@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46737 wrote::lightbulb:
They are not intended to withstand anything but their mission is to "declare" God's Will, nothing more. You "assume" that science is superior in its "test tube" speculations that are called theories, that cannot be proven beyond question, that is not Science. As the definition of Science, according to Mr. Webster, is the fact of having true knowledge. So what we are dealing with in fact is a from of sudeo-science, that which presents speculation as fact. Even presenting such in the face of actual science and proven scientific Law, such as Biogenesis, mass/matter conservation, thermodynamics, etc. in their quest to prove the theory or should I say the hypothesis of evolution. For it can not stand up to even the very first law of scientific methodology to be considered a valid theory, that of repeating the scientific method with the same results or repeatability for conformation. As even their methods are grounded only in "theory", that of radiometric dating is anything but "proven" ABSOLUTE in its methodology of repeatability. So, "you" offer up only "opinion" to prove your claims of supremacy, and I am of the OPINI0N, that one opinion is as good as another. In fact the Bibles writings of how life suddenly appeared is in fact consistent with true science, as true science indeed verifies that "fully developed" bio-life forms suddenly appeared in the history of the earth and that happened in the so called "cambrian explosion".
Cambrian explosion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And with only "theory" based dating methodology, this false science does not even have the "absolute" science method to actually date the age of the earth, might less offer any "authority" to its claims of supremacy. The reason that radiometric dating is not a valid and absolute fact is due to the fact that it has no way of actually calibrating the method without a true constant to gauge it accuracy. Calibration of any constant standard can in fact only be validated to the length of mankind's recorded history for proof actual. Not a scientific method at all, just speculation, speculation that has been proven wrong many times before. Like the dates given for volcanic rock samples of the eleven year old Mt. St. Helen. Five samples were taken from five different locations were sent to 5 different labs to be "dated", they all came back with ages ranging from 1/2 million years to over 3 million years when in fact the samples were taken from 11 year old lava flows.
Radio-dating in Rubble
So as proven, the method is not ABSOLUTE, despite its claims, there are to many variables to consider, water saturation, as all parent/sister elements can be leached by water and skew the results. So there is the "possibility" that none of the ages that we have been given for the true age of the earth are correct. And that my friend is not
"true science".....to have "true" knowledge, but "speculative opinion" based upon theory, and I as I said, ONE OPINION IS AS GOOD AS ANOTHER. RD