Interestingly, after the bombing of Pan Am103, Pan Am had a study done by a New York firm.
Quote:The shocking contents of this report ... were summarized in an November 1989 Toronto Star article headlined "Pan Am bomb linked to double -dealing CIA drug plot". According to the Star, the groups of CIA agents who died on Flight 103 were en route to the US to personally inform their superiors about another CIA clique (dubbed "CIA-1" in the Pan Am report) involved in an illegal arms and drugs operation to secure the release of American hostages held in Leabanon.
A pivotal figure in the hushed up affair was Manzar Al-Kassar, the Syrian heroin dealer who supplied weapons to the Nicaraguan contras (at Oliver North's behest) [which of course had nothing to do with US government terrorism. I know this because Cycloptichorn tells me that the US government doesn't do terrorism] and to Arab terrorists.
At one point, said the Star, CIA-1 learned from Al-Kassar of a plot by [Ahmed] Jibril to bomb Pan Am Flight 103, but CIA oficials, fearing they might blow Al-Kassar's cover and jeopardize the hostage rescue scheme, never conveyed this information to the appropriate authorities.
Unreliable Sources - by MA Lee and N Solomon
Did this report jumpstart that always ready to seek the truth American media. Nope, "the American press dropped the story like a hot potato".