after getting a big, toothy welcome from salesman #1, sits down and starts his spiel. We, meaning those of us not important enough to have our own salesmen, had a delightful ten minutes watching these two clowns try to sell something or other to each other.
I guess they did do an accidental good deed. Hadn't been for them, it would have been the usual office tedium.