Our planet is being destroyed, does anybody care?

Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 07:08 pm
Well let me modify my earlier comment. "Opinionated little snit" doesn't really do you justice. More accurate to say you are a stupid, ignorant, foul-mouthed, and opinionated little snit who rather clearly doesn't have a clue about the science and engineering aspects of the subject about which you write so emotionally and with such unjustified certainty.
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 07:15 pm
Take it you didn't like my reply then, giggle. You don't have a clue neither or you'd be able to prove it you dickhead, why dont you be positive instead of negative, I'll tell you why because you probably got a sad little life, why not challenge me intelligently instead of name calling coz you can't so get out of my thread you nasty little ass hole and dont bring your negativity to my door or I'll just whoop your ass again.
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 07:44 pm
What is it that it is not clear concerning environment changes ?

...forget ozone and climate warming...

how about desertification and soil deterioration ?
...worse, how about Oceans acidification and general chemical pollution ?
...how about the heavy loss of genetic diversity in all major ecosystems ?

Are those not man related ?

On top what would you say about population and economic growth consequences in fifty years time considering third world increasing development and middle class ascension ?

Just how many top reference Scientists do you want me to post right here on this issues to spare you the demagoguery conspiracy theory from some greenish nuts that don´t actually know what they are talking about ?
Where do you think there is any margin to debate whatsoever ???

Please people do check on youtube all the eight related videos, its really worth it !

0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 07:45 pm
There are times when expediency demands that we give up any continued useless argument for sciences sake and just let the idiots blunder around in the dark.
I recently added a correspondent to my pallette of the ignored and its done me a marvelous amount of good because

1You will, no matter how hard you try, never convince everyone to the truth surrounding scientific
2Ignorance carries with it a false sense of security, whereas guys like you are overly sensitive to what you still dont understand

3. Your correspondent is certainly no colleague with whom youd argue over adsorption /desorption kinetics or hydraulics.

4 The more you argue with these clowns , the more you give em unnearned credibility and the more your own well reasoned positions suffer .

(I got the last one from set and I slapped myself on the head when it sunk in). Let her loose, she aint worth it.
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 07:56 pm
famerman I dont know what I've done to piss you off but I never claimed I was an expert, I challenged his posts and he insults me without proving any of his arguments, all he's done is insult me, no info to back it up, you yourself said we need to put the conspiracies to bed and concentrate on on a better eco system or something like that now your telling me I dont know nothing, btw I never claiemd I did but I'm not stupid. Try explaining it. Straight out he calls me a name which is uncalled for. Yes I am ignorant about a lot of things but I was hoping to learn from you guys but if you think i'm not worthy like you say then I am at a loss to what to say, I dont know what I did to piss you off Farmerman. I will not take insults like georges especially when I haven't done anything, if I say lose the attitude or piss off then I mean it, what you think I'm gonna take it, now you're being silly. Cheers
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 08:03 pm
...if you are to climb some intellectual lather please do it so based on well known and demonstrated facts concerning environment changes and don´t bring me that crap on warming cycles because that´s not even a tenth of the problem up for debate...your exit door its but a small window !

What amounts to be ridiculous its your self assured security on what you just said with no decent justification to be seen anywhere around...

...if for no other reason bring on the arguments precisely for Sciences sake, I will take the time to listen !
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 08:06 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Couldn't have said it better myself, thank you. But he's not worth it. Wink
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 08:13 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Ive argued the issue with people more qualified than you . Ive stated evidence and tech papaers from the AGU and Paleoclimatology racket.
You are stuck on a conclusion based on shallow evisdence. SCience requires us to maintain multiple hypotheses until one or more begin rising.All I see is that many of Carolines convenient conclusions based upon limited (and some fraudelent) evidence are being huxtered about as science.

Georgeob and I rarely agree on anything. I believe we agree on the lAw of Gravity and on the value of previous evidence. I view this issue ferom one of paleoclimatology , he sees it from an engineering perspective.
SOmewhere the argument has gotten ugly. I merely reminded george of some rules of engagement.

Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 08:16 pm
So why dont you put me right instead of patronizing me ,you make yourself sound like an expert but cant be bothered to put me right but you can be bothered to patronize me, shame on you farmerman.
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Fil Albuquerque
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 08:19 pm
Hi there !
...listen don´t take me wrong for the advice as I would gladly take some if and when justified...
...avoid giving them ammunition out of an emotional reply, given even if you are in general right, and them wrong, it will look just the opposite for those who are not actually well informed on this intricate problem...

Have a nice day Carol !
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 08:27 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Okay thanks I will certainly bear that in mind Fil. I don't normally respond to crap posters but the thing is I never claimed to be an expert, everyone knows about pollution and I thought it would be a learning experience if I thrashed it out with folk not a walk down insult lane and bighead park oh well some people eh. Thanks Fil take care and goodnight. Smile
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 08:27 pm
My level of information regarding this could be considered intermediary if compared to top specialists...palaeoclimatology its obviously one of the grounding Sciences to take the serious long term evaluation on this regard.
What would you say on the Polar Arctic ice measurements recently done concerning climate variations ?
TED conferences have a couple of interesting videos on that...and no in case your wondering I am not referring to Al Gore stuff...
But I would be willing to take some more info on this issue given its complexity.
If not to ask much I also would like you to comment the sequence of videos that I posted above...(they are not trash)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 08:51 pm
Agreed FM. I held off using ignore for a while but it's made A2K much more rewarding. I've been very selective, just 7, I can cope with disagreement, ridicule and insult, but inanity, trollness and an inability to address an issue on its own terms without any sort of reasoning ability made me wonder why I was wasting my time reading and responding to these people. If I was in a cab listening to poisonous or inane drivel I'd get out.

I don't peek either, but occasionally when someone else responds I will mention that I smell poo.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 09:21 pm
Well...that´s just silly posting, and very much a Trolling attitude... Rolling Eyes
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 09:33 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Sorry, taking my trollness away now...
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2010 09:56 pm

...there, the other side of the story...
...now, moving forward this particular section of climate problems could we debate over the actual questions I did previously mention in my posts...
and that is the important issue even if we throw this one overboard...

How about:

Genetic diversity impoverishment , Ecosystems mass destruction, Soil erosion, Ocean acidification, Chemical pollution, Population Growth and Third World Industrial Economical Development...
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2010 12:04 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Nowhere have I said that climate is not changing. I dont believe that the evidence supports a human cause however. Theres been some major screwing with climate data thats been recognized by several organizations and Im waiting for the "Self correcting" process.

AS far as the other issues , Im not sure that "genetic impoverishment" cannpt be handled by the already well known term "Extinction". ALl animals, so finely adapted to a particluar environment are actually trapped therein and should the environment change even moderately, many species are doomed to extinction or else they must co adapt.

The polar bear is an example. Heres a bear that arose from the brown bear and was adapted to an isce covered open sea environment (The bears speices name is Ursus maritimus). This bear is predicted to be "decimated" by climate change and has been a cause celebre for "man induced" climate change action. I can already see that polar bears are beginning to wander further inland and have been already mingling with their old parent species the brownie and the barren ground grizzly. CAn the bear adapt and hold on? I believe it can because its population is actually greater now than it has been in the past. I wonder what the reason is for that?

Blue green algae have migrated to beyond their classical northern limit in the Atlantic and Pacific and Indian Oceans (N and S). This algae is responsible for most of the production of molecular Oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere. The fact that this algae is spreading north is enough evidence that the climate is warming. However O2 has a reverse climatic effect that everyone seems to be ignoring (except guys at Penn State).

The ice core data shows several peaks of climate O16/O18 ratios in the north (these actually prove that the ratio was pointing to a warm climate several times in the past 125K0800K (BCE).

As the cold water (fresh water) locked up in ice becomes available to the entire mix, a drop in pH will be noted especially in N climates(Which seems to be what we see). Oceanic salinity has the effect of buffering the sea water

Out of those areas youve listed, the only one I feel strongly in an indictment of humans is inchemical pollution(mostly from third world nations and rapidly industrializing nations). We have screwed up the rivers of the US with coal and mineral mining of last century that it has become a big business opportunity for guys like Georgeob and I to help clean it up. (I specialize in mining out old mines and Titanium deposits that had been mined for iron in the past), but Ive seen everything from rivers where pH's are as low as 2 to lakes in which only spwecific bacteria (exytremophilics) can live.
However, we are seeing this being duplicated without any ontrols in places like Indonesia and China where they are only now beginning to be aware of the consequences of unregulated industrial growth.

Soil erosion has been an ag problem for years and the present "no till" farming methods has helped the US in controlling soil losses. However , No Till farming uses too much herbicide to control weeds and weeds are now evolving resistances and have actually adapted well to stuff like Roundup or Ally.

That sums up my opinions , Im sorry about my previous breakin but I felt that theres been a whole lot of insult that was being forwarded and when I saw George actually come down to CArolines level, I just thought Id give my 2 cents.
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2010 01:22 am
Hey he insulted me straight out of nowhere, I had to come down to his level so get your facts straight farmerman, if you dont like me giving it back to other posters then maybe they shouldnt give me **** in the beginning, dont judge me when you ranted and raved and called spendius names, a bit hypocritical as well as patronizing. The fact is he came out of nowhere and called me an opinated little snit and I hadn't even done anything. You both succeed in putting me down but fail to back up your arguments, you're insulting, cant debate for toffees, big headed and a hypocrite as well and don't inform me intelligently but rather berate me well done I would say men but you're not that high a level. You're both full of yourselves and quick to put others down, you're both very childish.Toodles
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2010 03:49 am
Calm down, Caroline. Farmer knows quite a lot. Have you taken his online name as a clue and thus demote him as a person with a brain? He does happen to farm. He does this and that otherwise.
Calling Spendius names sounds good to me (hi, spendi) but sad to me to say, he's agile with language.
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2010 04:07 am
Yeah I know he knows a lot because I checked his profile ages ago when he actaully made a positive constructive and more importantly progressive comment on global pollution,which I was chuffed because it meant he knew what he was talking about, he's just jumped in because he didn't like the way I spoke to george and I think that is unfair for farmerman for putting me down because I gave george hell and putting me down because I'm naive about a lot of things, not once did he take time out to explain why my views are not worthy, (his words) and I find that dull, very dull.

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