@Adam Bing,
The logic of saying that the universe is so complex and so enormous that it couldn't be possibly created by the Divine is very interesting. In fact, it is really humorous, since mankind knows so little about the universe, and has scoffed and ridiculed all the theories that the visionaries such as Socrates {who was killed for his ideas}, Plato, Newton, Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers. Yet they knew.
In fact the only explaination for our universe is a divine energy source that is not a "being" as Numpty describes God., it is indescribable by our human words. Alot of our world is just a mass of words that define a perception that someone else has created. Take for example, freedom, it is defined by our society is a lack of cares and worries, such as in freedom55, and of course there are an endless amount of definaitions. What is the true definaition? There is none, because it is all based on personal perception, and so the truth as defined by one person is not the truth defined by another.
So God is undefinable, yet the Divine Highest Power does exist, and there is not one shred of scientific evidence to even come close to suggesting otherwise. In fact, there is a lot, historically evidenced that there is a white light experience happening in many near-death experiences, there is evidence of miracles, there is evidence when you begin to seek to connect with God. In the mere seeking, you will meditate and be connected to an energy source that is clearly of a higher nature and abundant and beautiful.
It is the opposite of negativity and will clear any mis-perceptions you have of the universal power, and allow you to reach a state of joy that doesn't rely on outside factors. The underlying pain of those who question God is based on the lack of connection. So if you want to try this method of connection, l would be happy to share how l do it.
The connection of the divine energy source allows you to release all the energy-seeking behaviours such as addictions, self-pity, bad health, complaining, egocentricities, negativity, arguing, bullying etc.etc. because you don't need the pay off, you have enough energy from an abundant source.
So back to the topic, evolution in the bible, God is a spiritualness that is indefinable in our words, is not a be-ing in our defination, and is not a religion. The energy of the divinity is beyond time of end, it is not the beginning or the end, these are perceptions, none of these exist within reality. It is not possible for a creator to come in to create a world, and then on judgement day appears ...the great day of judgement is a creation of a human perception. By every choice, we have a continuous divine justice happening every day with every decision, it defines were you are, and today is the result of what you chose yesterday, so the justice of God is absolute. In otherwords there is no time, no judgement day, no day of creation, and so we have nothing to fear, we just need to clear our minds of senseless and negative thoughts and connect with the Divine source.