Evolution in the bible, says Vatican

Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2007 12:20 pm
thomascrosthwaite;45981 wrote:
Red Devil, in reading the Bible you seem to have missed a lot. Ancient people believed that the Earth was flat and rested on pillows and that mental disorders were caused by evil spirits This is exactly what the Bible teaches, both explicit and implicit. There are about 20 references that refer to such things as the ends of the Earth, the 4 corners of the Earth, the foundation of the Earth and the pillows of the Earth. It also leaves the impression that the Earth is the center of the Universe and not the Sun. This was part of Catholic teaching until recent times. It also strongly implies that mental illness is caused by evil spririts. Hense, the sacrament of exorcism. A few years back an Autistic boy was killed in an exorcism near where I live. While I enjoy debating you and Mr. Campbell and consider both of you my friends, I am dead serious about exposing your false teachings. Your ancient thinking is perhaps the greatest danger the world faces today. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

If you would please present the book chapter and verse where the teachings of the Bible describe the earth as flat....the earth as the center of the universe......and the four corners of the earth as anything but directions of the points of direction such as N, S, E, and W...on a compass. Indeed there has been "conflict" in the past, but the mistakes were made by man not the word of God.

This can be seen in the major clash of religion and science, as evidenced in the conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and Galileo Galilei. The story should be familiar, as it is presented by many of the secular humanists today in an attempt to discredit the validity and truth of the scriptures.

The story goes as such, thanks to the invention of the telescope in the 17th century, Galileo confirmed that we live in a heliocentric (sun as center), not geocentric (earth as center), solar system. The Roman Catholic church believed the earth to be the center of the solar system, and therefore persecuted Galileo. The bias added to the story demonizes the Roman Catholic church for persecuting "science" on the basis of "faith".

The Roman Catholic church was certainly in the wrong in this event, but not for the reason most determine it to be wrong. They were wrong because they had accepted the Greco-Roman world teachings, and then tried to rationalize them with some Biblical passages. THE BIBLE NEVER TEACHES THAT THE WORLD IS FLAT OR THAT THE WORLD IS THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE----the language used in Old Testament describing the sun, moon, and stars is little different from the language we use today, despite our "enlightenment". The conflict in the 17th century was not religion vs. science; it was a conflict between the scientific assumptions of the Greco-Roman world vs. the new scientific assumptions of the 17th century. Had the Roman Catholic church not been dogmatic on scientific theory concerning which the Bible is silent, the conflict would never have had happened.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2007 07:07 pm
Campbell34;45958 wrote:
Well your wrong, my God has spoken to me. And the bible was written by man, yet it was authored by God. Man could not of known the details of the future, only God could of known them. And that is why the Bible tells us that near the end of time the Jews would return to the land of Israel, they would retake Jerusalem, and Jerusalems East Gate would have a porch Gate that would be sealed. And all attempts to open that Gate would fail. They have. Simple men could not of known that Jerusalems Original East Gate would be buried, and then become the foundation of the Porch Gate. They could not of known that the Porch Gate then would be sealed up by non believers hundreds of years later. And they could not of know that all attempts to open the Porch Gate would fail. This is not a circular arguement, this is a fact that can only be denied by those who refuse to believe the written Word.

Focus on Jerusalem~Eastern Gate in Prophecy

God has spoken to you???? Really!? what does he sound like? I'm guessing god sounds like Fran Dresher....is that correct?

anyway, you only cite one prophecy and as i have demonstrated before that is not a valid phrophecy for the following reasons:

1. it is a self-fullfilling prophecy
2. it is vague and ambiguos
3. It does not state when, how, why....
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 03:48 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46088 wrote:
God has spoken to you???? Really!? what does he sound like? I'm guessing god sounds like Fran Dresher....is that correct?

anyway, you only cite one prophecy and as i have demonstrated before that is not a valid phrophecy for the following reasons:

1. it is a self-fullfilling prophecy
2. it is vague and ambiguos
3. It does not state when, how, why....

1. So your saying when non believers built the Porch Gate right on top of the Old East Gate, they wanted to fulfill the prophecy of the Bible even though they did not believe in the bible? And your saying the non believers sealed the Gate up so they would fulfill the prophecy? And our you saying that when the non believers tried to break through Gate they purposly did not break through the gate in order to fulfill the prophecy? LOL
2. And when the Bible tells us that Jerusalems East Gate would have a Porch Gate that would be sealed and all attempts to open that Gate would fail that is Vague?
3. And the Gate would remain sealed until the end of time, and when the Gate would be opened by the Prince to come it would happen when the Jews had returned from a world wide exile, and were in control of Jerusalem which is where we find ourselves today. The Bible states when, how, and why.

The problem here is, you don't know your Bible.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 02:53 pm
Campbell34;46348 wrote:
1. So your saying when non believers built the Porch Gate right on top of the Old East Gate, they wanted to fulfill the prophecy of the Bible even though they did not believe in the bible? And your saying the non believers sealed the Gate up so they would fulfill the prophecy? And our you saying that when the non believers tried to break through Gate they purposly did not break through the gate in order to fulfill the prophecy? LOL
2. And when the Bible tells us that Jerusalems East Gate would have a Porch Gate that would be sealed and all attempts to open that Gate would fail that is Vague?
3. And the Gate would remain sealed until the end of time, and when the Gate would be opened by the Prince to come it would happen when the Jews had returned from a world wide exile, and were in control of Jerusalem which is where we find ourselves today. The Bible states when, how, and why.

The problem here is, you don't know your Bible.

No, i'm saying Great Britain(christian nation), after WW2 realized the jews were not safe in europe and seeing that the judaism was the only major religion without majority in any nation, decided that the jews needed a nation that they could call thier own so it was a natural fit that the place be Israel(palestine) because that was the jewish promise-land as stated in their holy text!
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 03:41 pm
@Adam Bing,
Red Devil. here are some of the references referring to the flat Earth. Job 38: 12 -13 "Take the Earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it.
Joshua 10 12:13 states that the Sun stood still. [Should have been the other way around]
1st Chronicles states, " The world stands still. never to be moved"
Psalms 93: 1 "The world is established, it shall never move.
Psalms "Thou did lay the foundation of the Earth.
Samuels 2:8 For the pillows of the Earth are the Lords, and on them he set the world.
Job 9"6 who shakes the Earth from its place and its pillows trember.
Isarah 11:12 From the 4 corners of the Earth.
Revelation 7:1 After this I saw 4 angels standing on the 4 corners of the Earth
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 05:27 pm
thomascrosthwaite;46413 wrote:
Red Devil. here are some of the references referring to the flat Earth. Job 38: 12 -13 "Take the Earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it.
Joshua 10 12:13 states that the Sun stood still. [Should have been the other way around]
1st Chronicles states, " The world stands still. never to be moved"
Psalms 93: 1 "The world is established, it shall never move.
Psalms "Thou did lay the foundation of the Earth.
Samuels 2:8 For the pillows of the Earth are the Lords, and on them he set the world.
Job 9"6 who shakes the Earth from its place and its pillows trember.
Isarah 11:12 From the 4 corners of the Earth.
Revelation 7:1 After this I saw 4 angels standing on the 4 corners of the Earth

Yes but none of these passage make a direct statement to the geometrical shape of the earth with the exception of Isaiah 40:22, "It is he that sitteth upon the "CIRCLE" of the earth..........". I would be kind of hard for the 4 corners of the earth to mean anything other than the four directions of N, S, E, W. as a Circle does not contain corners. And as far as the four pillars holding up the earth meaning to litterally the support the earth and not figuratively meaning a solid foundation, when in clear and plain language it states the earth hangs in the void with nothing supporting it (Job 26:7), "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and HANGETH THE EARTH UPON NOTHING. And the reference of the earth being a globe with directions is very clear in (Proverbs 8:27), "When he prepared the heavens, I was there; when he set a "COMPASS" upon the the face of the deep". As far as the terminology used to describe EARTH, the same word the translators used could very well mean, earth as in land, as the English used the same word to mean both and concluded that the context of the text would make the reader aware of its intended meaning, either the literal earth or land, it is just more figurative langague. As I have said all of these must be considered in the context of the script in which they are given. To rightly divide the word of truth one must consider the context of the whole or what "exactly" is the writer referring to in the whole Chapter or paragraph, not just by taking a single verse out of the context of the whole. All the examples given are more semantical than descriptive of any geometric shape or foundation, especially with other clearly written passages making contradiction of the way in you are trying to present them, as the same author inspired all the writing contained in scripture, The Holy Spirit. And the clear language is to directly say that the earth is circular in shape and is hung in a void and supported and held together by the power of God (Colossians chapter 1) RD
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 05:38 pm
RED DEVIL;46436 wrote:
Yes but none of these passage make a direct statement to the geometrical shape of the earth with the exception of Isaiah 40:22, "It is he that sitteth upon the "CIRCLE" of the earth..........". I would be kind of hard for the 4 corners of the earth to mean anything other than the four directions of N, S, E, W. as a Circle does not contain corners. And as far as the four pillars holding up the earth meaning to litterally the support the earth and not figuratively meaning a solid foundation, when in clear and plain language it states the earth hangs in the void with nothing supporting it (Job 26:7), "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and HANGETH THE EARTH UPON NOTHING. And the reference of the earth being a globe with directions is very clear in (Proverbs 8:27), "When he prepared the heavens, I was there; when he set a "COMPASS" upon the the face of the deep". As far as the terminology used to describe EARTH, the same word the translators used could very well mean, earth as in land, as the English used the same word to mean both and concluded that the context of the text would make the reader aware of its intended meaning, either the literal earth or land, it is just more figurative langague. As I have said all of these must be considered in the context of the script in which they are given. To rightly divide the word of truth one must consider the context of the whole or what "exactly" is the writer referring to in the whole Chapter or paragraph, not just by taking a single verse out of the context of the whole. All the examples given are more semantical than descriptive of any geometric shape or foundation, especially with other clearly written passages making contradiction of the way in you are trying to present them, as the same author inspired all the writing contained in scripture, The Holy Spirit. And the clear language is to directly say that the earth is circular in shape and is hung in a void and supported and held together by the power of God (Colossians chapter 1) RD

a circle is flat...
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 11:09 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46437 wrote:
a circle is flat...

A circle can be flat or it can be round, depending on the context and the way that it is presented, and on this subject one would have to leave the scriptures to either confirm or deny which geometrical shape the the scriptures are "silent" on. But a circle cannot have four corners, that is a certainty. And if something is hung from nothing it can not have four pillars supporting it. But as I said if one is to reference the context of the whole train of thought one would have to conclude that it is presented as globe as the Hebrew word used to describe this passage can be either a circle or a globe but due to the reference from other passages it must be considered in comparison to the shape of the moon, as the same Hebrew word is used to describe the moon. But the best example that the Hebrew word that is used describes the geometric shape of a circular globe would be found in Job:26-10 as it is very clear that the author is speaking of a globe due to the fact that he presents both a "day" and a "night" in the same passage as describing the geometric shape of the earth as "HAVING COMPASSED" a 24 hr period or a revolution, "He hath compassed the waters with bounds until the day and night come to an end." Literally translated, a circle upon the face of the waters until both the day and night come to an end. As I said, there is nothing to suggest that the writers of the old testament were speaking of a flat earth, except in circular reasoning, so to speak.

You will have to go back to the net, and find more secular sites. So far, we have covered the four corners, the flat earth, the circular earth(flat), whats left, Yeah, the sun stood still. The sun appears to move across the sky, as we say even in our day and time the sun rises or the sun sets, when in reality the earth is revolving and turning a portion of the earth away from the sun and its light. The writers of the scripts in both the new testament and the old testament were "inspired" to write the words they scripted. The scriptures themselves saying as much( 2Tim 3:16). Even having been inspired to write what they were inspired to write they had to write within the limits of their cognation to reason and comprehend what they were inspired to write, this they did. RD
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 09:39 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46402 wrote:
No, i'm saying Great Britain(christian nation), after WW2 realized the jews were not safe in europe and seeing that the judaism was the only major religion without majority in any nation, decided that the jews needed a nation that they could call thier own so it was a natural fit that the place be Israel(palestine) because that was the jewish promise-land as stated in their holy text!

Fatal Fredom, you really need to study your history. Great Britain was machine gunning Jews trying to return, and only after the Jews blew up the Kind David motel killing 80 British offers did the British leave. The British could of care less about the Jews or their religion. And your responce said nothing of the East Gate prophecy, which was the main point of my post.
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 10:56 am
@Adam Bing,
Red Devil, Isaiah 40:22 refers to the ski, as it appears to be round when viewed from the Earth. I agree that much of the Bible is written in figurative language and that the 4 courners could well be figurative. But this is only speculative. The fact that the Bible is filled with the beliefs of ancient people weakens your arugment.According to H.G. Wells the story of creation and the flood were common beliefs of ancient Mideastern people. He also stated that the Hewbrew Bible and the Babylonian Bible have somewhat similar accounts of creation and the flood. Biblical mythology dies slowly, thanks to people like you.[Nothing personal, I am sure you are a fine man.] The Flat Earth Society lasted until just a few years ago. They held on just as long as they could. One of their arugment was that if the Earth was was round like a ball, then the people living on the southren hemisphere would all fall off. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 12:10 pm
Campbell34;46488 wrote:
Fatal Fredom, you really need to study your history. Great Britain was machine gunning Jews trying to return, and only after the Jews blew up the Kind David motel killing 80 British offers did the British leave. The British could of care less about the Jews or their religion. And your responce said nothing of the East Gate prophecy, which was the main point of my post.

You'll have to show me a link on that one, I can find no site or book that depicts this.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 03:43 pm
Campbell34;46488 wrote:
Fatal Fredom, you really need to study your history. Great Britain was machine gunning Jews trying to return, and only after the Jews blew up the Kind David motel killing 80 British offers did the British leave. The British could of care less about the Jews or their religion. And your responce said nothing of the East Gate prophecy, which was the main point of my post.

Balfour Declaration of 1917"
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:43 pm
thomascrosthwaite;46501 wrote:
Red Devil, Isaiah 40:22 refers to the ski, as it appears to be round when viewed from the Earth. I agree that much of the Bible is written in figurative language and that the 4 courners could well be figurative. But this is only speculative. The fact that the Bible is filled with the beliefs of ancient people weakens your arugment.According to H.G. Wells the story of creation and the flood were common beliefs of ancient Mideastern people. He also stated that the Hewbrew Bible and the Babylonian Bible have somewhat similar accounts of creation and the flood. Biblical mythology dies slowly, thanks to people like you.[Nothing personal, I am sure you are a fine man.] The Flat Earth Society lasted until just a few years ago. They held on just as long as they could. One of their arugment was that if the Earth was was round like a ball, then the people living on the southren hemisphere would all fall off. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

The problem with your "conclusions" are that you fail to rightly divide the word of truth (2Tim2:15). As an example just look at the way that the seculars have attempted to claim that the scriptures of Joshua 10:12 teach that God made false revelations to man concerning the scientific nature of the universe. The seculars claim that God teaches man that the Earth is the center of the solar system and standing still. But when you take into consideration the nature of the context of the whole chapter in Jos10, one realizes that it is not a revelation from God but simply a requested prayer from man. A prayer made with the cognation to reason and ability to comprehend what the nature of the world was that "man" lived in. God did not say that the Sun stood still, nor the moon, God simply told Joshua in vs. 8," And the "LORD" said unto Joshua, Fear not; for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee." Joshua then made the prayer in vs 12, with the only cognation to reason that he could comprehend, the sun moved east to west across the earth, therefore the sun must stand still to hold time at bay. Even today man makes comprehension that the sun "rises in the east and sets in the west, when the earth is in reality what moves not the sun. Did God make incorrect revelations to man concerning the nature of the universe.....of course not, he simply answered the prayer of Joshua. God did not teach man, man assumed what was in his nature at that time in a prayer. There is no revelation from God teaching anything about the nature of the universe. RD
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 11:50 am
@Adam Bing,
Red Devil, I commend you for your knowledge of the Bible and how skillful you are at argueing your points, although I disagree with you.It is true, as you say , that Joshua did ask God to have the sun stand still. However, in the next verse right below it states as a fact,"Is it not written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of the heaven, and did not go down for a whole day." This states as it appears to be on Earth, not as it actually is. The fact that it was written in the book of Jasher as a fact strongly suggest that it was written as an authoritative fact and not not as an ancedote.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 12:00 pm
RED DEVIL;46470 wrote:
A circle can be flat or it can be round, depending on the context and the way that it is presented, and on this subject one would have to leave the scriptures to either confirm or deny which geometrical shape the the scriptures are "silent" on. But a circle cannot have four corners, that is a certainty. And if something is hung from nothing it can not have four pillars supporting it. But as I said if one is to reference the context of the whole train of thought one would have to conclude that it is presented as globe as the Hebrew word used to describe this passage can be either a circle or a globe but due to the reference from other passages it must be considered in comparison to the shape of the moon, as the same Hebrew word is used to describe the moon. But the best example that the Hebrew word that is used describes the geometric shape of a circular globe would be found in Job:26-10 as it is very clear that the author is speaking of a globe due to the fact that he presents both a "day" and a "night" in the same passage as describing the geometric shape of the earth as "HAVING COMPASSED" a 24 hr period or a revolution, "He hath compassed the waters with bounds until the day and night come to an end." Literally translated, a circle upon the face of the waters until both the day and night come to an end. As I said, there is nothing to suggest that the writers of the old testament were speaking of a flat earth, except in circular reasoning, so to speak.

You will have to go back to the net, and find more secular sites. So far, we have covered the four corners, the flat earth, the circular earth(flat), whats left, Yeah, the sun stood still. The sun appears to move across the sky, as we say even in our day and time the sun rises or the sun sets, when in reality the earth is revolving and turning a portion of the earth away from the sun and its light. The writers of the scripts in both the new testament and the old testament were "inspired" to write the words they scripted. The scriptures themselves saying as much( 2Tim 3:16). Even having been inspired to write what they were inspired to write they had to write within the limits of their cognation to reason and comprehend what they were inspired to write, this they did. RD

A circle is flat ALL OF THE TIME! A circle is a 2d geometric shape, so calling the earth a circle implies that the earth has no 3rd demension because a circle is only 2 demensional......a sphere is 3-demensional, the earth is spherical not circular!
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 01:20 pm
@Adam Bing,
Huckabee is a true Christian, not an Ebeneecer Scrooge: Most Republicans lean toward the concept of "let alone" capitalism. This is a philosophy that is contrary to Christanity. In Acts 2: 44 and 45 states:" Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them as each had need." Last night, I ate dinner with a man who had just lost his job, had no family, and only enought money to pay next month's rent. My wife is a very wonderful and intelligent woman who wanted to be an opera singer, and can sell electric fans to Eskimos. Luck has not been on her side. First, she was kidnaped by her father after seperation from her mother.He tried to force her to become a nun. Next, her step father who was later commited to a mental hospital, picked her up and threw her into a wall in a rage. Next, she married a boy that she went to high school with who was addicted to stamp collecting and didn't pay the grocery bill. He was also having an affair with the woman who owned the book store where he bought his stamps. The next time she married a man, who she put through college. Everything was fine until he became an alcoholic and ran away with a Mexican Prostitute. He also kidnapped her two children and took them to Mexico. The last time before me, she married a man who rescued her from a criminal landlord, who kept her at home and wouldn't let her go anywhere. He was a good man in someways, but had an awful tempture, and ended up all but killing her. A good Methodist had to take her in.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 02:26 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46554 wrote:
A circle is flat ALL OF THE TIME! A circle is a 2d geometric shape, so calling the earth a circle implies that the earth has no 3rd demension because a circle is only 2 demensional......a sphere is 3-demensional, the earth is spherical not circular!

You must realize that no where in the Holy Bible does God make direct revelation to man concerning the shape of the earth, the position of it in the Universe, or just how the universe works. Man writes only what he has cognation of reason to write with the ability that he has to comprehend what he has been inspired to write. To say that God says such, one must take the context of the entire subject into consideration when reading from the word of God. Just as I said on another post, an example would be the claim that God teaches man that the sun moves and the earth stands still. They may use the passage in Joshua 10:12 to claim that God says the earth stands still and the sun moves. When one reads it in the context in which it is intended to be read we find the following. Verse 12 is a prayer request from a man, Joshua, made "to God", this message was not delivered from God. Just as with all men, he(Joshua), made this request with the knowledge that he had within his cognation to reason with the facts available to him. Time was told by the position of the sun as it "appears" to go across the sky from east to west. Man asked God to stop time to allow him to defeat his enemy, God answered the prayer. What you read in verse 12 is an inspired recording of a prayer request form man, not a revelation from God. It was man and his assumptions that said the sun stood still, not a revelation from God. Even today we say the sun sets in the west and rises in the east, does it really?

The Bible is indeed a Spiritual Book and written for the "spiritual" benefit of man. It was indeed written by inspired men, and at times God did make direct revelations to mankind. And when God does touch on the subject of science in these revelations He is always correct. God did not claim that the sun stood still, man and his assumptions did. The same for the "semantical" questions concerning the shape of the earth. From man's point of view the earth was round, and it hung in space just like the moon, and he(man) writes as much with his cognation to reason and basic logic. They may have very well been inspired to write but they wrote within the limits of their knowledge unless God directly revealed something for them to declare. Find one example in the scriptures which states....."and God said" and I will show you a consistent truth, on what ever scale you wish to measure it on. RD
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 07:54 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46437 wrote:
a circle is flat...

In the ancient Biblical language of the Old Testament, I donot believe there was a word for (ball) so that is why I believe they used circle. Please correct me if I am wrong. Often the language was limited so they used the best word they had. Also like other false religions which had the earth supported by elephants ect. The Bible stated that the earth floated on nothing.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 09:28 pm
Campbell34;46572 wrote:
In the ancient Biblical language of the Old Testament, I donot believe there was a word for (ball) so that is why I believe they used circle. Please correct me if I am wrong. Often the language was limited so they used the best word they had. Also like other false religions which had the earth supported by elephants ect. The Bible stated that the earth floated on nothing.

what are you talking about? i have a hard time believing there is no word for round or ball....the football term "Huddle" is latin for round, and i believe either bol or bola in latin means ball...
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 10:59 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46577 wrote:
what are you talking about? i have a hard time believing there is no word for round or ball....the football term "Huddle" is latin for round, and i believe either bol or bola in latin means ball...

I think what he his referring to is the "fact" that there is no different word in the ancient "HEBREW" language to distinguish the "circle" from the "globe" the Hebrew word used for circle is "chung" as there is no word "specific" for globe, round, circle...etc. Some have made the claim that if they would have meant for the word "circle" to mean "ball" or "globe" the word "DUR" would have been used due to the fact that it is used to describe "ball" in Isaiah 22:18, "....toss you like a ball.....". Yes the word "Dur" is used in that instance, but the same word "Dur" is also used in Isaiah 29:3, " And I will camp thee "round"/DUR about, and lay siege against thee.....". As it has been said these soldiers would have had a hard time making an encampment in the shape of a globe or a ball, without being inside the others ground. The point that he was making, with validity was the fact there is no word specific for Circle, Ball, Globe...etc in the Hebrew tongue at that historical time. But as I said, it is all moot, as most of these "semantical" accusations are just that, "semantical" due to the fact that God does not teach man as such as is being implied. Does the Bible say the Earth is Flat?

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