@Fatal Freedoms,
Freedoms, you are beginning to sound like a waste of my time. Get a hold of yourself man !
Fatal_Freedoms;70336 wrote:Science.
Consensus ? Polar Bears ? Wow you know the word Science - WOW ! That is no less than SEVEN letters ! You must be REALLY smart !
Fatal_Freedoms;70336 wrote:
Has that ever worked for anything?
works pretty good for preventing murder.
Fatal_Freedoms;70336 wrote:
"Puberty marks the point in human development where both males and females gain the capability to procreate. Puberty occurs during adolescence, which begins as early as age 10 and is usually completed by age 17. For girls, a rising level of oestrogen (female hormone) sets the process in motion. Pelvis and breast development are followed by a spurt in height and then the growth of underarm and pubic hair. Finally, menarche, the beginning of the first menstrual cycle, occurs. Ovulation does not automatically coincide with menarche. It may take as many as forty cycles for ovulation to become a regular part of the menstrual cycle. Though they are uniform in order, the age of onset, pace, and duration of these changes vary widely from one individual to another."
sorry genius, but i didn't find the part about sex being dangerous.
show me the science that shows sex hurts 13 year olds.
Fatal_Freedoms;70336 wrote:If the adult in this situation were really concerned they wouldn't be having sex with kids, in the first place.
aren't you repeating yourself now? isn't that exactly what you have already said? do you think if you repeat it enough times i will forget that i have already rebutted that point?
Fatal_Freedoms;70336 wrote:
You don't need to be mature to ride in a car, you do however need to be mature to drive one, and driving requires only one person
exactly right! all you have proven is that one of the two people in the intercourse must be an adult.
Fatal_Freedoms;70336 wrote:sex requires two people.
have you heard of masturbation?
sex doesn't require two DRIVERS. there needs to be at least one driver and he can take as many passengers on the ride with him as he wants.
Fatal_Freedoms;70336 wrote:
Your attempt to conflate riding in a car with driving one is transparent at best.
can you drive an unconscious person around ? yes.
can you have sex with an unconscious person ? yes.
can the unconscious person get killed by collision if you are not a responsible driver ? yes.
can the unconscious person get killed by AIDS if you are not a responsible ****** ? yes.
what is the difference ? tell me !
also if it's all about science and not hurting people then how come the age of consent is 14 in Japan - the world's most scientifically advanced country which also has the world's highest life expectancy ?
does the "science" change as you cross the ocean ? or maybe you are simply a BRAINWASHED LEMMING ?
you should read my latest article that i just posted on this forum. maybe it will help you figure out why you don't understand obvious things.