Evolution in the bible, says Vatican

Reply Sat 15 Dec, 2007 02:45 pm
Campbell34;48730 wrote:
Saying something is 1200 to 3500 years old is pretty reliable. Saying something is four an a half billion years old has a larger margin for error. And since those ceramic items were man made, that figure should be far more accurate. And I think it's funny how you have problem with that small number, but believe the larger number is nailed down. There are three considerations to think about when dating an object, and time can effect the outcome. Yet you embrace the greater number that puts the accuracy into question That only reveals to me how you will support the science that agrees with your belief system. Even when that science is much more diffuclt to prove.

The margin of error for four billion years is less than one percent across the board. That gives a 99% accuracy. For THOUSANDS of tests. Are you prepared to discredit, with evidence, all of them? You couldn't even discredit Archeopterix , and that only had TEN specimens. I'd like to see you prove all of these incorrect.

You're trying HARD to backtrack and wind up stepping on each other's toes. So, what is it... is radiometric dating accurate or not? It cannot swing both ways. Your figurines were dated using the C14 isotope, one which has TONS of variables which change damn near daily. The half life of C14 means that after 50K years, it cannot date whatsoever... the decay cannot be distinguished from background radiation. Using other isotopes present in these materials allows us to go back farther. Some of these isotopes have half-lives in the billions of years. The decay can be observed, measures, tested and re-tested. We can identify and compensate for variables in these measurements.

Please, show me where you see these tests are inaccurate. Give me some evidence, some independent tests, accurate results, anything. I'd love to see all of this.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Dec, 2007 03:40 pm
Numpty;48372 wrote:
*Picks one's self up off the floor after laughing so hard I fell off my chair*

FF gives you ONE unfulfilled prophecy and you have to fill in the blanks yourself so it 'fits' to a fulfilled prophecy.

Read your own post and then realise how open you have left yourself. 'YOU BELIEVE' that part of the story to be fulfilled. So a prophecy in the bible says that a person will be 'buried with his farthers' yet he dies a violent death and is burried in foreign lands and it is FF who takes it out of context?

You have absolutely no evidence that it was fulfilled completely, further more it he died in a completely different way and in another land. Unfulfilled prophecy No.1, gods word is infallable, Bible is not inspired by god, there is no god.

Numpty, you assume way to much. Just because it does not give the full record does not mean it was unfulfilled, no matter how hard you want it to be. I just believe it was because I know the Bible always gives the honest answer, and if the Bible wanted to be dishonest, they could of just filled that part in.
And Numpty, your the one taking it out of context, because it did not say he died a violent death. It states, he died in prison. And God told him he was going to be taken prisioner so he knew that was coming. That was part of the prophecy. Did you not read that part of the Scripture?
And the Bible tells us the Jews would return to Israel near the end of time, but it does not reveal what would motivate them to return. The Bible often tells us just what is needed.
Reply Sat 15 Dec, 2007 04:12 pm
Campbell34;48732 wrote:
Numpty, you assume way to much. Just because it does not give the full record does not mean it was unfulfilled, no matter how hard you want it to be. I just believe it was because I know the Bible always gives the honest answer, and if the Bible wanted to be dishonest, they could of just filled that part in.
And Numpty, your the one taking it out of context, because it did not say he died a violent death. It states, he died in prison. And God told him he was going to be taken prisioner so he knew that was coming. That was part of the prophecy. Did you not read that part of the Scripture?
And the Bible tells us the Jews would return to Israel near the end of time, but it does not reveal what would motivate them to return. The Bible often tells us just what is needed.

So you can interpret the rest for your own purpose. YOU fit the stories of the Bible to suit the way in which YOU want it to be told. YOU ASSUME too much.

Go back and look at your posts, there is a theme in them that is strikingly blatent. Everything you say is I BELIEVE this I BELIEVE that, making the most outragous leaps of FAITH I have ever read. Fire breathing Dinosaurs, Aliens living amoung us, talking snakes and you ask all us athiests to prove your man in the sky does not exsist. My good man I think first you should prove three of the above. I try and sit my beliefs in reality not in fantasy.

Sabz makes some absolutely fanastic points far more eloquently and researched than I could possibly hope to, yet you don't even seem to be able to comprehend a simple scientific process, test, retest, test again and if it falls flat on any of the tests, discard it. That is not failure in a theory, it is called testing it. As a wise man once said 'Only a Sith deals in absolutes' you deal in absolutes with no evidence to back them up.

Just had a though about a 10,000 year old Earth and the fossil records. Before I go any further do we agree that the further down fossils are the older they are, irrespective of if they are 10,000 years old or 4.5 billion?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 15 Dec, 2007 06:06 pm
Campbell34;48732 wrote:
Numpty, you assume way to much. Just because it does not give the full record does not mean it was unfulfilled,

nor does it mean it was fullfilled.

I just believe it was because I know the Bible always gives the honest answer,

your faith is not sufficient evidence for me or anyone else.

And Numpty, your the one taking it out of context, because it did not say he died a violent death. It states, he died in prison.

yes it also states he would be barried with his father, but apparently that didn't happen.

And the Bible tells us the Jews would return to Israel near the end of time, but it does not reveal what would motivate them to return.

duh, the prophecy motivated the Brits to give them that land, and they returned to escape persecution.
Reply Sun 16 Dec, 2007 12:29 pm
Numpty;48733 wrote:
So you can interpret the rest for your own purpose. YOU fit the stories of the Bible to suit the way in which YOU want it to be told. YOU ASSUME too much.

Go back and look at your posts, there is a theme in them that is strikingly blatent. Everything you say is I BELIEVE this I BELIEVE that, making the most outragous leaps of FAITH I have ever read. Fire breathing Dinosaurs, Aliens living amoung us, talking snakes and you ask all us athiests to prove your man in the sky does not exsist. My good man I think first you should prove three of the above. I try and sit my beliefs in reality not in fantasy.

Sabz makes some absolutely fanastic points far more eloquently and researched than I could possibly hope to, yet you don't even seem to be able to comprehend a simple scientific process, test, retest, test again and if it falls flat on any of the tests, discard it. That is not failure in a theory, it is called testing it. As a wise man once said 'Only a Sith deals in absolutes' you deal in absolutes with no evidence to back them up.

Just had a though about a 10,000 year old Earth and the fossil records. Before I go any further do we agree that the further down fossils are the older they are, irrespective of if they are 10,000 years old or 4.5 billion?

Since the Bible is a Book of truth you donot have to assume to much at all. The Book will not lie to you. The Bible keeps proving itself. Any time they discover that King David was real, or a stone in Jerusalem with Pontius Pilots name one it, or conformation that there was a Hittite Empire, all of this is Proof that the Bible has been telling us the truth. The city of Ur was first spoken of in the Bible, yet few believed in it's existance until archelolgical diggings uncovered its ancient ruins. So why do you say I base my belief on no evidence? You can only say that by ignoring the evidence.

No, I donot agree that the further one goes down makes that fossil naturally older. Since the early days of acceptance of the standard geologic column, fossils have been turning up in the wrong places as more and more fossils have been collected, and this process continues to this very day. The reality of the geologic column is predicated on the belief that fossils have restricted ranges in rock strata. In actuality, as moe and more fossils are found, the ranges of fossils keep increasing. The constant extension of ranges simultaneously reduces the credibility of the geologic column and organic evolution.

And as far as testing goes, thats fine, but if you base all of your test on three faulty assumptions. What good are those tests? The earth is supposed to be nearly 5 billion years old, and some of these methods seem to verify ancient dates for many of earth's igneous rocks. The answer is that these methods, are far from infallible and are based on THREE ARBITRARY ASSUMPTIONS (a constant rate of decay, an isolated system in which no parent or daughter element can be added or lost, and a known amount of the daughter present initially)."

It's like spin the bottle and hope for the best. It may give you some kind of date, but I would not bet my life on it. And if just one of those assumptions are off, you can forget about accuracy or a true date. In the end it comes down to guess work and not much more. THIS IS NOT SCIENCE. There is a host of other problems that can affect the out come.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Dec, 2007 12:48 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;48754 wrote:
nor does it mean it was fullfilled.

your faith is not sufficient evidence for me or anyone else.

yes it also states he would be barried with his father, but apparently that didn't happen.

duh, the prophecy motivated the Brits to give them that land, and they returned to escape persecution.

If the British were so happy to have the Jews return to Israel, why did the Jews blow up the King David Hotel killing 80 British officers. Why did the British ram the ship the Exodus filled with hundreds of Jewish men, women and children? What part of the prophecy was that suppose to fulfill?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 16 Dec, 2007 06:26 pm
Campbell34;48800 wrote:
If the British were so happy to have the Jews return to Israel, why did the Jews blow up the King David Hotel killing 80 British officers. Why did the British ram the ship the Exodus filled with hundreds of Jewish men, women and children? What part of the prophecy was that suppose to fulfill?

I think the real question is, if the Brittish didn't want the jews to go to israel why did they create the Balfour declaration?
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 02:54 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;48816 wrote:
I think the real question is, if the Brittish didn't want the jews to go to israel why did they create the Balfour declaration?

The Balfour declaration was payment to Dr. Chaim Weizmann. Weizmann was a chemist who had developed a process to synthesize acetone via fermentation. Acetone is required for the production of cordite, a powerful propellant explove needed to fire ammunition without generating tell-tale smoke. Germany had cornered supplies of calcium acetate, a major source of acetone. Other pre-war processer in Britain were inadequate to meet the increased demand in World War I, and a shortage of cordite would have severely hampered Britain's war effort. Lloyd-George, then Minister for Munitions, was grateful to Weizmann and so supported his Zionist aspirations. During the first meeting between Weizmann and Balfour in 1906, Balfour asked what payment Weizmann would accept for use of his process and was told, "There is only one thing I want: A national home for my people." Balfour asked Weizmann why Palestine-and Palestine alone-should be the Zionist homeland. "Anything else would be idolatry", Weizmann protested, adding: "Mr. Balfour, supposing I was to offer you Paris instead of London, would you take it?" "But Dr. Weizmann", Balfour retorted, "we have London", to which Weizmann rejoined, "That is true, but we had Jerusalem when London was a marsh."

So you see, giving the Jews a homeland was not a British idea, nor was it delievered anytime soon. 42 years after the meeting between Weizmann and Balfour, the Jews finally received their homeland, and only after they blew up the Kind David motel killing 80 British officers.
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 11:36 am
@Adam Bing,
At last, Mr. Campbell we agree on something. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
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Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 10:30 pm
Campbell34;48919 wrote:
The Balfour declaration was payment to Dr. Chaim Weizmann. Weizmann was a chemist who had developed a process to synthesize acetone via fermentation. Acetone is required for the production of cordite, a powerful propellant explove needed to fire ammunition without generating tell-tale smoke. Germany had cornered supplies of calcium acetate, a major source of acetone. Other pre-war processer in Britain were inadequate to meet the increased demand in World War I, and a shortage of cordite would have severely hampered Britain's war effort. Lloyd-George, then Minister for Munitions, was grateful to Weizmann and so supported his Zionist aspirations. During the first meeting between Weizmann and Balfour in 1906, Balfour asked what payment Weizmann would accept for use of his process and was told, "There is only one thing I want: A national home for my people." Balfour asked Weizmann why Palestine-and Palestine alone-should be the Zionist homeland. "Anything else would be idolatry", Weizmann protested, adding: "Mr. Balfour, supposing I was to offer you Paris instead of London, would you take it?" "But Dr. Weizmann", Balfour retorted, "we have London", to which Weizmann rejoined, "That is true, but we had Jerusalem when London was a marsh."

So you see, giving the Jews a homeland was not a British idea, nor was it delievered anytime soon. 42 years after the meeting between Weizmann and Balfour, the Jews finally received their homeland, and only after they blew up the Kind David motel killing 80 British officers.

actually there were 2 balfour declarations both unrelated to eachother. And yes giving the jews palestine could have only been a brittish idea considering palestine was owned by the brittish at the time. you might want to re-check your history bub.
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 12:06 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;48977 wrote:
actually there were 2 balfour declarations both unrelated to eachother. And yes giving the jews palestine could have only been a brittish idea considering palestine was owned by the brittish at the time. you might want to re-check your history bub.

The British may of controled Palastine, but it was Dr. Weizmann's idea to ask for it as payment for his process, not the other way around. bub.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 02:45 pm
Campbell34;48986 wrote:
The British may of controled Palastine, but it was Dr. Weizmann's idea to ask for it as payment for his process, not the other way around. bub.

Do you recall if they ever went through with that request?????

Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 06:30 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;48575 wrote:
I am amaze how you are unable to comprehend a fairly simple statement, please re-read what i said:

"Fatal_Freedoms: Your fantastical creatures only match the description of dinosaurs to the extent that a medieval dragon matches the description of a kamodo dragon."

I am clearly implying that kamodo dragons ARE unlike mythical european dragons in the same manner that the behemoth is unlike any dinosaur.

precisely my point, the behemoth is unlike any creature that ever lived.

You made the claim that they can breathe fire, the burden of proof lies on you. Also a bombadier beetle does not breathe fire they expel an acrid, volatile secretion from their end, many creatures expel a secretion yet i am unaware of any creature that could breathe fire.

I claim no such thing, i've said there is no animal that can breathe fire, and that is true unless you can provide any evidence to a fire breathing animal.

List of transitional fossils: Information and Much More from Answers.com

"Since all species are supposed to be in transition due to natural selection, the very term "transitional fossil" is essentially a misconception. But the fossils listed represent significant steps in the evolution of major features in various vertebrate lines, and therefore fit the common usage of the phrase."

your misusage of such terms "proof", "evidence", and "fact" is appalling! :eek:

it is quite possible for something to be both fact and theory according to the defintion, also proof and evidence are NOT synonyms.

and a book about monsters and a jewish carpentar with magic powers isn't a fantasy novel?

no, you claiming that you know the purpose of those "unused" cavities in animals skulls is the faith.

...and your hypothesis is correct?

did you not see the pictures i showed you? They clearly showed a circular earth with an arched "ceiling" and yet it was still flat!

circular knowledge??? I have never seen such circular logic as that displayed by christians, here i will give you an example:

Q: why do you believe in god?

A: because the bible says there is a god!

Q: why do you believe the bible?

A: because the bible is inspired by god!

Q: how do you know that?

A: Because the bible says so...

you see, what he believes is also the reason why he believes, such logic is called circular logic, and also happens to be a logical fallacy!

who said that? I don't believe the universe was created, but it always existed!


:wtf:, what the *** are you talking about!!??? Do you actually know what evolution is? Statements like these lead me to believe that you don't know anything about evolution. Evolution is a theory that explains how life has diversified into different species, it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the beginning of life.

or always existed

Just where is the example of the komodo having the ability to breath fire? Or be the largest creature ever to be upon the earth?

You still have no empirical proof of evolution, you only claim that you will have the proof at some point in the future. Have you ever noticed that when any argument starts going down hill for someone the very first thing that is done is to try and semantically alter their position or redefine what has been submitted? And to conclude that evolution does not have to have an empirical chain that requires all of its links to hold the chain of evidence together is somewhat amusing. As you suggested, "Do you really know just what position that you are taking?" There is no empirical evidence ANYWHERE ALONG THE LINE that was provided, only hypothetical speculations of HOW SOMETHING MIGHT have happened as theorized, nowhere is it reproducible or observable in nature. Yet it is you that keeps claiming to have an unbroken empirical link of science. Do you KNOW the difference between mircoevolution and the species jumping ability suggested in the theory of macroevolution? As I said , to hold onto any proof of empirical evidence you must rob it from within the bounds of mircobiology and mircoevolution, which still remains encased inside the walls of biogenesis. Now you are altering your position to claim that you do not need evidence supporting the gestation of lineage in support of your entire theory, that you have empirically proven that evolution must be correct because someone has an "idea" that all creatures were self generated and that proof is found from current time and is reproducible and observed in nature NOW.

As I said please present the evidence of species breach, or even the empirical evidence that man has evolved within his own species. All you have is a few fossil remains, that are "hypothetically" suggested to be an earlier stage of man's evolution. Yet the only difference found is musculoskeletal in nature. You can not "empirically" prove the exact time line in which the remains was found, you can not empirically prove that which was found is not a simple example of isolation induced inbreeding resulting in birthdefects of mutation of "normal" humans. You can only "hypothetically" suggest that the theorized methodology of radiometric dating is accurate, because C14 dating is only valid to its projected half-life, you can not prove it to be such, only suggest that it is truth. Yet you want to call this empirical proof of evolution? What makes this theory any more valid than MONOPHYLETIC theory? The only thing that makes it more valid is the bigotry, because its not the proof. In fact, I would suggest that the theory of evolution is founded upon the position of "RACISM". Evolution must present the different races of man as "examples" of different branches of man's development along the evolutionary time line. In doing this IT must present each race as unique to the other, with no commonality evident and provide such suggested "empirical" evidence as different levels of intellectual ability. It must present one race as the superior. Now just which race do think is implied as being "SUPERIOR"? The bigotry, semantical politics, and unprovability of this theory indeed shows that it is based more upon science fiction and "imagination" than upon valid scientific methodology. RD
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 02:05 pm
Campbell34;48711 wrote:
Could you tell me what book Thor said we should seek him with all our heart mind and soul? Or is that something you just made up? LOL

You must have faith in the one true father, Thor. You will only find eveidence for him if you seek him with your heart and accept him as your lord. Just because you don't believe in him doesn't make him any less real. But if you don't believe in him you shall spend all of eternity in the otherworld in Hel's domain and she shall makith you her servants of torture and deception and then at the end of time you shall fight in the final battle of ragnorac, but it is up to you to decide which side you're on, and let me tell you Thor doesn't lose!
Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 02:47 pm
RED DEVIL;49060 wrote:
You still have no empirical proof of evolution, you only claim that you will have the proof at some point in the future. Have you ever noticed that when any argument starts going down hill for someone the very first thing that is done is to try and semantically alter their position or redefine what has been submitted?

Such as asking for evidence that "the species barrier of biogenesis has been broken" (READ: BIOGENESIS IS NOT A SPECIES BARRIER) and then asking for evidence that "MAN has broken said barrier".

I showed speciation (breaks your nonexistent barrier) and then you backtrack and alter your position to say MAN.

And to conclude that evolution does not have to have an empirical chain that requires all of its links to hold the chain of evidence together is somewhat amusing. As you suggested, "Do you really know just what position that you are taking?" There is no empirical evidence ANYWHERE ALONG THE LINE that was provided, only hypothetical speculations of HOW SOMETHING MIGHT have happened as theorized, nowhere is it reproducible or observable in nature. Yet it is you that keeps claiming to have an unbroken empirical link of science.

Evolution has a chain. This chain can be demonstrated by sequencing DNA. We can show that man had "cousins"... similar to us, but not directly before or after man in this chain. DNA again shows this.

Do you KNOW the difference between mircoevolution and the species jumping ability suggested in the theory of macroevolution?

Yes. Obviously you do not. The only difference between the two is time. That's it. That's the big secret. Try looking up the definition in a science book rather than a creation website.

As I said , to hold onto any proof of empirical evidence you must rob it from within the bounds of mircobiology and mircoevolution, which still remains encased inside the walls of biogenesis.

Again, Biogenesis is NOT a barrier. Speciation defeats this claim with observed evidence in the here and now. One species gave rise to another, and we OBSERVED this. I seriously suggest you read up on topics before talking like you know them.

Now you are altering your position to claim that you do not need evidence supporting the gestation of lineage in support of your entire theory, that you have empirically proven that evolution must be correct because someone has an "idea" that all creatures were self generated and that proof is found from current time and is reproducible and observed in nature NOW.

And you claim that you do not need evidence to support your theory that all life was put here by a creator, that you have proven (not empirically BTW) that creation must be correct because a book says so.

The evidence is there. It has been shown to you several times before. Either you completely ignore it, or you cannot comprehend it. I'm thinking a little from column A and a little from column B.

As I said please present the evidence of species breach, or even the empirical evidence that man has evolved within his own species.

Why restrict it to man? Why does something happen to all life EXCEPT man? Why are you backtracking your claim? First it was ANY "species breach", now that's been shown with hard evidence to happen, you change.

What's wrong? Claims not all they wound up to be?

All you have is a few fossil remains, that are "hypothetically" suggested to be an earlier stage of man's evolution. Yet the only difference found is musculoskeletal in nature. You can not "empirically" prove the exact time line in which the remains was found, you can not empirically prove that which was found is not a simple example of isolation induced inbreeding resulting in birthdefects of mutation of "normal" humans.

A few? We have several.

The only differences??? You said the key word: DIFFERENCES. That's all that is needed. We have proof in DNA sequencing and in fossils that show we have a LOT in common with these ancestors, but they weren't "man". The basics are all in order, but it's the minor differences that make the impact.

Empirical evidence: Biped which predates man. (fossil dating)
Empirical evidence: Man shares quite a bit in common with this lifeform. (DNA sequencing)
Empirical evidence: Man differs from this lifeform. (DNA sequencing)
Empirical evidence: Man differs too much to be a direct descendant of this lifeform. (DNA sequencing)

Inbreeding and birth defects? To THAT extreme? Well, if you can show EMPIRICAL evidence that all these are birth defects:

Homo (genus) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then have at it!

You can only "hypothetically" suggest that the theorized methodology of radiometric dating is accurate, because C14 dating is only valid to its projected half-life, you can not prove it to be such, only suggest that it is truth. Yet you want to call this empirical proof of evolution?

No knowledge of dating processes. Sheesh, what DO you know?

C14 dating is ONE radiometric method. Other isotopes are used to date back farther than C14 allows. Funny how you put down C14 dating, yet use it extensively for dinosaur and other fossil dates, KNOWING it's flawed and has a short half-life.

Then there's isochron dating. I'd like to see you debunk THAT.

What makes this theory any more valid than MONOPHYLETIC theory? The only thing that makes it more valid is the bigotry, because its not the proof. In fact, I would suggest that the theory of evolution is founded upon the position of "RACISM". Evolution must present the different races of man as "examples" of different branches of man's development along the evolutionary time line. In doing this IT must present each race as unique to the other, with no commonality evident and provide such suggested "empirical" evidence as different levels of intellectual ability. It must present one race as the superior. Now just which race do think is implied as being "SUPERIOR"? The bigotry, semantical politics, and unprovability of this theory indeed shows that it is based more upon science fiction and "imagination" than upon valid scientific methodology. RD

Ah, the racism schpeel. Great creationist babble. If you can't use evidence to fight the battle, sling mud.

"Genetic studies show that humans are remarkably homogeneous genetically, so all humans are only one biological race. Evolution does not teach racism; it teaches the very opposite."
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 02:56 pm
Just where is the example of the komodo having the ability to breath fire? Or be the largest creature ever to be upon the earth?

Are you that thick-headed, that you can't understand a fairly simple statement? For the last time, I am NOT, let me repeat, I am NOT saying the kamodo dragon is like a mythical dragon, In-fact i am saying precisely the oppsoite!

You still have no empirical proof of evolution, you only claim that you will have the proof at some point in the future.

You sound like a ******* broken record "you have no evidence, you have no evidence, you have no evidence"! Both myself and sabz have shown you a great amount of evidence and yet you have yet to respond to any of it, do i have to write a big sign that says "[SIZE="3"]THIS IS EVIDENCE ->" [/SIZE]you simply deny, deny, deny....I have you a very well put togather video, and you have yet to respond to anything that is said in the video nor have you explained to me why vestigal structures exist!

Have you ever noticed that when any argument starts going down hill for someone the very first thing that is done is to try and semantically alter their position or redefine what has been submitted?

Is that not what you have done? You said C14 dating is inaccurate yet you use C14 dating to support the age of some clay sculptures....

only hypothetical speculations of HOW SOMETHING MIGHT have happened as theorized,

if in-fact evolution was a hypothetical speculation, then it would not be classified as a scientific theory! Duh!

nowhere is it reproducible or observable in nature.

It is reproducable but as i said before IT TAKES MANY THOUSANDS OF YEARS TO OCCUR! I don't plan on being alive for many thousands of years so you nor i will ever be able to observe it in anything but very simple organisms such as bacteria.

Yet it is you that keeps claiming to have an unbroken empirical link of science. Do you KNOW the difference between mircoevolution and the species jumping ability suggested in the theory of macroevolution? As I said , to hold onto any proof of empirical evidence you must rob it from within the bounds of mircobiology and mircoevolution, which still remains encased inside the walls of biogenesis.

Walls!?? Tell what are these walls? What exactly is it that prvents a species from futher change?

PS. Sabz has already demonstrated to you that biogenisis has naught to do with evolution.

Now you are altering your position to claim that you do not need evidence supporting the gestation of lineage in support of your entire theory, that you have empirically proven that evolution must be correct because someone has an "idea" that all creatures were self generated and that proof is found from current time and is reproducible and observed in nature NOW.

Evolution is not an account for self-generation, where is that stated? Evolution is the change of existing species!

As I said please present the evidence of species breach,


or even the empirical evidence that man has evolved within his own species.

Chomosome fusion!

You can not "empirically" prove the exact time line in which the remains was found,

yes you can, Carbon dating!

you can not empirically prove that which was found is not a simple example of isolation induced inbreeding resulting in birthdefects of mutation of "normal" humans.


that is so ridiculous it doesn't even merit a response, but I will give it one anyway. Do you think the entire human race was had birth defects at certain time periods? DNA evidence will show these human-like skelatons are not human, even people with severe birth defects have human DNA. And why is it that when we go back far enough there are NO "normal" humans? Also one does not need to disprove anything, the absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

You can only "hypothetically" suggest that the theorized methodology of radiometric dating is accurate, because C14 dating is only valid to its projected half-life, you can not prove it to be such, only suggest that it is truth.

Yet when scientists use these same techniques to date historic artifacts, there is no criticism from your or your ilk.....think about that for a minute!

Yet you want to call this empirical proof of evolution? What makes this theory any more valid than MONOPHYLETIC theory? The only thing that makes it more valid is the bigotry, because its not the proof. In fact, I would suggest that the theory of evolution is founded upon the position of "RACISM".

[SIZE="4"]HA HA HA HA!!!![/SIZE]

ahh....ha...sto'...ha stop it...I can har'...dly breathe, this is some funny ****. It would be really funny if you actually believed this, but good thing you still have an ounce of sanity left in that brain of yours!

Evolution must present the different races of man as "examples" of different branches of man's development along the evolutionary time line.

"There is no gene or group of genes one can analyze in a given person which will uniquely and unambiguously identify them as being one race or another. But that doesn't mean that there are no genetic differences at all."

USS Clueless - Genetic differences in race

In doing this IT must present each race as unique to the other, with no commonality evident and provide such suggested "empirical" evidence as different levels of intellectual ability. It must present one race as the superior. Now just which race do think is implied as being "SUPERIOR"? The bigotry,

I believe all races are geneticly 99.999% similar, anyone who claims to be geneticly superior is ignorant of genetics of the human race.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 03:37 pm
@Adam Bing,
Man you Fundies keep getting your asses handed back to you on a daily basis, yet you still come back for more.

FF and Sabz have demonstrated on numerous occassions the evidence we believe supports Evolution as scientific FACT!

Would you RED and you Campbell please offer up the kind of detailed and thorough scientific evidence that supports:

1. Talking Snakes
2. Population of the planet from two people with no genetic deformiaties
3. First hand, eye witness accounts that corroberate Jesus outside of the Bible
4. That the earth is approx 12,000 years old.
5. Where the water came from for a global flood and where it went after the flood
6. Where the dinosaurs were on the Ark
7. How the world was repopulated after the flood from one family with no genetic deformaties.

The guys above have laid their cases, stated and restated the evidence that ties in with science they and I believe in. You have questioned it and rightly so, but you have as yet not been able to offer scientific evidence which supports what your Bible's creation story states. All you have done is questioned Evolution, It's time for your side of the evidence story and an opportunity for us to study and investigate your evidence.

Are you up for the challenge?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Dec, 2007 10:55 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;49015 wrote:
Do you recall if they ever went through with that request?????


Yes, they went through with the request after the Jews blew up the King David motel 42 years latter, which killed 80 British officers. I don't think the British were in to much of a hurry to see those Bible prophecies fulfilled.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 22 Dec, 2007 10:28 pm
Campbell34;49241 wrote:
Yes, they went through with the request after the Jews blew up the King David motel 42 years latter, which killed 80 British officers. I don't think the British were in to much of a hurry to see those Bible prophecies fulfilled.

Oh so they did go through with the request???? I rest my case

PS. notice, i bolded where it says "42 years latter" because it makes your statement moot unless you think the brittish are phychic.
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2007 11:11 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;49129 wrote:
You must have faith in the one true father, Thor. You will only find eveidence for him if you seek him with your heart and accept him as your lord. Just because you don't believe in him doesn't make him any less real. But if you don't believe in him you shall spend all of eternity in the otherworld in Hel's domain and she shall makith you her servants of torture and deception and then at the end of time you shall fight in the final battle of ragnorac, but it is up to you to decide which side you're on, and let me tell you Thor doesn't lose!

Faith has nothing to do with my question, could you please supply me with an answer. Don't worry, I will not hold my breath. I don't really expect you to supply an answer. I'm just making my point. I don't think facts are that big with you anyway. Just empty rhetoric.
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