quinn1 wrote:humm.
Am I getting this right
...you spanked her for her throwing out of the food?
Was she behaved the rest of the day?
Perhaps her 'normal' proceedure of throwing out food wasnt what she was concerned about in the behaving business if its a 'normal' occurance for her. Also, if you've spanked her for this, isnt that her punishment for it? I dont know...could be added to the punishment of not behaving I suppose.
Did you also not let her have anything else to eat after this?
When you spoke to her this morning about behaving was it before her daily activities that she would see differently as 'behaving' I guess is what Im looking for.
Also, if you are spanking her now for what seems to be a routine of behavior she is now seeing the light on perhaps, does she understand this or is it a seperate issue for her?
You know, shes 4.
Tough call.
1 - she behaved well all day before dinnertime
2 - It's not so much that it's 'normal' for her to toss the eats, but it's something she's done before - when she doesn't want to eat something
3-i haven't spanked her for it. I simply sent her to bed. tossing out food is BAD BEHAVIOR - this she knows, because she tries to be sneaky about it.
4 - I spoke to her about this morning before she had a chance to misbehave. She does indeed know the difference between doing someting that is part of misbehaving and something that is not. She's 4, but she's very smart - she figures out more stuff than I used to give her credit for. She's a very clever little something. she knows that if I find out she's throwing out food, she's going to get a consequence...