Why republicans oppose Public Option.

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 18 Nov, 2009 12:13 pm
@Josef cv,
Josef;69021 wrote:
Can you document any Americans going to Canada to receive medical attention? If not, admit you are a liar. Americans may go there to buy cheaper prescriptions, but that is because Canada punishes success just as you socialist/communists want America to do to her citizens.

Canada welcomes medical tourists | Marketplace From American Public Media

Americans Filching Free Health Care in Canada - The New York Times

It is not my concern to see to the health care of strangers, that is their job. You bleeding-hearts are good at spending other peoples' money. When I am forced to pay for a stranger's medical bills, I am not a free man, nor is anyone else. Maybe that concept is a little too difficult for a liberal to understand.

As a member of society, a society you benefit from, all members contribute to the well-being of the whole group.

It really just comes down to maintaining the status quo that you so benefit from. That's what it's really about.

The "status quo" as you call it, has served America well for over two centuries, and made us the envy of the civilized world. That is why people are literally dying to come here, old sport, notwithstanding your befuddled ideas.

The status quo has served the dominant group for well over two centuries. The staus quo exist to benefit those in power at the expense of everybody else.

Documentation, please. That is a remarkably ignorant statement.

Study: U.S. rich live longer, poor don't - UPI.com

Is this really news to anybody?

No, it requires the enslavement of the productive segment of the population by the indolent segment via the power of the government for the purpose of votes. You liberal socialists just don't get it. Haven't you ever heard of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs?

So it's enslavement when the government is doing it for the sole benefit of people but when large corporations are doing it for profit, then it's not enslavement?

Many Americans that have insurance are denied coverage for necessary operations because it's not covered in their insurance contract.

Then they made bad decisions in their selection of insurance policies. Duh!

Well, all insurance companies do it, and they have teams of lawyers. Doesn't really matter where you go.

I have no idea where you came up with that skewed and twisted data, but statistics can be made to prove anything you want them to. Personally, I will take my chances with my physician, who was educated and trained in the country that draws people seeking medical educations from around the world, America, instead of some sawbones in San Jose or Mexico City.

You honestly mean to tell me you've never ever heard that number before?

You [SIZE="4"]clearly[/SIZE] have not done any research or investigation on this subject, and have not considered both sides of the issue.

WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems

Your silly, little-boy cartoons are cute, do you read a lot of comic books?

No but I did own a spider-man comic once.

But the point of the comic was to show how this paranoia has evolved over the years and how each time this paranoia is rendered obsolete.
Reply Wed 18 Nov, 2009 01:36 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
I don't really get why people oppose public option. 45 million people don't have health care, out of 307 million Americans. That's 14.5% of Americans. 80% of them have jobs.
Number of people without health care in the US:
FASTSTATS - Health Insurance Coverage (only for those under 65)
Number of people in the US:
Number of people with jobs without healthcare in the US:
PBS- Healthcare Crisis: The Uninsured
I also fell in love with that 'status quo' statement made by Josef. It's ridiculous. Especially since we were the ones owning slaves, persecuting Native Americans for more than a century and a half (relocation, anyone?), persecuting immigrants (Chinese in California, anyone? Irish and Polish in New England, anyone?), women (no suffrage, even in the 'Evolution of Democracy' under Jackson's presidency?). Who's the only person who hasn't suffered? White Americans males. If you need me to provide proof for any of those, you obviously don't know your American history.
Also, pertaining socialism: if republicans are pro-limited government, than how come they are against socialism? Is it maybe because socialism changes the economy and threatens people in powers' money? Or is it because they're mindless hypocrites? Because I'm sure that socialism is not a republican thing. Where do republicans seem okay with limited government? Economic restrictions. The more that are lifted, the happier they are. And here's the thing: after the Great Depression, regulations have existed. Ever since Jimmy Carter, presidents and the government itself have been removing regulations just as the Republicans wanted. Guess who got richer? Bankers, loaners, entrepreneurs; basically, big-business men. Guess who got poorer as the economy reclined? The lower classes and middle classes. The regulations preventing banks from giving loans to those who can't pay it back was repealed by Jimmy Carter, and banks could begin pulling property from those who couldn't afford to return their loan. Etc, etc. You should know all the stuff going on with the economic recession. But guess what most republicans DON'T want back? REGULATIONS. Even though REMOVAL OF REGULATIONS caused this whole mess.
Josef cv
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 02:18 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;69024 wrote:
Canada welcomes medical tourists | Marketplace From American Public Media

Americans Filching Free Health Care in Canada - The New York Times
This is just indicative of the parasitic behavior that your precious collectist philosophy engenders, old sport. Parasites will always migrate to an easier source of sustenance. Those Americans who are stealing from the Canadian taxpayers by using their health care in this way are the same ilk who refuse to provide for themselves in their native country. A tick or a leech will always suck on the most beneficial "donor." This only serves to illustrate the nature of the collectivist beast; when a dog scratches a flea, the flea will jump to another dog if one is available. It says nothing of the values of the systems in question.

As a member of society, a society you benefit from, all members contribute to the well-being of the whole group.
What do the parasites contribute? Why is it that the only ones who are castigated by people like you are the productive tax payers?

It really just comes down to maintaining the status quo that you so benefit from. That's what it's really about.
It's called "enlightened self-interest," old sport.

The status quo has served the dominant group for well over two centuries. The staus quo exist to benefit those in power at the expense of everybody else.
Parasites are risking their lives daily to come here and avail themselves of this status quo, my friend. What other nation has such a problem? Why is it that the lower races always want to be where the white man is in the majority?

So it's enslavement when the government is doing it for the sole benefit of people but when large corporations are doing it for profit, then it's not enslavement?
When did I ever say that, Shlomo?

Many Americans that have insurance are denied coverage for necessary operations because it's not covered in their insurance contract.
If it's not covered in their policies, they should get policies that do cover their needs, but it isn't my problem, in any case.

Well, all insurance companies do it, and they have teams of lawyers. Doesn't really matter where you go.
If you are saying the insurance companies are doing something illegal, then you should file a law suit against them; if not, you should stop libeling them.

You honestly mean to tell me you've never ever heard that number before?
I have heard many numbers tossed about by collectivist zealots like you, but I give them little thought.

You [SIZE="4"]clearly[/SIZE] have not done any research or investigation on this subject, and have not considered both sides of the issue.
You would be surprised how much I have investigated this matter, pal; it's you who are the close-minded one, as are most zealots.

No but I did own a spider-man comic once.
That's odd, I took you more for a "Peanuts" fan.

But the point of the comic was to show how this paranoia has evolved over the years and how each time this paranoia is rendered obsolete.
Has the paranoia of the slaves of the U.S.S.R. been rendered obsolete? What about the Cubans - do you envy their lifestyle?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 06:03 am
@Josef cv,
Josef;69034 wrote:
Fatal_Freedoms;69024 wrote:

This is just indicative of the parasitic behavior that your precious collectist philosophy engenders, old sport. Parasites will always migrate to an easier source of sustenance. Those Americans who are stealing from the Canadian taxpayers by using their health care in this way are the same ilk who refuse to provide for themselves in their native country. A tick or a leech will always suck on the most beneficial "donor." This only serves to illustrate the nature of the collectivist beast; when a dog scratches a flea, the flea will jump to another dog if one is available. It says nothing of the values of the systems in question.

You thought it did not happen. So then you admit that I was right?

What do the parasites contribute? Why is it that the only ones who are castigated by people like you are the productive tax payers?

What parasites, you're gonna have to be more specific.


It's called "enlightened self-interest," old sport.

Pursuit of one's own self-interest at the expense of others is the epitome of IMMORAL.


Parasites are risking their lives daily to come here and avail themselves of this status quo, my friend. What other nation has such a problem?

The United Kingdom.

Why is it that the lower races always want to be where the white man is in the majority?

Statistically this doesn't make any sense.

If all non-whites (the majority of the world) wanted to live where whites were the majority, then whites wouldn't be the majority there anymore.


Dubai, the fastest growing city in the world | Editorial Column | AMEinfo.com


When did I ever say that, Shlomo?

It was the necessary implication for your statement to make any sense.

What would be the point in saying that one is enslavement if the other is as well?

If you are saying the insurance companies are doing something illegal, then you should file a law suit against them; if not, you should stop libeling them.

Like I said, they have teams of lawyers.


I have heard many numbers tossed about by collectivist zealots like you, but I give them little thought.

I'm sure there is little thought occurring at all inside your cranial capacity. :p


You would be surprised how much I have investigated this matter, pal; it's you who are the close-minded one, as are most zealots.

Any amount higher than "none" would surprise me. :thumbup:

But when you've never heard of the W.H.O. when making a statement about who has the best healthcare you clearly have not done enough (or any) research.


Has the paranoia of the slaves of the U.S.S.R. been rendered obsolete? What about the Cubans - do you envy their lifestyle?

Having A national healthcare system makes us comparable to the USSR?
Josef cv
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 06:55 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;69038 wrote:
Josef;69034 wrote:

You thought it did not happen. So then you admit that I was right?
You haven't been right since I started reading your childish posts. You are incapable of grasping any concepts except those the Zionist brain-washers have conditioned you to believe, which at least denotes a grain of consistency, if nothing else.

What parasites, you're gonna have to be more specific.(sic) (?)
The ones who go to Canada to take advantage of the Canadian taxpayers. Do you think the Canadians are any more happy about them sucking up their tax-paid facilities than we American are?

Pursuit of one's own self-interest at the expense of others is the epitome of IMMORAL.
Can you explain what the rationale is for this outlandish statement?

The United Kingdom.
Which is being innundated with mud-people to the extent that their country will soon be so bankrupt their ugly Queen will have to give up her royal jewels. Those Brits are getting so tired of smelly muddies they are now forming a Nazi Party.

Statistically this doesn't make any sense.
Yes it does.

If all non-whites (the majority of the world) wanted to live where whites were the majority, then whites wouldn't be the majority there anymore.
That is right, old sport. Once the primitives pollute the white gene pool, the country is lost to anarchy and chaos and degenerates to a diseased, backwater, third-world nation incapable of self-rule, just as in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, after the blacks massacred all the white French people and then wandered around like savages until Haiti became the toilet it is today.


Dubai, the fastest growing city in the world | Editorial Column | AMEinfo.com
"Fastest growing" means nothing old sport; would you want to be the host of the fastest growing cancer in the world? Dubai is dependent (there's that word again) on the civilized world's need for their major natural resource, oil, and when our need for oil is over, Dubai will without doubt regress to the sandlot it always was. You have no logic and no reason, my friend.

It was the necessary implication for your statement to make any sense.
Not at all, It is a very true and logical statement. It must be your feelings of frustration in looking so bad in this exchange of words that is causing you to become irrational.

What would be the point in saying that one is enslavement if the other is as well?
I have never said that I relish paying my tax money to be converted to the use of ANY entity if it isn't to my benefit. When the government steals from me to feed and care for lazy, indolent bums, it is an immoral act of theft. When the corporations manage to work within the law and retain as much of their own money as they can, it bothers me not at all. One case is of crime (theft), while the other is of good business practice. Corporations do not cause the government to rob me.

Like I said, they have teams of lawyers.
Which is not surprising, and is good business acumen. It shows they are doing what is right for their shareholders. Wouldn't you get lawyered up if you had millions of leeches and parasites screaming for you to give them your property?

I'm sure there is little thought occurring at all inside your cranial capacity. :p
And I'm sure you're sure of that.

Any amount higher than "none" would surprise me. :thumbup:

But when you've never heard of the W.H.O. when making a statement about who has the best healthcare you clearly have not done enough (or any) research.
Why do you make such idiotic statements as that, Shlomo? When have I said I am not familiar with the Neo-Con, One World Order, United Nations-affiliated, World Health Organization? You sure do make lots of untrue accusations. Is it because you feel so inferior to me, and are doing your best to ameliorate the obvious chasm between our minds?

Having A national healthcare system makes us comparable to the USSR?
It makes us more like the U.S.S.R. in that it is just one more incremental step toward the ultimate socialist goal of communism. Just like the neo-Nazis, you socialist morons are trying to bring back something that is Gone With The Wind. The only ones today who think there is a chance of that happening are grizzled old ex-hippie teachers, politicians, and their unwitting, naive, impressionable young
"grasshoppers" who are stupid enough to listen to their B.S.
Josef cv
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 07:36 am
bisurge;69027 wrote:
I don't really get why people oppose public option. 45 million people don't have health care, out of 307 million Americans. That's 14.5% of Americans. 80% of them have jobs.
Number of people without health care in the US:
FASTSTATS - Health Insurance Coverage (only for those under 65)
Number of people in the US:
Number of people with jobs without healthcare in the US:
PBS- Healthcare Crisis: The Uninsured
I also fell in love with that 'status quo' statement made by Josef. It's ridiculous. Especially since we were the ones owning slaves, persecuting Native Americans for more than a century and a half (relocation, anyone?), persecuting immigrants (Chinese in California, anyone? Irish and Polish in New England, anyone?), women (no suffrage, even in the 'Evolution of Democracy' under Jackson's presidency?). Who's the only person who hasn't suffered? White Americans males. If you need me to provide proof for any of those, you obviously don't know your American history.
Also, pertaining socialism: if republicans are pro-limited government, than how come they are against socialism? Is it maybe because socialism changes the economy and threatens people in powers' money? Or is it because they're mindless hypocrites? Because I'm sure that socialism is not a republican thing. Where do republicans seem okay with limited government? Economic restrictions. The more that are lifted, the happier they are. And here's the thing: after the Great Depression, regulations have existed. Ever since Jimmy Carter, presidents and the government itself have been removing regulations just as the Republicans wanted. Guess who got richer? Bankers, loaners, entrepreneurs; basically, big-business men. Guess who got poorer as the economy reclined? The lower classes and middle classes. The regulations preventing banks from giving loans to those who can't pay it back was repealed by Jimmy Carter, and banks could begin pulling property from those who couldn't afford to return their loan. Etc, etc. You should know all the stuff going on with the economic recession. But guess what most republicans DON'T want back? REGULATIONS. Even though REMOVAL OF REGULATIONS caused this whole mess.

Pal, take your propaganda over to Cuba and work for Fidel.
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 12:56 pm
@Josef cv,
Josef;69043 wrote:
Pal, take your propaganda over to Cuba and work for Fidel.

Do you want to know what's ironic about that? More people take republican propaganda (FOX News, anyone?) as fact instead of this stuff. You don't think that the current "status quo" is in favor of republicans? You didn't even TRY to counter what I said; you just say I've been listening to propaganda. Well, so have you, probably. And the fact is that I don't give a crap what people say if propaganda is right. Prove me wrong, and I'll give a crap.
Josef cv
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 02:45 am
bisurge;69065 wrote:
Do you want to know what's ironic about that? More people take republican propaganda (FOX News, anyone?) as fact instead of this stuff. You don't think that the current "status quo" is in favor of republicans? You didn't even TRY to counter what I said; you just say I've been listening to propaganda. Well, so have you, probably. And the fact is that I don't give a crap what people say if propaganda is right. Prove me wrong, and I'll give a crap.

I don't have to prove you're wrong, old sport, it is obvious to everyone that you are a young person still in the thrall of your idolized Zionist/socialist mentors who have been stuffing your head full of time-worn, shop-worn, trite, socialist/communist propaganda that most reasonable Americans find to be repulsive and dated. Wake up and join the 21st Century old sport, your ideas are as passe as the flat-earth theory.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 03:44 am
@Josef cv,
Josef;69042 wrote:

You haven't been right since I started reading your childish posts. You are incapable of grasping any concepts except those the Zionist brain-washers have conditioned you to believe, which at least denotes a grain of consistency, if nothing else.

Well I given you two articles showing americans DO go to canada for medical needs. If this is wrong them please demonstrate how this is wrong, if not then promptly admit you were wrong.

People like you don't like to admit when you are wrong, it's damaging to your pride. Surely a sign of arrogance.


What parasites, you're gonna have to be more specific.(sic) (?)
The ones who go to Canada to take advantage of the Canadian taxpayers. Do you think the Canadians are any more happy about them sucking up their tax-paid facilities than we American are?

So now you admit that Americans do go to Canada for medical needs. you just said I was never right, and now you've just ceded that i was right.

You're not very good at this "debate" thing.

Pursuit of one's own self-interest at the expense of others is the epitome of IMMORAL.
Can you explain what the rationale is for this outlandish statement?

Allowing others to suffer for your own gain, this is the definition of immoral.

The United Kingdom.
Which is being innundated with mud-people to the extent that their country will soon be so bankrupt their ugly Queen will have to give up her royal jewels. Those Brits are getting so tired of smelly muddies they are now forming a Nazi Party.

And so you admit that this wasn't just an American problem. By my count you've admitted I was right twice so far.

Statistically this doesn't make any sense.
Yes it does.


If all non-whites (the majority of the world) wanted to live where whites were the majority, then whites wouldn't be the majority there anymore.

That is right, old sport. Once the primitives pollute the white gene pool, the country is lost to anarchy and chaos and degenerates to a diseased, backwater, third-world nation incapable of self-rule, just as in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, after the blacks massacred all the white French people and then wandered around like savages until Haiti became the toilet it is today.

So why isn't that the case? if what you said was true there would be no white majorities anywhere. But of course there are.


Dubai, the fastest growing city in the world | Editorial Column | AMEinfo.com
"Fastest growing" means nothing old sport; would you want to be the host of the fastest growing cancer in the world? Dubai is dependent (there's that word again) on the civilized world's need for their major natural resource, oil, and when our need for oil is over, Dubai will without doubt regress to the sandlot it always was. You have no logic and no reason, my friend.

Well according to you all non-whites want to move to places where whites are the majority, and yet the place where most non-whites are moving to is Dubai...a place where whites are the minority.

ie...you're wrong.

What would be the point in saying that one is enslavement if the other is as well?
I have never said that I relish paying my tax money to be converted to the use of ANY entity if it isn't to my benefit. When the government steals from me to feed and care for lazy, indolent bums, it is an immoral act of theft. When the corporations manage to work within the law and retain as much of their own money as they can, it bothers me not at all. One case is of crime (theft), while the other is of good business practice. Corporations do not cause the government to rob me.

No you're just flip-flopping first it is, then it isn't now it is again...

is employment to a large corporation for profit, enslavement? yes or No?

Like I said, they have teams of lawyers.
Which is not surprising, and is good business acumen. It shows they are doing what is right for their shareholders. Wouldn't you get lawyered up if you had millions of leeches and parasites screaming for you to give them your property?

that's irrelevant, point is they can do what they want without much fear of what is legal or moral.

Any amount higher than "none" would surprise me. :thumbup:

But when you've never heard of the W.H.O. when making a statement about who has the best healthcare you clearly have not done enough (or any) research.
Why do you make such idiotic statements as that, Shlomo? When have I said I am not familiar with the Neo-Con, One World Order, United Nations-affiliated, World Health Organization? You sure do make lots of untrue accusations.

then why were you unware of the U.S. healthcare ranking?

Is it because you feel so inferior to me, and are doing your best to ameliorate the obvious chasm between our minds?[/COLOR]


Why would I feel inferior to a person who posses the intellect of a chihuahua?


Having A national healthcare system makes us comparable to the USSR?

It makes us more like the U.S.S.R.

Yeah, and painting myself yellow would make me more like a lemon.


in that it is just one more incremental step toward the ultimate socialist goal of communism.

And why do you think that's the goal? What is your evidence?


Just like the neo-Nazis, you socialist morons are trying to bring back something that is Gone With The Wind.

I am not a socialist I believe in mixed government.
Josef cv
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 04:26 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;69084 wrote:
Well I (sic)given (sic)you two articles showing americans DO go to canada(sic) for medical needs. If this is wrong them please demonstrate how this is wrong, if not then promptly admit you were wrong.
I said they go to Canada for cheap prescriptions, not medical procedures, old sock.

People like you don't like to admit when you are wrong, it's damaging to your pride. Surely a sign of arrogance.
If I am ever wrong, I will admit it, pal. I just haven't been wrong, and it tears your little ass up.

So now you admit that Americans do go to Canada for medical needs. you just said I was never right, and now you've just ceded that i was right.
See above reply, Shlomo.

You're not very good at this "debate" thing.
You continually expose your inexperience to debate by such things as the use of apostrophes when referring to it. If you continue to learn from experts like myself, you may someday be adequate in it, but that is yet to be seen.

Allowing others to suffer for your own gain, this is the definition of immoral.
No it isn't, what IS immoral is begging the government to use its power and guns to deprive hard-working people of their property for the benefit of lazy sluggards who are either unable or unwilling to care for themselves.

And so you admit that this wasn't just an American problem. By my count you've admitted I was right twice so far.
Then you should go back to grade school, if you have left it yet, and learn to count better.

Statistically this doesn't make any sense.
Yes it does.

So why isn't that the case? if what you said was true there would be no white majorities anywhere. But of course there are.
And they are rapidly shrinking due to the fact that modern methods of transportation and unenforced laws make the migration of mud-people much easier than in the past.

Well according to you all non-whites want to move to places where whites are the majority, and yet the place where most non-whites are moving to is Dubai...a place where whites are the minority.
I answered this before, but I will try again to edify your ignorance. If muddies are innundating Dubai, it has to be because they can get something there without working for it, and the main source of material goods in Dubai is the oil industry, which is the result of white men exploring for and drilling for it. Once the product of the white man's ingenuity is depleted, those itinerant parasites will follow the white man wherever he goes.

ie...you're wrong.
You wish, don't you?

No you're just flip-flopping first it is, then it isn't now it is again...

is employment to a large corporation for profit, enslavement? yes or No?
No, not to my way of thinking. What do you think?

that's irrelevant, point is they can do what they want without much fear of what is legal or moral.
When have any corporations broken the laws and gotten by with it? We hear every day about some Jewish exec getting found out for white-collar crimes. Business is unconcerned with morality - they aren't in business to be philanthropical, but to make money for their stockholders.

then why were you unware of the U.S. healthcare ranking?
I don't make a habit of checking any One World statistics, because they are never correct.

Is it because you feel so inferior to me, and are doing your best to ameliorate the obvious chasm between our minds?[/COLOR]

Laughing like that is psychotic, old sock.

Why would I feel inferior to a person who posses the intellect of a chihuahua?
Because yours is not that good.

- laughing at yourself?

Yeah, and painting myself yellow would make me more like a lemon.
It certainly would.

And why do you think that's the goal? What is your evidence?

Barack Obama, ACORN, the last elections, you, my years of studying, observation of events, reason, intelligence, ad nauseam ....

I am not a socialist I believe in mixed government.
You believe in mixing a lot of things.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 04:38 am
@Josef cv,
You missed the last two!
0 Replies
Josef cv
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 04:55 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
No I didn't.
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 11:29 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Josef, I noticed you enjoy insulting people, and furthermore still have not disproved my points.
You think almost 37 million Americans with jobs should not have healthcare? Just because 9 million of them don't have jobs?
Also, you talk about business and morality, yet people in power are often religious. Shouldn't they be following THEIR morals while doing business? Because they sure don't.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 03:40 pm
@Josef cv,
Josef;69093 wrote:
No I didn't.

Yes, you did. I can see you edited it. All is forgiven.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 20 Nov, 2009 04:12 pm
@Josef cv,
Josef;69088 wrote:

I said they go to Canada for cheap prescriptions, not medical procedures, old sock.

I didn't say procedures I said care.

But of course Americans do both.

If I am ever wrong, I will admit it, pal.

You have already been wrong on numerous occasions. You still haven't admitted that I haven't made any spelling mistakes since you've been here, however irrelevant it may be it shows your inability or refusal to admit defeat.


You're not very good at this "debate" thing.
You continually expose your inexperience to debate by such things as the use of apostrophes when referring to it.

You mean -- it's --??

yeah it means "it is"

If you continue to learn from experts like myself, you may someday be adequate in it, but that is yet to be seen.

You are nothing but a pompous fool.


Allowing others to suffer for your own gain, this is the definition of immoral.
No it isn't, what IS immoral is begging the government to use its power and guns to deprive hard-working people of their property for the benefit of lazy sluggards who are either unable or unwilling to care for themselves.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Your statement being true does not make mine false.


And so you admit that this wasn't just an American problem. By my count you've admitted I was right twice so far.
Then you should go back to grade school, if you have left it yet, and learn to count better.

Josef: What other nation has that problem?

Fatal: The United Kingdom.

Josef: Which is being innundated....

Fatal: So you admit that the US isn't the only country?


I've also noticed that after you asked for evidence that the rich live longer, and I gave you evidence you've dropped the whole subject.


So why isn't that the case? if what you said was true there would be no white majorities anywhere. But of course there are.
And they are rapidly shrinking due to the fact that modern methods of transportation and unenforced laws make the migration of mud-people much easier than in the past.

see example below



Well according to you all non-whites want to move to places where whites are the majority, and yet the place where most non-whites are moving to is Dubai...a place where whites are the minority.

I answered this before, but I will try again to edify your ignorance. If muddies are innundating Dubai, it has to be because...

it doesn't really matter what the reason is, the fact is that it refutes your claim.


No you're just flip-flopping first it is, then it isn't now it is again...

is employment to a large corporation for profit, enslavement? yes or No?
No, not to my way of thinking. What do you think?

Fatal: ...but when large corporations are doing it for profit, then it's not enslavement?

Josef: When did I ever say that, Shlomo?


Fatal: So is it enslavement?

Josef: No, not by my way of thinking.

Interesting...to see how you keep changing your position...


When have any corporations broken the laws and gotten by with it?

Do you believe they don't?

Business is unconcerned with morality - they aren't in business to be philanthropical, but to make money for their stockholders.

But as human beings it's our moral imperative.


then why were you unware of the U.S. healthcare ranking?
I don't make a habit of checking any One World statistics, because they are never correct.

To be honest I don't think you check any statistics. Your views are not based on evidence but on the need to feel better about yourself.


Is it because you feel so inferior to me, and are doing your best to ameliorate the obvious chasm between our minds?[/COLOR]

If I was doing that then I would be using smaller words.


Yeah, and painting myself yellow would make me more like a lemon.
It certainly would.

So, just become one thing is more like something else doesn't make the two entities comparable in any respect. Your argument is bunk.


And why do you think that's the goal? What is your evidence?

Barack Obama, ACORN, the last elections, you, my years of studying, observation of events, reason, intelligence, ad nauseam ....

Sorry, you going to have to be much more specific, random personal observations do not constitute evidence.

You believe in mixing a lot of things.

If by that you mean "races", then I would say I do not oppose it. To each his own.

If a man wishes to engage himself with a woman of another race that is his concern not yours.
Reply Sat 21 Nov, 2009 12:15 am
@Josef cv,
Josef;68999 wrote:
No, only those that are used for purposes that do not benefit me.

So I can refuse to pay for those things that benefit you, but not me?


Not 2,000 pages of reform.

Does it matter if its 2 pages or 2000? If it gets the job done, it shouldn't.

PATRIOT was 400 pages and a dismal failure in terms of prevention and liberties... by your measurement it should be the opposite.
Josef cv
Reply Sat 21 Nov, 2009 01:37 am
bisurge;69100 wrote:
Josef, I noticed you enjoy insulting people, and furthermore still have not disproved my points.
You think almost 37 million Americans with jobs should not have healthcare? Just because 9 million of them don't have jobs?
I think everyone who wants health care should have it. I just don't think the ones who don't have it should be able to use the government as an insytrument of plunder to rob me of my property at the point of a gun for the purpose of giving it to people who are strangers to me, and who are probably able to afford their own insurance if they would budget their money for it instead of wasting it on unnecessary things like drugs, alcohol, gold teeth, hair weaves, bling-bling, , flashy spinner wheel covers, and the many other things they throw their welfare money away on.

Also, you talk about business and morality, yet people in power are often religious. Shouldn't they be following THEIR morals while doing business? Because they sure don't.
They have the right to do whatever they want to do with their property. They may be following their own morality. People sometimes disagree on what is moral, just as you and I do. I feel it is immoral to use the power of government to rob people of their money for the purpose of vote-getting.
0 Replies
Josef cv
Reply Sat 21 Nov, 2009 01:44 am
Sabz5150;69118 wrote:
So I can refuse to pay for those things that benefit you, but not me?
No, but you should be able to.

It sure would be.

Does it matter if its 2 pages or 2000? If it gets the job done, it shouldn't.
What "job?" The robbery of the people who are propping up this welfare state that is crumbling under the weight of parasites such as you liberal, Marxist, Zionists who want to turn it into a communist "utopia?" You know what you can do with that, don't you?

PATRIOT was 400 pages and a dismal failure in terms of prevention and liberties... by your measurement it should be the opposite.
I don't give a rat's ass what "Patriot" was, old sport, I have about as much use for the socialist-lite Republicans as I have for Fecal Freedom.
0 Replies
Josef cv
Reply Sat 21 Nov, 2009 01:50 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;69105 wrote:
I didn't say procedures I said care.

But of course Americans do both.

You have already been wrong on numerous occasions. You still haven't admitted that I haven't made any spelling mistakes since you've been here, however irrelevant it may be it shows your inability or refusal to admit defeat.

You mean -- it's --??

yeah it means "it is"

You are nothing but a pompous fool.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Your statement being true does not make mine false.

Josef: What other nation has that problem?

Fatal: The United Kingdom.

Josef: Which is being innundated....

Fatal: So you admit that the US isn't the only country?


I've also noticed that after you asked for evidence that the rich live longer, and I gave you evidence you've dropped the whole subject.

see example below


it doesn't really matter what the reason is, the fact is that it refutes your claim.

Fatal: ...but when large corporations are doing it for profit, then it's not enslavement?

Josef: When did I ever say that, Shlomo?


Fatal: So is it enslavement?

Josef: No, not by my way of thinking.

Interesting...to see how you keep changing your position...

Do you believe they don't?

But as human beings it's our moral imperative.

To be honest I don't think you check any statistics. Your views are not based on evidence but on the need to feel better about yourself.


If I was doing that then I would be using smaller words.

So, just become one thing is more like something else doesn't make the two entities comparable in any respect. Your argument is bunk.

Sorry, you going to have to be much more specific, random personal observations do not constitute evidence.

If by that you mean "races", then I would say I do not oppose it. To each his own.

If a man wishes to engage himself with a woman of another race that is his concern not yours.

Poor little Fecal, he went to all that trouble to get ignored by his superior - ME!
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 21 Nov, 2009 05:27 am
@Josef cv,
Josef;69123 wrote:

Poor little Fecal, he went to all that trouble to get ignored by his superior - ME!

Well, if your inability to defend your views shuts you up, then "Mission Accomplished"!

0 Replies

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