@High Seas,
High Seas wrote:
You blame your obesity on marketers of non-nutritious, addictive, junk food, is that correct? The entire medical profession agrees with that statement.
Well, yes and no. I don’t wish to start a blame game here; just stating a little of what I know metaphysically about balance and why costs play a part in why we are so “out of balance”. It has to do with pressure and speed. Today the most legal drug of choice is caffeine. Most can’t get enough of if, not to mention all the uppers people are taking to maintain the pace it takes to get things done and compete. Burning the candle at both ends just to keep up.
High Seas wrote: In the overwhelming majority of cases obese people are victims of marketing - inextricably linked to keeping manufacturing costs low.
Food manufacturing costs? Yes, mass produced processed food served in a container that cost more than the chemically treated food inside. Cost of food? When you sincerely think about any individual on this planet having to “buy” food should make you angry as hell.
High Seas, weight has many representations and we use those colloquialisms all the time; heavy heart, baggage, a lot on ones mind, the gravity of situations, heavy responsibility, etc when if all did there fair share there would be no burden on anyone.
Like “cramming” for an exam. Speed to put 5 gallons of water into a 10 gallon bucket. That’s a burden. No wonder we have a problem learning how to “think straight”.
We are inexplicably linked high seas in more ways than we could ever know and we know it as the butterfly affect. We know it’s there we just can’t explain it. All we can and know how to do is what equalizing means. When one is exercising more than they should, they are keeping people like me alive at their expense. You never here of people like me robbing banks and making “fast getaways”, ha! I don’t care to be a “TYPE A” personality nor a sedentary TYPE B. I would like to know what “JUST RIGHT IS”!? Here is a link that I think will explain those two types better.
Yes, if we could get to “just right” we would all consume so very much less to maintain a much slower life and then we could smell those roses and notice so much more that we are missing now. Life is not passing us by, it the other way around. We are passing life by. If you are a type A, I'd listed to a type B like me and hopefully one day we will meet in middle and then what would life be. Much better for all? I say yes.
No one knows how big a baby should be and as it states in Genesis that would be woman’s punishment for her consumption in all that consumption means. Remember those are metaphorical and also metaphysical depictions based on our assumptions that would define any understanding of what self fulfilling prophecy means as if it were known precognitively that we would find life overwhelming and consume more than we would ever need to. A paradox indeed. The more we effort to stay alive the more we kill ourselves. Quality, you bet; I’ll like that over quantity anytime. Custom made has become obsolete and perhaps it is time to resurrect it. Oh, and by the way “waste” is the 8th deadly sin.