littlek wrote:What sets apart from other mammals? What was the factor that let us advance so far beyond other animals?
Couldn't it be just because we're rigging the game with hindsight? Cheetahs have advanced far beyond other animals in sprinting. Moles have advanced far beyond other animals in digging. Humans have advanced far beyond other animals in thinking, in deliberately processing information.
Every animal species, I suppose, has advanced beyond all others in
something. Otherwise, whatever species it hasn't advanced over would have competed it out of its ecological niche.
So maybe the only thing special about us humans is that we're the ones asking the question. We
want to believe our species is important in the grand scheme of things. Consequently, we rationalize our presumption of importance by believing that thinking must be a supremely valuable skill. Call it "the anthropic principle meets human self-importance".
Is there any mistake in the above explanation? Is there anything it doesn't explain about how advanced we supposedly are? If so, I'm not seeing it. But I'm always happy to consider counterarguments.