Quote: I am talking about situations where the fella is either sort of pining and hanging about in a desperate sort of way, or where he is continually attempting to make the relationship more after being told very clearly that isn't on the agenda.
Every minute, every hour
I'm gonna shower you
With love and affection
Look out, it's comin' in your direction
And I'm
I'm gonna make you love me
Oh, yes I will
Yes I will
I'm gonna make you love me
Oh, yes I will
Yes I will
I think that some, both male and female, lack certain abilities to discern the intricacies of love/the dating game/relationships. That's not to condemn, it can be a complicated endeavor.
Society at large provides many examples where the man is supposed to woo, to chase, to win a lady's heart. It's not surprising that some think that's what should be done.
This goes both ways of course, women have been known to set their sights on one guy and pursue him relentlessly.
I could never see such a scenario for myself, either me chasing or being chased; the latter was a particular turnoff, so I appreciate that sentiment expressed by ehBeth & Deb, but I guess there's another side to that. A person might feel flattered that there's someone that cares that deeply, if that is indeed the case.
There's also the chance that a person is just way too needy and not confident enough in their abilities in this tough game.
I remember hearing some say, to this effect, "I'm so glad that I've got so and so. He/she isn't perfect but at least now I don't have to date anymore".
I'm more the lightning bolt, knocks your socks off type of guy and lightning bolt it was, both ways. Done deal! Game over!