Evolution in the bible, says Vatican

Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 12:42 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;43749 wrote:
Fundementalism means taking a religious book literally. Which is what Mr.Campbell is doing here (see above quote) and what his counterparts in the Islamic world do. Ahmedinijad is a prime example.

Such a literal interpretation would be quaint if it was not downright dangerous given how this reckless belief in these prophecies by nuts on both sides make some of the more violent -end of days - ones almost self fulfilling. The support for the creation of Israel in '49 for example, came from Christians who where ardent believers in precisely the same nonsense that Mr.Campbell talks about here.

We innocent bystanders need to be cognisant of this crap. Why crap? Take Hitler for example. Just because his beliefs were violently forced through for a while due to his taking proactive steps to "make them happen" didn;t mean they were correct, true or fated.

There is a message in the above para for all those good people helping the prophecies to come to pass by encouraging Israel's misdemenours.

Grow up and be responsible citizens of this remarkable planet. There is no biblical end-of-days on the agenda. Only a possible man-made one if we do not wake up, embrace education and eschew blind belief.

Mr. Bing if the prophecies were not to be take literally, why did Jesus Christ fulfill the 300 prophecies of His first coming (literally?)
Adam Bing
Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 01:38 am
Campbell34;43759 wrote:
Mr. Bing if the prophecies were not to be take literally, why did Jesus Christ fulfill the 300 prophecies of His first coming (literally?)

He did not fulfil them. The writers of the Bible had him born in Bethelhem, raised in Nazerth, flee to Egypt, be of the linage of David (thats a good one), born of a virgin, star in the sky (I forget, was that also prophesized?) etc etc to ensure that it looked like he fulfilled them.

Re-writing history to make it look like prophecies had come true was a flourishing cottage industry in those days.
Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 02:38 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;43765 wrote:
He did not fulfil them. The writers of the Bible had him born in Bethelhem, raised in Nazerth, flee to Egypt, be of the linage of David (thats a good one), born of a virgin, star in the sky (I forget, was that also prophesized?) etc etc to ensure that it looked like he fulfilled them.

Re-writing history to make it look like prophecies had come true was a flourishing cottage industry in those days.

So your saying that all the writers of the Bible were really just good liars, and ALL OF THEM were willing to die horrible deaths to preserve their lies?
And if that was true, that would still not explain why the end time prophecies are still coming to pass.
For it was the Bible that told us that near the end of time the Jews would retake southern Israel first(1948), they would retake Jerusalem second(1967). That world attention would be focused on the control of Jerusalem. That Jerusalems East Gate would have a Porch Gate added to it, and that Gate would be sealed, and all attempts to open it would fail. ect. ect. ect.
Your belief requires more faith than mine.
Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 05:32 pm
Campbell34;43770 wrote:
So your saying that all the writers of the Bible were really just good liars, and ALL OF THEM were willing to die horrible deaths to preserve their lies?
And if that was true, that would still not explain why the end time prophecies are still coming to pass.
For it was the Bible that told us that near the end of time the Jews would retake southern Israel first(1948), they would retake Jerusalem second(1967). That world attention would be focused on the control of Jerusalem. That Jerusalems East Gate would have a Porch Gate added to it, and that Gate would be sealed, and all attempts to open it would fail. ect. ect. ect.
Your belief requires more faith than mine.

Forgive me if I am wrong, little bit before my time. But I don't seem to remember the Jews 'taking' Israel back. Seem to recall it being handed to them after the second world war as a state for themselves.

I recall this from memory and have no proof they 'took' Israel by force.

Happy to be corrected.
Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 06:30 pm
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;43728 wrote:
Pinochet, you never cease to surprise me. I am in awe of your tongue-in-cheek wisdom.

When the Hidden Imam and President Tom get through with you, you won't have a tongue. :banana:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 06:31 pm
Campbell34;43748 wrote:
God has His Book, and the Devil has his. I have no doubt the Devil will help to lead the Islamics into battle. Yet God tells us in Ezekiel when the Islamic nations attack Israel, He will destroy five sixths of their army. It was Gods Book the Bible that tells us that at the end of time God would allow the Jews to return to Israel, they would retake Jerusalem, and they would anger the nations. God has allow the Jews to return and is useing them as bait. The Islamics nations are going to see who the real God is on the day they attack Israel. They will see this, and so will the Jews. The event that is coming will be on a scale that is greater than the splitting of the Red Sea. God has a flair for the dramatic. The prophecies of the Bible are true, and there is nothing anyone of us could do to stop what is surly going to happen.

The point was........Fundies are all the same.:thumbdown:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 07:53 am
Numpty;43816 wrote:
Forgive me if I am wrong, little bit before my time. But I don't seem to remember the Jews 'taking' Israel back. Seem to recall it being handed to them after the second world war as a state for themselves.

I recall this from memory and have no proof they 'took' Israel by force.

Happy to be corrected.

The U.N. passed a resolution that gave Israel the right to exist and the very next day Israel was attacked by 3 Islamic nations and fought for weeks to keep their new nation. The United Nations did not go to war for Israel. Israel had to fight to survive.
Adam Bing
Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 08:06 am
Campbell34;43863 wrote:
The U.N. passed a resolution that gave Israel the right to exist and the very next day Israel was attacked by 3 Islamic nations and fought for weeks to keep their new nation. The United Nations did not go to war for Israel. Israel had to fight to survive.

That is the biggest canard doing the rounds since 1948.
- Zionism was born in Europe and the Europeans imposed an Israel on an innocent palestinian population. Like a Palestinan once said to me " That Hitler killed 6 million of them and we get punished".
- The Arabs have been protectors of Jews against Christian depredations since before the Spanish Inquisition. The Inquistion had a whole bunch of Jews to mess with in Spain because that's where the Jews had rushed to escape Christian Clutches.
- Even during WWII, the Mufti of Paris for example, gave false identities to Jews and even put mock tombstones in the Muslim graveyards to establish a false muslim pedigree for Jews escaping Nazis.
- The Jews repaid their debt by swooping down on Palestinian villages like brigands and perpetuating the worst land grab in modern times. As a consequence, anti-semitism is now associated with Arabs whose hatred is impacable due to whats happened to the Palestinians. The crazy bits in Islam has added more fuel to the fire. Well done Europe. Heck of a job. The best part of this job well done has been the PR. The poor suckers who got scammed are the bad guys. Well, guess what. Today they are and we made them such.
- European Jewry was fostered on Palestenian arabs who until then, had lived peacefully with the Palestinain born jews. They had their lands snatched by a cabal of revelation driven Christians and jews.
- The funny thing is that the end of days crap that supports israel today is an incredibly anti-semetic work as it requires that when the Big guy comes down after rapturing Mr.Campbell and the born again Joes, all the Jews in Israel will either convert to Christianity or be killed, some one-third surving or some such hog****.
- The funnier thing is the Jews are smart enough to understand this fully. A friend in Tel Aviv once told me that he didn't mind how anti-semetic all this stuff was, as long as the Christian crowd in the bible belt did what Israel wanted for now. He said he'd take his chances when Jesus came down. And boy did he laugh hard.

It would have been funny to me too if earlier that day, I did not see this photograph of a 13-14year old Israeli girl standing at a traffic light and aiming a kick at an elderly & dignified Arab woman.
Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 09:49 am
Campbell34;43704 wrote:
Would you please show us the evidence that states these are hoaxes.

You answer my question first.

And most of the hoaxes I am aware of, come from the Evolution camp, not the other way around. I cannot speak for all petroglyphs, but when you have petroglyphs that match pictures we have of dinosaurs today, well then, they should be given a much closer look. Also there are pictures like this all over the world. And they stand as an embarrassment to the believers in evolution.

You call knowledge of dinosaurs that predates our own proof of God? There existed a group of people who figured out the length of a solar year and lunar cycle down to within MINUTES way before these "glyphs" were created, using only a pair of sticks!

Then you guys came along and wiped them out. Bravo.
Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 09:55 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;43864 wrote:

- The funnier thing is the Jews are smart enough to understand this fully. A friend in Tel Aviv once told me that he didn't mind how anti-semetic all this stuff was, as long as the Christian crowd in the bible belt did what Israel wanted for now. He said he'd take his chances when Jesus came down. And boy did he laugh hard.


That is all.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 05:15 pm
Campbell34;43863 wrote:
The U.N. passed a resolution that gave Israel the right to exist and the very next day Israel was attacked by 3 Islamic nations and fought for weeks to keep their new nation. The United Nations did not go to war for Israel. Israel had to fight to survive.

the war was AFTER the jews had moved into the land they were given, so they didn't fight for it, they fought to keep it!

Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 08:00 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;43864 wrote:
That is the biggest canard doing the rounds since 1948.
- Zionism was born in Europe and the Europeans imposed an Israel on an innocent palestinian population. Like a Palestinan once said to me " That Hitler killed 6 million of them and we get punished".
- The Arabs have been protectors of Jews against Christian depredations since before the Spanish Inquisition. The Inquistion had a whole bunch of Jews to mess with in Spain because that's where the Jews had rushed to escape Christian Clutches.
- Even during WWII, the Mufti of Paris for example, gave false identities to Jews and even put mock tombstones in the Muslim graveyards to establish a false muslim pedigree for Jews escaping Nazis.
- The Jews repaid their debt by swooping down on Palestinian villages like brigands and perpetuating the worst land grab in modern times. As a consequence, anti-semitism is now associated with Arabs whose hatred is impacable due to whats happened to the Palestinians. The crazy bits in Islam has added more fuel to the fire. Well done Europe. Heck of a job. The best part of this job well done has been the PR. The poor suckers who got scammed are the bad guys. Well, guess what. Today they are and we made them such.
- European Jewry was fostered on Palestenian arabs who until then, had lived peacefully with the Palestinain born jews. They had their lands snatched by a cabal of revelation driven Christians and jews.
- The funny thing is that the end of days crap that supports israel today is an incredibly anti-semetic work as it requires that when the Big guy comes down after rapturing Mr.Campbell and the born again Joes, all the Jews in Israel will either convert to Christianity or be killed, some one-third surving or some such hog****.
- The funnier thing is the Jews are smart enough to understand this fully. A friend in Tel Aviv once told me that he didn't mind how anti-semetic all this stuff was, as long as the Christian crowd in the bible belt did what Israel wanted for now. He said he'd take his chances when Jesus came down. And boy did he laugh hard.

It would have been funny to me too if earlier that day, I did not see this photograph of a 13-14year old Israeli girl standing at a traffic light and aiming a kick at an elderly & dignified Arab woman.

Well if your Jewish friend had read Zec. chapter 12 in the Old Testament, he might not of laughed that hard. For in the Old Testament after God defends the Jews they will look upon Him who they peireced, and they will morn for Him as one would morn for their only Son. And all the familes of Israel will go into a great time of mouning, and all of them apart. If God just save them from destruction, why all the sorrow?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 08:15 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;44032 wrote:
the war was AFTER the jews had moved into the land they were given, so they didn't fight for it, they fought to keep it!


You really need to look at a map, and also study some history. Israels lands greatly increased by the time that war ended. So yes, they did fight for it, and they got it. The Bible tells us, that when the Jews would return they would first take southern Israel. They did this in (1948) Then the Bible tells us secondly they would take Jerusalem, which they did in (1967). The Bible also tells us they would take the ancient hight places, they did this when the took the (Golan Hights). Again the Bible was correct.
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 08:18 am
Sabz5150;43884 wrote:
You answer my question first.

You call knowledge of dinosaurs that predates our own proof of God? There existed a group of people who figured out the length of a solar year and lunar cycle down to within MINUTES way before these "glyphs" were created, using only a pair of sticks!

Then you guys came along and wiped them out. Bravo.

Would you please be a little more detailed.
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 02:19 pm
Campbell34;44108 wrote:
Would you please be a little more detailed.

With such crude instruments the Maya were able to calculate the length of the year to be 365.242 days (the modern value is 365.242198 days)This gives 29.5308 days as the length of the lunar month. The modern value is 29.53059 days.
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 02:25 pm
Sabz5150;44154 wrote:
With such crude instruments the Maya were able to calculate the length of the year to be 365.242 days (the modern value is 365.242198 days)This gives 29.5308 days as the length of the lunar month. The modern value is 29.53059 days.

Well the Mayans were big into human sacrifice so lets not make them out to be a great bunch of guys. Also, those who murdered them were Christian in name only, because Jesus said no murderers will enter into the Kingdom of God. Having a cross around your neck, and killing without cause your fellow man, is not the work of a heaven bound Christian.
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 02:30 pm
Campbell34;44155 wrote:
Well the Mayans were big into human sacrifice so lets not make them out to be a great bunch of guys. Also, those who murdered them were Christian in name only, because Jesus said no murderers will enter into the Kingdom of God. Having a cross around your neck, and killing without cause your fellow man, is not the work of a heaven bound Christian.

Why is this the same excuse given to ALL massacres done in the name of God?

They did some sacrificing. That does not change the fact that Christians slaughtered them. "Oh, these people were doing bad things, so let me go ahead and kill them off." DOES NOT WORK.

Besides, didn't you Christians do things like... painting doors with sheep's blood, burning animal carcasses to please God (look in the OT), burning people alive, torture, torture, torture, the list goes on. Hmmm... so can we slaughter you by the millions and burn all of your books and trinkets?

And for the "Oh, they weren't Christians..." BS, try telling that to the Church (I capitalized that for a reason), because their guy in the big hat said that was cool, and remember... he talks straight to the Big Guy himself.

Stop using the same old tired crap to defend your slaughtering and try standing on your own two feet for once.
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 03:43 pm
Sabz5150;44156 wrote:
Why is this the same excuse given to ALL massacres done in the name of God?

They did some sacrificing. That does not change the fact that Christians slaughtered them. "Oh, these people were doing bad things, so let me go ahead and kill them off." DOES NOT WORK.

Besides, didn't you Christians do things like... painting doors with sheep's blood, burning animal carcasses to please God (look in the OT), burning people alive, torture, torture, torture, the list goes on. Hmmm... so can we slaughter you by the millions and burn all of your books and trinkets?

And for the "Oh, they weren't Christians..." BS, try telling that to the Church (I capitalized that for a reason), because their guy in the big hat said that was cool, and remember... he talks straight to the Big Guy himself.

Stop using the same old tired crap to defend your slaughtering and try standing on your own two feet for once.

Like I said, the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ said, no Murders shall enter the Kingdom of God. Christians donot murder, and there will be many who come before God and tell Him of all the great things they have done for Him. And Jesus tells us, He will say to them, "depart from me, I never knew you". I don't even go to church myself because of my job, but when I did, I was never very impressed with most of the attenders I met there anyway. I left one church years ago because I saw little difference between the membership and the world. I think many think their doing God a favor by showing up. Just because you have a lot of people sitting in a building with a cross over it does not mean you have a lot of Christians sitting in a building. A lot of those people are there because their family members go, and it's more of a social time that a spiritual time. A lot of things have happened in the name of Christ, but if such things oppose His teachings, then whos to blame? Christ who said not to murder, or the one's who did it anyway. No one will get away with murder. And I don't care what they call themselves. God can tell a true Christian from an imposter. Jesus tells us, "you will know them by their works", and murdering, is not one of those works.
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 03:52 pm
Campbell34;44160 wrote:
Like I said, the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ said, no Murders shall enter the Kingdom of God. Christians donot murder, and there will be many who come before God and tell Him of all the great things they have done for Him. And Jesus tells us, He will say to them, "depart from me, I never knew you". I don't even go to church myself because of my job, but when I did, I was never very impressed with most of the attenders I met there anyway. I left one church years ago because I saw little difference between the membership and the world. I think many think their doing God a favor by showing up. Just because you have a lot of people sitting in a building with a cross over it does not mean you have a lot of Christians sitting in a building. A lot of those people are there because their family members go, and it's more of a social time that a spiritual time. A lot of things have happened in the name of Christ, but if such things oppose His teachings, then whos to blame? Christ who said not to murder, or the one's who did it anyway. No one will get away with murder. And I don't care what they call themselves. God can tell a true Christian from an imposter. Jesus tells us, "you will know them by their works", and murdering, is not one of those works.

We have been debating that a murderer can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, elsewhere on these forums. How come they can not now?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 10:02 pm
Campbell34;44107 wrote:
You really need to look at a map, and also study some history. Israels lands greatly increased by the time that war ended. So yes, they did fight for it, and they got it. The Bible tells us, that when the Jews would return they would first take southern Israel. They did this in (1948) Then the Bible tells us secondly they would take Jerusalem, which they did in (1967). The Bible also tells us they would take the ancient hight places, they did this when the took the (Golan Hights). Again the Bible was correct.

i know history quite well, enlarging Israel is not the same as taking israel!

also you will notice the ancient land of cana'an(promise land) is not the same as israel in land area!:headbang:

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