randyjohnson;60325 wrote:Because of George Bush, my parents are struggling to survive. My dad lost his weekly bonus at work and sometimes he's only able to work four days a week because of this recession.
I give my parents some money once a month but they're still struggling. My mom is having to use the little spending money she has to pay bills. They're barely able to make it.
If things get worse, my dad may be out of a job altogether and he may go under. Bush may have high hopes of getting us out of this recession but I have serious doubts.
Bush got us into this recession and many people like my dad are suffering. I doubt that John McCain can end this recession either.
Bush's dad also got us in a recession and it took a democrat to get us out of it. Republican Pesidents tend to get us into recessions. Democrat Presidents don't.
President Hoover was a republican and he was the President when the Great Depression began. At the moment George Bush is as popular as Hoover and that's not very popular.
I doubt that McCain can do a better job than Bush. On November the 4th Obama is going to be my choice.
As much as I loathe George Bush it is not his fault. We all have to take responsibility for our actions. Those who over streched themselves when taking on the prohibitivley large Mortgage, to the wheelers and dealers in the banking world who lent us more and more money until we couldn't borrow anymore or pay it back. No the state of the worlds ecconomy lies with the greed of everybody (myself included) who wanted everything NEW and NOW. What is happening now is a readjustment in the world ecconomy, how long it lasts will depend upon how much panic entails from the turbulence of the recent months.
The $700 Billion Dollar bail out is B/S, the banks get off scotfree for screwing up and Mr Joe Public has to bail their asses out while they sup pinocolada's on the Beach safe i nthe knowledge you guys are paying there wages and bonuses.
The scare mongering about a 1929 Wall Street crash may be true, but it wont affect pepole like it did last time, everyone had shares back then EVERYONE, how many poeple do you know that have a strong vested interest in stocks and shares,...me? Nobody. Sure people will lose jobs but at least your Government wont be saddled with a suffocating debt.