Our planet is being destroyed, does anybody care?

Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2010 03:30 pm
Could you tell me if the ladies on the "Romance Novel-a collective effort" thread are joking. I'm at a loss how to proceed.
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2010 03:35 pm
spendius wrote:

Could you tell me if the ladies on the "Romance Novel-a collective effort" thread are joking. I'm at a loss how to proceed.

This is some strange ****.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2010 04:47 pm
11 people dead, millions of gallons of oil flowing unrestrainedly into the water, oil washing ashore, hurricane season coming on -
The problem is, this scenario is guaranteed for a few repeats, because drilling is allowed to proceed with few changes of safety procedure. I wish Obama's directive had not been overturned.

Erika Bolstad
McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — Some of the economic consequences of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill may take years to identify, and BP's compensation fund should be flexible enough to account for long-term losses, a panel of experts from Alaska's Exxon Valdez tanker spill told a Senate committee Tuesday.

Some of those damages are difficult to quantify, said Brian O'Neill, a Minnesota attorney who spent two decades shepherding through the court system the lawsuit fishermen and business owners filed against Exxon after its 1989 oil spill in Prince William Sound.

The collapse of the herring fishery, for example, couldn't be fully anticipated until nearly a decade after 11 million gallons of oil spilled into the sound, he told the Senate Judiciary Committee. And it's difficult, too, to measure the long-term mental health effects of waiting for two decades for the litigation against the oil giant to be resolved, O'Neill said.

Even while BP works to permanently cap its runaway oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, there are many lessons they can learn from the 1989 oil spill in Alaska, said Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., who led Tuesday's meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Exxon, she warned, "used every legal trick in the book" to prolong the litigation against the company and postpone paying punitive damages.

"While BP's executives sound outraged and contrite now, who's to say that won't change in two to three years?" Klobuchar said. "In the immediate aftermath of Exxon Valdez, Exxon's top executives were publically repentant. But once they were behind the courtroom doors, they sang a very different tune."

O'Neill told the committee that the compensation structure — such as the fund established by BP last month after negotiations with the White House — needs to address people's immediate needs. However, it also must account for damages that may not be clear right away, such as if a fishery never recovers. It might be optimistic for the administrator of the $20 billion BP compensation fund, Kenneth Feinberg, to expect to have all claims paid in just a few years, O'Neill said.

"The inability to know the impacts of the spill are inherent in oil spills," O'Neill said. "In three or four years, you're still not going to know what the impact of the spill is." It took 15 years for Cordova to recover economically, noted Joe Banta, a native of the town who now works as a project manager with the Prince William Sound Citizens' Regional Advisory Council, an independent group that is funded by the industry but serves as a watchdog on behalf of oil patch communities.

"Our hearts go out to the folks down there," he said of the Gulf of Mexico. "We can definitely relate to that, unfortunately."

Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2010 05:01 pm
The real tragedy is that thousands of gallons of one of our most precious commodities was wasted! All that poor, poor black gold gone, lots even washing up on shorelines. Horrific.
Random Article wrote:
However, it also must account for damages that may not be clear right away, such as if a fishery never recovers.

I suppose some people may have to change their diets then. Not a problem, we'll just butcher more cows. Don't worry folks, we'll keep the protein comin'!
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2010 05:13 pm
Brian O'Neill, a Minnesota attorney who spent two decades shepherding through the court system the lawsuit fishermen and business owners filed against Exxon after its 1989 oil spill in Prince William Sound.

I think you will find ed if you go into these things scientifically that what Mr O'Neill was "shepherding through the court system" was legal permission to send out large invoices. Had he been retained by Exxon he can be absolutely relied upon to have taken a 180 degree opposite position to that which you are reporting he took. I trust we won't find you singing "While Sheperds Watched their Flocks by Night" next time the anniversary of the birth of Our Lord Jesus comes around.

It might be optimistic for the administrator of the $20 billion BP compensation fund, Kenneth Feinberg, to expect to have all claims paid in just a few years, O'Neill said.

It might be more than optimistic. It might well be a delusion out the other side of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

They are still wringing their hands on Bophal.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2010 11:19 pm
In my op I didn't mean totally wipe out the planet, I know that would be a pretty hard thing to do, what I meant was destruction which is obviously not a good thing, we are slowly polluting our environment, destroying parts of the ozone layer for example.

Now I know what propagandists are and I still think I get information from non-biased scientists, believe it or not they do exist! Nobody cares about the wildlife affected by oil spills because it's not important to them but these are innocent creatures and it's not ethical, it's not ethical to wipe out/extinct any animals, just because it's not important to you doesn't make it right or you should not be bothered by it, why? As long as I'm alright Jack, is the typical attitude of a person who doesn't really care what happens to the environment and you should, you bloody live in it you should look after it and respect it, it's the right thing to do but some people just don't care which is bloody arrogant.

I hear the words propaganda, don't panic, hysteria etc etc but the people who screamed this have not once disproved evidence such as raw sewage, carbon emissions from cars and deforestation all of which if left unchecked will speed up our extinction by making the planet uninhabital for humans, I never claimed at what speed, noone knows but what I will say is why? Money that's why and that's what makes it so ridiculas and stupid, so while some say shut up you're being hysterical I can't help but notice the species wiped out by deforestation, the masses of plastic in the sea and so on, what do you think will happen if we dont stop and continue, the place will be a less nicer place to live in, we will have lost species, beautiful beaches become nasty places with rubbish on them, for example. So what, (so selfish), I happen to appreciate these things, appreciate a bird that can fly and not die because it's covered in our oil spill, I happen to appreciate beautiful things, the clear clean ocean and why shouldn't I? I appreciate life. Dont tell me to not to worry about these things and just sit back because that's a cop out, that's not taking responsibilty for the destruction that us humans are doing to this planet, I hear people say in this thread we can never destroy the planet but that was never the issue, we will leave it with less beauty and less species and to me thats a shame and down right irresponsible. It's our habitat and theirs and we should look after it and with stop finding excuses such as this is not real it's propaganda, ignoring enviromental problems all together, that is just sticking your head in the sand.

Am I being hysterical, am I shouting panic, no I'm not and that is pretty patronising if that's what you say to me, I've highlighted real problems with hard evidence, I'm not saying you don't accept them, what I am saying is that you accept them and chose not to care which is what my op is all about not some obvious thing like we can't destroy the earth, I mean do I really have to watch what I say, as I said before you're missing the point.

Remember this when another species becomes extinct your not only depriving yourself, (that's if you care), but you're also depriving all the generations to come which is again irresponsible and arrogant to presume that others wont appreciate it.

Again I will say, why ruin the sea? How can you find pollution acceptable, you say it's alright, we're not damaging much, you think? Like I said they are some genuine scientists out there, not everyone is propagandist. As demonstrated by someone in this thread, the long term effects of an oil spill is more than we think, not to me, it makes sense. My key issue is as with others is it'll reach a point where the damage is irreversable then we'll truly be fucked. What I don't understand is you not only push enviromental issues to the side with rubbish such as propaganda but that you haven't critically thought about all the evidence, what is obviously real such as deforestation, using the sea as our dumping ground, etc, so I do wonder where your thinking is at and not only that it makes me angry that people base there views on what? Are you a scientist, how do you know what's really happening, right you don't so you choose to believe that it's not an issue, based on what? You dont know for sure and since not every enviromentallist and scientist is a propagandist I do wonder about your judgement.

My point is why pollute the beautiful planet we live in? It shows lack of respect and lack of intelligence because I can't help think it's downright arrogance.

Here's a fact, we are cutting down our forests for money, we won't make paper out of hemp because of money, we put money first, what is the most important, commen sense says to me planet first, it's where we live, so man has got it wrong, we wont change the fuel in our cars because why? Money! I'm sorry but that seems the stupid thing to do. Not to mention the species that are wiped out along with deforestation, we are recording as many species possible in the forest because we know they are becoming extinct, that to me is a shame in itself, some may not care and disagree but I think that is just arrogance.

Dont tell me to check out my sources, not everyone is lying, dont be so paranoid and arrogant in thinking that every scientist or documentary is a lie, besides the truth is hard to escape, our sea is our dumping ground, do you think the sea is neverending, no it isn't so it will bite us on the ass one day, our fishing will be fucked for one thing, how long do you think the pollution in the sea will effect us through the food chain for one example, never? Don't be stupid. When a scientist says the caps our melting and the polar bears are drowning, I do get upset, dont tell me to check my sources as they are lying because I dont believe everyone is a liar and they are not, so far that accusation/statement is based on an unrealistic assumption, that all enviromentallists are liars and every scientists is a liar, what planet do you live on?

I make my assumptions on hard facts and real evidence, someone in this thread fishes in Hawaii and has seen the plastic, that is evidence pratically first hand, is he lying, like hell, he has environmental concerns not a hidden aggenda. So sit back in your armchair and try to shout me down with words like hysterical, propagandists etc etc, but I deal with the issues and am responsible and care about our enviroment and all that lives within it, I appreciate it's beauty and beauty in animals, just because it doesn't effect me in my day to day living doesn't mean I can shirk responsibilty and slowly pollute/destroy this planet for the next generation because they will say to you, you irresponsible greedy arrogant bastards because if we continue then it's obvious it'll be fucked, propaganda? Nah mate it's just common sense, try it and you might give to the world instead of take take take all the time, become unselfish and care about the animals and the 1000year old trees cut down because of money, I mean does this make sense-cut down the trees because we wont use non-damaging resources because of money, hey you may not appreciate the beauty of an old tree but they are our lungs, no propaganda there, doesn't it make sense, isnt it logical to use something else other then our lungs?

Here's the news, they are not all loony enivormentallists or propagandists, these are facts, how can you disagree with facts if you haven't gone out there to see for yourself, why are you assuming some belief that they are all lying without finding out yourself, maybe for your own reasons you are easliy persuaded and disregard the rest, being selective in your hearing which is niave, dumb and unrealistic. For me I know the forests and being cut down, etc etc by hearing what people have to say, I don't have to go out there and see before making a final judgement because man has always been greedy as far as money is concerned, we rather cut down our lungs, (man that's dumb), then find a better resourse, we'd rather pollute our atmospehere with carbon emissions then change from gas to green fuels, in other words we'd rather kill ourselves because we are selfish.

Some people think it's ok to trash the world because it wont happen in their lifetime, there are some rich bastards who'd rather cut down our lungs because money is in it for them and they'll be dead by the time the **** hits the fan, shirking their responsibilites towards the following generations, selfish!

This is what's really going on, not at all propagandists or looney enviromentallist banging on again, don't use them for an excuse to ignore the issues because that is dangerous and stupid. We have a responsibilty to treat this world with respect so we can continue to live in it for eons to come, for some and me, appreciate it and all the beauty it has to offer, to pollute it is to take it for granted, some of you don't care, then don't but don't tell me Im full of **** for giving a dam, if you live without appreaciation then your missing out and it must be a sad world you live in.

I for one would like for instance to see the future of our beaches remain clean and beautiful, why dont you? Why don't you care and I'm not taking any excuses that global warming is a myth, that's just very ill informed but it seems to me people look for any excuse, why is beyond me, why do some choose to stick there head in the sand and pretend it isn't happening and reel off reasons why they think is a lie, is really beyond me. Yes I care about bears drowing, I can't help it and why shouldn't I care, doesn't that show empathy, concern, responsibilty and compassion, all good qualities in a human, I don't care if you laugh at me if I cry when watching a polar bear drown, it's not funny and someone has to look out for the animals.

Man just takes takes takes and all over the world people are rescuing animals, conserving the enviroment etc not because they are loony enviromentallist but because this is our habitat with beautiful things in it and life is better that way, if it doesn't enrich your life then you are sadly lacking. The selfish are just that and do not lead happy lives, so carry on with your excuses, your reasons that it's all just a myth while the rich get richer and the dumb animals suffer but you dont care that is apparent well I do and I dont care what you think and I dont care for your excuses, im glad that there are people fighting the causes, (wether it'll be enough remains to be seen), to them I give my respect, they are doing something worthwhile like getting out there and trying to save the polar bears, what have you done other than sit back and shout down the environmetallists saying it's propaganda, do you do anything to contribute or do you shirk responsibilty, do think you are not responsible? Well you are, we all our.

As you can see I'm passionate about enviromental issues, because as humans we are unique, wonderful, why wouldn't anyone wish to see us preserved?

Im not saying there aren't propagandists out there but there are those who are not and we shouldn't be shirking our responsibilities, we owe it to ourselves, our environment and future generations, to shirk responsibilties with what ever excuse is selfish, stupid, destructive, harmful to all and cowardly. Now I for one hope that we do step up to the plate and start pulling our finger out such as using green fuel in cars, stop cutting the forests down, I have to be optomistic or else I just become depressed and dispair, which I do sometimes but will it be too late? Nobody really knows which is why we have scientists to analyse, we have to rely on these scientists as we are not scientists ourselves, yes they may get it wrong but the one thing that runs through all what alot say is that we have to stop polluting or we will see the devasting results probably in this life time and yet we still do nothing because of money.

We should all be concerned and maybe we can make a difference but we are not currently doing enough which is depressing. Dont tell me it isnt real because i just dont believe you, i believe there are propagandists like you say but I don't allow that to cloud my judgement, I've heard from people who have no reason to lie about all the enviromental issues I have previoulsy mentioned and it gives me and others concern for our beautiful habitat, we are destroying our habitat whether you like it or not and yes I know we cant completely destroy our planet thank you, that wasn't my point which you missed.

Statements like loony enviromentalist and propaganda makes me proud that I got my facts straight and that I do care because anything else shows no compassion for the world we live in and what a dire world that'd be to live in. I appreciate animals, I love animals and who are we to destroy them? It's not ethical, they are vulnerable to us, we have a respsonsibilty not to harm them but not only do we wipe species out we dont care, how cruel, we have no right to do that, just because we have more power over them doesn't give us the right to wipe them out, they have just as much right to be on this planet then we do and if we dont recognise that than we lack a quality that makes us whole, respect for other beings is not a weakness its a strength, it shows we live side by side with respect for other living creatures but we are killing them and taking away there eniviroment for greed, this is the wrong path as anyone can see so why do we do it, I don't know but if it pollution continues the rate its going it will bite us on the ass, that much is clear, from a dissapearing ozone layer to wiping out innocent species, one thing is clear we are destructive as opposed to creative which is a shame, which is what the op was all about, not about propagandists or how we cant actually destroy the planet, please give me a break, it's about facts and what will happen if man continues to destroy its habitat or pollutes it so we cant live in it, I know we cant destroy it completely but thanks for highlighting it.!

On another subject we dont treat fellow humans too well, we sell arms to make a fast buck to people who gone on to murder innocent children and people, but we dont care as long as it doesn't happen to us, tut, which is why I admire people like anmesty international, they do something about it they dont sit back and do nothing and give a load a bull why we shouldn't worry and do nothing. If it's wrong then why do we let it go, we have never had it so easy, your lucky you're not born in Africa in the middle of a war zone and it's not their fault, we sell guns to them, yeah we send in the UN but half of them are bent, why not send in real help, where do you think they get the guns from and all to make a fast buck, how do these people live with themselves, I'll tell you how in their big massions, greed but it has blood on it.

I have a conscience and when I talk about these issues it's because I have a conscience, many men have sold theirs to live in luxory but is that what life is really about, of course not and it's not happiness, they are not whole, complete because they are weak, succombed to greed which comes with a price on it, blood, if we didn't want our diamonds or big manisions do you think there would be less suffering in the world, (do you care?) of course, we want want want, materialistic which causes suffering and is polluting our planet, again which is why i respect groups like anmesty international, they try to stop the killing, people dont care because it doesnt happen in the west, whatever happened to do unto others as you would have done to you? Values and morals disappear when the dollar signs our in the eyes, I like money but I'd rather be poor if it meant noone died or suffered. If I was in a position where I knew innocent people died if I sold them arms, what would I do, well I have a conscience so I wouldn't do it, go home and be poor and feel better and happier for it, I have to answer to myself. I have a friend who went to Africa and he saw a family gunned down and he was sobbing for hours, why should it happen to them so someone can afford diamonds, it's just wrong and unethical.

So I think people who pay no attention to the suffering of others or animals are living without a conscience and rather live in the clouds because it's easier, it's easier not to care, the type of person who'd kill a spider rather then put it outside, all creatures on this earth deserve to be here and no one has the right to cause suffering in others but we do for money and diamonds, (for example), and it's shallow, why not give life instead of take, it enriches your life, what I'm saying is we are also taking away our benefits, gratitude for giving life, the rewards are far greater and worthwhile than a fast buck. We are cutting our own noses off to spite our faces and we cant even see it which is why I think man is dumb.

What I would like to see is the governments, the powers that be do a lot more, sort out greener fuels for transports, stop cutting our lungs down and control the population, (taking away freedoms is just a dumb excuse to stop over population), I would also like to see more outside involvement in Africa where innocent people and children die during civil war, we are lucky and in a position to help so why don't we, some do, some join activists groups and I really admire them, all I found that I could do to help the polar bears was to donate money, what can you do.

Is man really ignorant or just playing for time, do you really think we'll change, do something before it's too late or just carry on destroying and killing, (whether that's second hand killing by selling arms and btw why dont we intervene in civil wars in Africa, it's normally caused by some power hungry murderer).

I don't let these things get to me, I live my normal life, but I live in hope and wish I had the power to make a difference especially for the innocent children living and dying in war zones and animals because they are innocent and need us adults to protect them and look out for them. I'm very aware of real problems and realise it boils down to greed which is a shallow thing, it holds no real power, no enrichment of life and your left very alone with your money, what will you take to the grave your conscience or your money, did you try to change the world for the good, I did, I tried and am trying and you can call me a loony environmentalist, are they all loonys? I know it's because im not loony, I am an environmentalist as we all should be, it's because I care and that's what makes me compassionate and active as we all should be trying to make the world a better place for all to live in, how far are we from that?

Why does it make it alright for children in Africa to be gunned down during a civil war? It's not alright is it? But it goes on, why? Do we let it? because they get away with it? one things for sure we're dam lucky to be born here so how does it make it fair, it's not fair, we don't live in fear, in a war zone and we wouldn't want to so why do we expect others to, maybe they are hoping for the humane thing to do and outside help will intervene, don't we have morals, a sense what is right and wrong, we see dying Africans on the telly, the results of a greedy maniac trying to get power and riches, do we sit back, yes we do, for some of us we know we are pretty much powerless, but for others, lets face it, as long as it's not happening in my backyard.

Ignorance is not bliss, it's turning a blind eye and I can't do that, I will be concerned with any issue when something is destructive, murdering, because I have values and that's important, I will always be passionate when the innocent have no power or control over there suffering because it is wrong, do you think Africa should've been starving when there is so much abundance in the world, should one child suffer, yours dont why should they? It's what is just and I think man forgets all of these qualities, what is just, what is ethical, good strong morals and these qualities are important, they are the very fabric that bring us together as intelligent human beings which is why I think there should be no reason for any suffering in the world, and there shouldn't be, not in todays world, there is no good enough reason for it, so I'm also disappointed in man for his weakness, his sub-coming to greed and his blindness to him causing suffering but most of all for not have the sense to see that to give in life is so much more, to enrich his very fabric and to learn what it is to be human, kindness is not a weakness, it's a strength, if we gave to the environment it'll enrich us and give us far more back and we could reap the benefits which no doubt would be more workable then what we are doing to it now.

I do little things, like always kind to animals, sometimes I'll feed the swans on the river and I sigh with joy when I see the cute fluffy signets during spring. Life can be wonderful, creative and a joy, why damage our habitat? It doesn't make sense, as I said, I'm in hope that we do something and I will always try to do my bit, be kind to each other, be kind to your environment, reap and enjoy the results, that makes sense, have a conscience, respect yourself, have high expectations in your morals and values and others will respect you for it. Dont put others down that have done you know wrong, the same goes for the environment, dont destroy it or its creatures. At least I can live with myself which is far more important then making a fast buck, it has value, money is empty. I don't think I exaggerate, I defy anyone to prove me wrong. The reason I'm like this, so concerned with these issues is because of all the reasons I explained before and there are many others doing worthwhile things and giving to others, I think if we all gave a little and stopped being so selfish and concerned ourselves with what is wrong in the world instead of caught up in our own little world all of the time, then we'd all be better for it but we don't because it's not profitable.

So can we make giving profitable, they gave money to companies to stop polluting the rivers which was a really good idea, make not polluting profitable, which is the way I was hoping we would go but some countries cant even afford to treat their own sewage. I think we have to work as a collective on a global scale, don't tell me we can't pool money on environmental problems, christ I bet we spend more on arms, so there's no excuse, that's it there's no excuse, we are responsible so don't tell me it's lies, that just makes me angry because your ignoring the issue, to not be responsible is to be a coward, weak, can't do anything, bull, don't give me that bull, you can take responsibility for polluting the environment if you cant do that then your copping out.

We are polluting on a massive scale, think about it, think about the packaging foods come in, where do you think that goes, billions and billions of packaging containing plastic, we have no real idea the scale of our pollution but I'll bet it's bigger then you thought. One plastic bag takes over 100 years to break down, how many plastic bags do you think the whole world uses in one day, a lot thats for sure, so the environment isnt going to sustain this forever, it makes sense to make big but not disruptive, easy changes, this is to me making sense of it all which is why I don't believe all environmentalists are propagandists, as I said before the evidence is in your face, plastic bags, we use tons of them do you think the planet is an endless dumping ground, and at some point it has to stop, sooner rather then later would be the intelligent thing to do, are we intelligent human beings then why sell ourselves short which is why I always come to the same conclusion man is greedy and stupid.
P.S. Zeth this post is not directed at you it just started out that way, ok cheers.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2010 11:20 pm
Holy ****, Caroline. That has to be one of the biggest walls of legible text I've ever seen. I mean, you didn't just scribble; there are actually complete sentences and thoughts.

I really have to stand in awe. Give me a few moments.
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2010 11:33 pm
I know it took me all night. Cheers
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 03:45 am
kennethamy wrote:

Caroline wrote:

Im not exaggerating Ken, it's the truth, people are told that when on holiday to watch out for floaters. I think it's a shame.

The existence of oil spills and garbage in the ocean is not the same as the destruction of the planet. It is a problem, not doomsday. As I have already pointed out, parading environmental problems as doomsday scenarios only weakens your case. Why you (and others) don't realize that, I simply don't know. People are making jokes about environmentalism now and taking it much less seriously than it deserves because of the wild exaggerations. You have to watch out for floaters, and you talk as if that meant the end of the world.

Although I said the planet is being destroyed, I meant we are destroying it, the environment, for christ sake don't argue semantics. I didn't say it's destroyed. I've never heard anyone making jokes about environmentalism, even so I think global pollution is a serious problem and I'm sorry people see it as joke, despite the jokes you've heard you can still make a clear judgement. It is you who has found doomsday in the title of the thread, surely you can see from my post that my concerns are pollution, a slow form of destruction I might ad so we are destroying the planet but not completely but I never said that, christ why did you take it out of context, does my post scream of hysteria, doomsday? no it does not so you are at fault for taking it out of context for christ sake. I talk about floaters as if it's polluting the sea on a massive scale, I don't see where you got the end of the world from dont be so patronizing, my post is clear, it talks about billions of raw sewage being dumped into the sea, a concern, not the end of the world thank you. My facts are accurate not wild exaggerations, you check out the facts before you make accusations and make yourself look stupid. Anyone can see from my op I have genuine concern over environmental issues, not such a bad thing, shame some people can't see past their own accusations to the real problem, maybe you listen to those environmental jokes to much and don't take it as seriously as you should!
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 04:49 am
In the US, "environmentalism" has tken some major hits by a looney right wing branch of the GOP and its hired shock jocks. In actuality, the environmental movement owes much of its birth and developmen t to the GOP. Guys like Limbo want to divorce themselves from this legacy opf GOP politics and they want to bury the memories of the HEinz, Scrantons, Chaffees, Nixon,Ford etc.
When environmentalism is no longer a dirty word and these attack dogs are put in theoir cages pwermanently, maybe we can develop an environmental outlook thats built on sustainable development, good stewardship, ramping down sprawl and making environmental policy good economics.

Somewhere between the strident bullshit of bothextremes lies some sense.
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 04:52 am
I don't know what happens in the US, I live in the UK and Im not up to date with these things but thanks for taking time out to explain. Yes lets cut through the bull **** and build sustainable development and make environmental policy good economics, best bit of sense I've heard for a long time in this thread. But wouldn't it be sensible to address the real issues despite these attack dogs? In my previous posts I have talked about ethics, morals and values and showed concern over what is a concern which takes me back to my op, my worry is we wont do something soon enough and the damage will be done, this is not a unreasonable assumption, given that all my information is non-political and not propagandists, it's people showing genuine concern for their environment and what is wrong with that, I feel some people in this thread have been easy to assume I'm talking rubbish without any real evidence which I find irresponsible. I've tried to present them with hard evidence to support my views, I am concerned and think we all should be.
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 05:18 am
I don't know why I have been accused of buying into propagandists and why certain people think there is no reason for concern as it's all lies, I've been accused of doomsday and hysteria when all I think is we should be kind to the environment and that it makes sense to do so. I've supported my claims with evidence proving I don't buy into propaganda and as I explained have never come across it before until now, I think it was a little unfair to not hear me out properly or give my post more credit after all I was showing genuine concern.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 05:21 am
Airy-fairy, high sounding nonsense fm. Politics is the art of the possible. We want to know how to do it. We all agree with everything you say when we are waving our arms about in the pub after a few pints and trying to sound compassionately responsible.

What do you do next? Take another 40 mile round trip in a gas guzzler for another pizza?
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 05:22 am
No we get on and do it, make these changes.
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 05:27 am
Oh yeah!! You should see the massive waste skips in the factories where they make the cables to transmit electricity from the offshore wind turbines.
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 05:30 am
What's your point spendy, that wind turbines are not a good idea after all? Or are you saying any kind of effort is useless? Because that would be cynical, hey didn't you say you were a cynical chap? I'm not, I'm an optimist, maybe dam foolish but there you go.
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 05:53 am
Well Caroline-we could reduce our consumption of electricity. I'll admit I do some driving in my job but in my leisure time I walk to wherever I go. Like the pub. I have had no car for ten years and I can easily afford a fleet.

I'm not an optimist. There's too much talk and not enough action. Talk without action just provides an excuse to imagine something is being done when it isn't.

What action do you recommend?
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 06:01 am
spendius wrote:
Caroline-we could reduce our consumption of electricity.
Yes we could, I agree.
spendius wrote:
I'll admit I do some driving in my job but in my leisure time I walk to wherever I go.
More people should be like you.

spendius wrote:
Im not an optimist. There's too much talk and not enough action. Talk without action just provides an excuse to imagine something is being done when it isn't.
This is too true.
spendius wrote:
What action do you recommend?
Have you read my long post at the top off this page, I'm no expert I just made suggestions on what I could see, this post should answer your question, if you dont mind taking five mins to read it, it's a bit long but an easy fast read, let me know what you think, thanks.
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Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 06:06 am
It seems that in America the only thing that motivates action is profit. When conservation becomes profitable then we will see action.
Until that time, proposed solutions will remain no more than propositions.
Reply Sun 1 Aug, 2010 06:09 am
Here's the jist of it-What I would like to see is the governments, the powers that be do a lot more, sort out greener fuels for transports, stop cutting our lungs down and control the population, (taking away freedoms is just a dumb excuse to stop over population), I would also like to see more outside involvement in Africa where innocent people and children die during civil war, we are lucky and in a position to help so why don't we, some do, some join activists groups and I really admire them, all I found that I could do to help the polar bears was to donate money, what can you do.
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