Evolution in the bible, says Vatican

Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 01:38 am
Numpty;46795 wrote:
Only some one who really does want to believe in the bible could blind themselves to this fact. Also in your post doubt john was doing this, doubt he was thinking that. What you have done is fit the story into the image you want to portray.

If you actually watched the 3 documentaries in the 'Jesus was a Metaphor for a Sun God' post, you would understand that ancient man had a superior grasp of astrology.

What does ancient astrology have to do with an Asteroid? Especially since Asteroids were not even known of until Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the first one on Jan. 1, 1809.
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 01:43 am
thomascrosthwaite;46821 wrote:
Mr. Campbell, as I stated on another post today. Science is not absolute,because new things are being found out everyday. Religion is absolute. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

I would say Gods Biblical truth is absolute, religion has way to many paths.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 07:10 am
Campbell34;46857 wrote:
What does ancient astrology have to do with an Asteroid? Especially since Asteroids were not even known of until Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the first one on Jan. 1, 1809.

I merely imply that people were not the idiots you make them out to be, with little intelegence and imagination. Everything you think they refer to in biblical terms is fact. Yet you fail time and time again to produce any evidence of talking snakes, human biology that supports an entire world population spawned from two people and virgin births.
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 07:29 am
What I don't get is why Creationists will hammer away at evolution, stating that it is merely a theory, yet completely ignore other very well known theories and not even question what science has to say on those matters.

The theory of gravity. What causes gravity? Why? We don't know, really. Are you now going to attack this theory because all the proof isn't there

The theory of relativity. Mister Einstein. Still only a theory. Still, not all of the answers are known. You do not question this.

The Atomic theory. You know, the thing that says matter is made up of atoms and such. Yup, still a theory. No religious outcry for proof on that one, either.

Plate Tectonics. Yet another theory. Haven't heard a peep recently about this.

The list is rather extensive... theories and findings that science still calls "theory", even with massive amounts of evidence, yet the only one you care about is evolution.

Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 07:44 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46832 wrote:

The problem with your position is, it is "YOU" that questions religion, not religion that questions you. It is not up to religion to "prove" anything, as it is not religion that is inferring slanderous insults based only on personal "OPINION" and presenting the appearance of speaking from a platform of truth while in reality standing only on the soapbox of secular humanism and its bigoted views. You question the truth of the scriptures and present only opinion based evidence.

You want to take the position that science rebukes the evidence of scriptural truth by pointing to that which is confessed by the scripts themselves as working outside the norms of that which is natural. The position of religion is as such. If the God that created the universe and everything which is contained therein wishes to speak and perform that which is miraculous, He indeed does have the power to breach the laws which were instituted by His words, with only another word spoken. It would be more than hypocritical to present any other position, would it not? RD
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 07:49 am
Sabz5150;46861 wrote:
What I don't get is why Creationists will hammer away at evolution, stating that it is merely a theory, yet completely ignore other very well known theories and not even question what science has to say on those matters.

The theory of gravity. What causes gravity? Why? We don't know, really. Are you now going to attack this theory because all the proof isn't there

The theory of relativity. Mister Einstein. Still only a theory. Still, not all of the answers are known. You do not question this.

The Atomic theory. You know, the thing that says matter is made up of atoms and such. Yup, still a theory. No religious outcry for proof on that one, either.

Plate Tectonics. Yet another theory. Haven't heard a peep recently about this.

The list is rather extensive... theories and findings that science still calls "theory", even with massive amounts of evidence, yet the only one you care about is evolution.


There is no other "theory" that openly must attack "creation" to present their "unproven" positions as truth. If evolutionist openly admit that their theory is only based upon speculation, then it also confesses to the "possibility" of a "creator". It is YOU that have the roles presented "INVERTED". RD
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 07:59 am
RED DEVIL;46863 wrote:
There is no other "theory" that openly must attack "creation" to present their "unproven" positions as truth. If evolutionist openly admit that their theory is only based upon speculation, then it also confesses to the "possibility" of a "creator". It is YOU that have the roles presented "INVERTED". RD

Hmmm... I don't remember any scientist (even Darwin himself) who studied evolution with the intent to disprove religion. I don't see scientists picketing a church.

However religion openly attack evolution at every possible chance.

All theories are based on speculation. They study the way things are, where they came from and what brought them into being.

You are the ones presenting Intelligent Design and Creationism as ALTERNATIVES to evolution. Wasn't that the whole idea of the Dover trial? You know... Pandas and People.

If religion could be PROVEN, there'd be no contest.

So... prove it.
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 08:01 am
@Adam Bing,
Science works to prove their theories correct, not prove everyone else's wrong.

Religion works to prove everyone else's theory wrong, but never prove theirs correct.
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 09:38 am
Numpty;46860 wrote:
I merely imply that people were not the idiots you make them out to be, with little intelegence and imagination. Everything you think they refer to in biblical terms is fact. Yet you fail time and time again to produce any evidence of talking snakes, human biology that supports an entire world population spawned from two people and virgin births.

Well I donot believe people back then were idiots, and I have stated just the opposite. Your the one stating that their stories were just make believe myths and they had no advanced knowledge. And I don't have any evidence for a talking snake, yet there is more than enought evidence to point out that the Bible is a very special Book which contains knowledge that was before it's time. And it has knowledge of the future which we can see in effect today. If 2500 years ago simple men could tell us that Jerusalem in the future is going to have a Porch Gate that will be attached to the Old East Gate, and that Gate will be sealed and no one will be able to enter that Gate until the end of time, and only the Prince to come will be allowed to enter it.
And then today we see the Old East Gate still in existance but buried, and we see that hundreds of years after it was buried non believers in the Bible came along and put up a Porch Gate and used the Old East Gate as it's foundation. And then they seal up the Porch Gate just as the Bible said it would be. And all attempts to break through that gate to destroy the prophecy have failed. And then the Bible tells us that near the end of time the Jews will return to Israel, and they would retake Jerusalem, and Jerusalems East Gate would still be sealed. And when John can describe how an astroid will strike the earth, and describes one accurately, and then tells us what effect it will have when it does hit. And he does this 1400 years before science even knows Astroids exist. Well then, I don't have a problem believing in the Scriptures, because I can see they are telling us the truth. And I cannot deny that truth, nor would I.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 09:49 am
Sabz5150;46865 wrote:
Science works to prove their theories correct, not prove everyone else's wrong.

Religion works to prove everyone else's theory wrong, but never prove theirs correct.

And this is the reason Jesus warns us about religion.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 10:00 am
@Adam Bing,
There is one thing that Mr.campbell and those like him will never be able to do and that is to prove the events in the Bible took place with hard evidence, becuse there is none and will never be. Please show us a snake that can talk. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 10:21 am
Sabz5150;46864 wrote:
Hmmm... I don't remember any scientist (even Darwin himself) who studied evolution with the intent to disprove religion. I don't see scientists picketing a church.

However religion openly attack evolution at every possible chance.

All theories are based on speculation. They study the way things are, where they came from and what brought them into being.

You are the ones presenting Intelligent Design and Creationism as ALTERNATIVES to evolution. Wasn't that the whole idea of the Dover trial? You know... Pandas and People.

If religion could be PROVEN, there'd be no contest.

So... prove it.

Again you invert the methodology. Science is the concept by definition that claims to have the "KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH". Which in the case of evolution they do not. Faith is based on the "hope" of things to come. Therefore the proof of claiming "knowledge of the truth" rests with SCIENCE TO PROVE IT, not in religion to prove things hoped for. My faith does not rest upon proving anything to "YOU" or anyone, while on the hand, your knowledge of the truth must be "PROVEN". If the theory of evolution where truth, it would not be "theory". No one, not even those of faith, ignore true science. As I pointed out, true science even goes so far as to actually back up Biblical script in the fact that it proves that Biological Life, suddenly appeared, now that is a Scientific Fact, not theory. Cambrian explosion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You see, the "TRUTH" is, science today must cling unto an "unprovable" theory due to "political" pressure. If any deny that evolution is based upon, speculation, theory, and conflicts with other more rational science that indicates truth more than does evolution, such as biogenesis, they must therefore admit to the "possibility" of intelligent design and intelligent design by nature infers "creation". This antiquated theory of Darwinism falls to the truth of true science and the New Technologies that make DNA study possible, that indeed points in the direction of design in biological life due to the complex nature of DNA structure. Religion does not object to the least in the study of true science that stands as it is defined, on the knowledge of the truth. For after all, it was God that indeed created the many and various natural laws that man must abide within the realm of, not the converse. RD
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 10:52 am
RED DEVIL;46871 wrote:
Again you invert the methodology. Science is the concept by definition that claims to have the "KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH".

So is religion.

Which in the case of evolution they do not.

You have failed to prove this.

Faith is based on the "hope" of things to come. Therefore the proof of claiming "knowledge of the truth" rests with SCIENCE TO PROVE IT, not in religion to prove things hoped for.

Therefore, being the "HOPE" of things to come, you can't actually prove your beliefs.

You HOPE God created the heavens and the earth.

You HOPE Jesus will walk again.

So, how does HOPE translate into absolutes, such as God creating everything?

My faith does not rest upon proving anything to "YOU" or anyone

Then stop trying.

while on the hand, your knowledge of the truth must be "PROVEN". If the theory of evolution where truth, it would not be "theory".

Typical creationist response. Using that word THEORY again.

Why don't you question all other theories in the way you question this one?

In science, a theory is a mathematical or logical explanation, or a testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified through empirical observation. It follows from this that for scientists "theory" and "fact" do not necessarily stand in opposition. For example, it is a fact that an apple dropped on earth has been observed to fall towards the center of the planet, and the theories commonly used to describe and explain this behaviour are Newton's theory of universal gravitation (see also gravitation), and general relativity.

No one, not even those of faith, ignore true science. As I pointed out, true science even goes so far as to actually back up Biblical script in the fact that it proves that Biological Life, suddenly appeared, now that is a Scientific Fact, not theory. Cambrian explosion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So... you yourself state that life started 500 some million years ago. Explain exactly what man was doing for that long, IF we just appeared on the spot.

You see, the "TRUTH" is, science today must cling unto an "unprovable" theory due to "political" pressure.

Whereas faith uses political pressure to push "unprovable" theory as FACT.

If any deny that evolution is based upon, speculation, theory, and conflicts with other more rational science that indicates truth more than does evolution, such as biogenesis, they must therefore admit to the "possibility" of intelligent design and intelligent design by nature infers "creation". This antiquated theory of Darwinism falls to the truth of true science and the New Technologies that make DNA study possible, that indeed points in the direction of design in biological life due to the complex nature of DNA structure. Religion does not object to the least in the study of true science that stands as it is defined, on the knowledge of the truth. For after all, it was God that indeed created the many and various natural laws that man must abide within the realm of, not the converse. RD

And without the same PROOF of Intelligent Design (your attempt to make religion scientific), you must therefore admit the "possibility" of evolution.

If religion does not need to bow to science, then science does not need to bow to religion. Get your faith out of our laboratories and classrooms.
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 11:13 am
Sabz5150;46873 wrote:
So is religion.

You have failed to prove this.

Therefore, being the "HOPE" of things to come, you can't actually prove your beliefs.

You HOPE God created the heavens and the earth.

You HOPE Jesus will walk again.

So, how does HOPE translate into absolutes, such as God creating everything?

Then stop trying.

Typical creationist response. Using that word THEORY again.

Why don't you question all other theories in the way you question this one?

In science, a theory is a mathematical or logical explanation, or a testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified through empirical observation. It follows from this that for scientists "theory" and "fact" do not necessarily stand in opposition. For example, it is a fact that an apple dropped on earth has been observed to fall towards the center of the planet, and the theories commonly used to describe and explain this behaviour are Newton's theory of universal gravitation (see also gravitation), and general relativity.

So... you yourself state that life started 500 some million years ago. Explain exactly what man was doing for that long, IF we just appeared on the spot.

Whereas faith uses political pressure to push "unprovable" theory as FACT.

And without the same PROOF of Intelligent Design (your attempt to make religion scientific), you must therefore admit the "possibility" of evolution.

If religion does not need to bow to science, then science does not need to bow to religion. Get your faith out of our laboratories and classrooms.

You see, why should I have to prove anything? It is science that claims to have the "KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH" in the theory of evolution, not I. If you cannot comprehend what I am implying, perhaps the words of someone perhaps you might "trust". STEPHEN HAWING.

"Any physical theory is provisional, in the sense that is only a "hypothesis" you can "NEVER" prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next will not contradict the theory." (A Brief History of Time, Bartam Books, New York, 1988, page 10.) As I have said, MY FAITH, is just as valid as YOUR FAITH. The difference, I place my faith in the one that claims to have created the gestation of my being, not in that which is created, MAN. That which is created cannot by the very laws of physics that many worship, be greater than that which did the creating, be it either NATURE or DEITY. RD
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 11:25 am
RED DEVIL;46874 wrote:
You see, why should I have to prove anything? It is science that claims to have the "KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH" in the theory of evolution, not I. If you cannot comprehend what I am implying, perhaps the words of someone perhaps you might "trust". STEPHEN HAWING.

So your faith does not claim to have knowledge of the truth?

"Any physical theory is provisional, in the sense that is only a "hypothesis" you can "NEVER" prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next will not contradict the theory." (A Brief History of Time, Bartam Books, New York, 1988, page 10.)

You yourself may want to heed Professor Hawking's words. You can never be sure that MY theory will not contradict YOUR theory, and vice versa. However I fully state my claim is theory. You do not.

As I have said, MY FAITH, is just as valid as YOUR FAITH.

Then why exactly is your's absolutely right and mine is absolutely wrong?

The difference, I place my faith in the one that claims to have created the gestation of my being, not in that which is created, MAN. That which is created cannot by the very laws of physics that many worship, be greater than that which did the creating, be it either NATURE or DEITY. RD

Who might that be? Point this creator out to me. You cannot even prove your creator's existence. I put my faith in things I can see, touch and comprehend.

The simple fact that we created machines that can do work faster, more precise and more efficiently than us debunks your beliefs that the creation cannot be greater than the creator.

I'm sure you have heard of the X-29 jet. The one that no human can fly because it would require way too many changes and adjustments to keep the wings attached to the plane. Well, it flies because our creations are able to do things that we cannot... basically making our creation greater than us (the creator) when it comes to doing those tasks.

Cars (things we created) can travel faster and farther than us (the creators). Telescopes (things we created) can see farther than us (the creators). Our creations can best us in many different areas.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 04:03 pm
RED DEVIL;46874 wrote:
You see, why should I have to prove anything?

you made the claim, it's your job to back up that claim!

It is science that claims to have the "KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH" in the theory of evolution, not I.

Science has never claimed to know everything, nor has science ever claimed to know anything to be 100% true, this is the beauty of science it corrects it's mistakes and gradually works towards perfection, will science ever reach perfection? Probably not, but it is much better than not trying.

If you cannot comprehend what I am implying, perhaps the words of someone perhaps you might "trust". STEPHEN HAWING.

"Any physical theory is provisional, in the sense that is only a "hypothesis" you can "NEVER" prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next will not contradict the theory." (A Brief History of Time, Bartam Books, New York, 1988, page 10.) As I have said, MY FAITH, is just as valid as YOUR FAITH. The difference, I place my faith in the one that claims to have created the gestation of my being, not in that which is created, MAN. That which is created cannot by the very laws of physics that many worship, be greater than that which did the creating, be it either NATURE or DEITY. RD

I am in agrreance with what Mr.Hawking said about not being able to prove anything completely

and to my knowledge Mr.Hawkings has never professed his faith in the christian god or any god for that matter

and from his book "He certainly doesn't believe in any sort of personal God. He states in a couple of places(in the book) that from our observations, we can see that there is nothing in the Universe for a God to do or create"

would you be as so kind to cite the source where you got that quote?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 05:55 pm
thomascrosthwaite;46870 wrote:
There is one thing that Mr.campbell and those like him will never be able to do and that is to prove the events in the Bible took place with hard evidence, becuse there is none and will never be. Please show us a snake that can talk. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

I can't show you a talking snake, but I can show you evidence for Pharoas coral incrusted army. I can show you a sealed East Gate in Jerusalem that the Bible said would remain sealed until the end of time. I can show you a reborn Israel, that fulfilled the prophecy of the Old Testament. I can show you historical accounts about the darkness that covered the earth at the time of Christ death on the cross, which is extra Biblical evidence. I could show you Johns discription of an Astroid that will strike the earth before the return of Christ. And John speaks of one 1400 years before science knows they even existed. I can show you many things that are spoken of in the Bible, and they are all true. And all these details could not of possibly been known by simple men who wrote the Scriptures. Only God alone could of understood such details about the future. And the Bible contains so many more prophecies, that will be coming are way.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 06:16 pm
Campbell34;46891 wrote:
I can't show you a talking snake, but I can show you evidence for Pharoas coral incrusted army.

no you can't, you can show me a chariot wheel and axle incrusted with coral...in and of itself doesn't prove anything.

I can show you a sealed East Gate in Jerusalem that the Bible said would remain sealed until the end of time.

has the end of time come yet?

I can show you a reborn Israel, that fulfilled the prophecy of the Old Testament.

what of the prophecies that didn't come true?

I can show you historical accounts about the darkness that covered the earth at the time of Christ death on the cross,

and i can show you accounts of eclipses throughout history!

I could show you Johns discription of an Astroid that will strike the earth before the return of Christ. And John speaks of one 1400 years before science knows they even existed. I can show you many things that are spoken of in the Bible, and they are all true.

even when the bible says that the earth survived a global flood? or when the bible says that bats are birds?

Only God alone could of understood such details about the future.

you remember the hits and forget the misses!

And the Bible contains so many more prophecies, that will be coming are way.

the bible contains failed prophecies as well as fullfilled ones!

Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 06:20 pm
Campbell34;46891 wrote:
I can't show you a talking snake, but I can show you evidence for Pharoas coral incrusted army. I can show you a sealed East Gate in Jerusalem that the Bible said would remain sealed until the end of time. I can show you a reborn Israel, that fulfilled the prophecy of the Old Testament. I can show you historical accounts about the darkness that covered the earth at the time of Christ death on the cross, which is extra Biblical evidence. I could show you Johns discription of an Astroid that will strike the earth before the return of Christ. And John speaks of one 1400 years before science knows they even existed. I can show you many things that are spoken of in the Bible, and they are all true. And all these details could not of possibly been known by simple men who wrote the Scriptures. Only God alone could of understood such details about the future. And the Bible contains so many more prophecies, that will be coming are way.

If someone is able to write scriptures, bearing in mind very, very few people were able to read or write. Why do you refer to them as simple men.
Story telling in tribes and civilisations happend thousands of years before Jesus is supposed to have popped up. Myth, Legend and extravigant stories of the past deeds of heros and villians have played an impotant part in human history. The stories in the Bible are no different. That is why there are so many similarities between religions and civilisations prior to, and post jesus.
Why can't you see that?
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 10:48 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46894 wrote:

If you considers Dr. Mollers Book it show extensive evidence of human and hourse bones between the two granit pillars that marked the Red sea crossing site. Also, a great number of Chariot wheels and chariot parts over a vast area.

God's return is not yet, but the prophecies of the East Gate are true.

The Bible does speak of a prophecy that was not fulfilled, and the Bible points this out. Yet if you can show any others I would love to see them.

I'm sure you can show me accounts of Eclipses through out history, can you show me one that lasted for 3 hours?

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