Badmutha;68607 wrote:And that spending will come to an end.....unlike Democrat Black Hole Social Programs.
So where was your complaining then? You now admit that cowboy and co were spending like mad... where were the "tea parties" then?
Oh yeah... yellow ribbons and flag lapels.
That spending SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. There's no "will come to an end", it should not have been spent in the first place!
Quote:MEDICARE ALONE IS 39 TRILLION IN THE HOLE.......all the military spending throughout the history of the world does not come close to that figure my friend.
Really? Three trillion were spent in five years. That's an EIGHTH of your dollar amount. You then have to factor in damages, cost of life, weaponry, time, etc. so on and so forth.
And that's just a single war. How much in modern funds would WWII have cost (if you want to compare modern to past, you need to do proper factoring... WWII is the only war that is more expensive than Iraq II, BTW) We could always argue the total cost of the Sack of Rome or Sherman's capture of Atlanta. Ever thought of the price of the destruction of the majority of the Spanish Armada? How about we keep going... how much did Alexander III cost the world in modern money?
Wow, you really suck up those conservative website "facts".
Wanna know why medicare is in the hole? Republicans gutted it. They refuse to put any money towards it but know that killing it would be political suicide (KEEP YER GOVERNMENT HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE... great company you keep, y'know).
Quote:He began spending like a liberal.......it was disgusting.........
No, he spent like a conservative... a Republican. He only SAID he would be a fiscal conservative so that you'd swing the handle for him.
Let's look at the past few presidents. Gipper? Fiscal conservative... spent like a madman. Daddy Bush? Exact same thing. More deficit. Willie? The tax and spender? How much of a surplus did we have under him? Then there's W, whose spending was, by your own words, "disgusting".
Quote:........so the Democrat answer.........SPEND 10X MORE.............
You can pass that Kool Aid of yours when Obama spends 40 trillion dollars. Until then, you're pulling out of yer backside.
Quote:SO DID YOU ACCEPT IT?.......how about that......
So how in your conservative mind does one using the money justify the spending?
My answer? No I did not, so eat it

But I bet you did!
Show me your "regulations" please. If government WERE regulating like you said, then costs would be low. They'd be FORCED to reduce their billing. But alas, they are charging you out the wazoo.
And what do you do?
Nothing but support it. Thanks.
Quote:50 Billion?......did you mean Trillion my confused friend?
Bernard Madoff. My very confused "friend". And how can that be?
Thanks, again. Now I have to pay to keep him alive in a jail.
And if it were 50 trillion, that does not change the reason.
Quote:Free markets havent existed in America for 75 years.......
Please tell us what happened seventy-five years ago. C'mon... history almost repeated itself, shouldn't be easy. It was the exact same reason, too.
Bernard Madoff. My very confused friend. Do you know how many people have suffered due to the deregulation that caused this?
What about that housing market? Easy money has a price.
What I want to know is how you can say in one single breath that deregulation is good, yet say that the government should step in to curb out of control insurance prices.
One or the other. You cannot have both.