Campbell34;43863 wrote:The U.N. passed a resolution that gave Israel the right to exist and the very next day Israel was attacked by 3 Islamic nations and fought for weeks to keep their new nation. The United Nations did not go to war for Israel. Israel had to fight to survive.
That is the biggest canard doing the rounds since 1948.
- Zionism was born in Europe and the Europeans imposed an Israel on an innocent palestinian population. Like a Palestinan once said to me " That Hitler killed 6 million of them and we get punished".
- The Arabs have been protectors of Jews against Christian depredations since before the Spanish Inquisition. The Inquistion had a whole bunch of Jews to mess with in Spain because that's where the Jews had rushed to escape Christian Clutches.
- Even during WWII, the Mufti of Paris for example, gave false identities to Jews and even put mock tombstones in the Muslim graveyards to establish a false muslim pedigree for Jews escaping Nazis.
- The Jews repaid their debt by swooping down on Palestinian villages like brigands and perpetuating the worst land grab in modern times. As a consequence, anti-semitism is now associated with Arabs whose hatred is impacable due to whats happened to the Palestinians. The crazy bits in Islam has added more fuel to the fire. Well done Europe. Heck of a job. The best part of this job well done has been the PR. The poor suckers who got scammed are the bad guys. Well, guess what. Today they are and we made them such.
- European Jewry was fostered on Palestenian arabs who until then, had lived peacefully with the Palestinain born jews. They had their lands snatched by a cabal of revelation driven Christians and jews.
- The funny thing is that the end of days crap that supports israel today is an incredibly anti-semetic work as it requires that when the Big guy comes down after rapturing Mr.Campbell and the born again Joes, all the Jews in Israel will either convert to Christianity or be killed, some one-third surving or some such hog****.
- The funnier thing is the Jews are smart enough to understand this fully. A friend in Tel Aviv once told me that he didn't mind how anti-semetic all this stuff was, as long as the Christian crowd in the bible belt did what Israel wanted for now. He said he'd take his chances when Jesus came down. And boy did he laugh hard.
It would have been funny to me too if earlier that day, I did not see this photograph of a 13-14year old Israeli girl standing at a traffic light and aiming a kick at an elderly & dignified Arab woman.