Evolution in the bible, says Vatican

Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 05:28 pm
@Adam Bing,
Man, do you dudes ever HOLD FORTH.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 05:42 pm
thomascrosthwaite;45748 wrote:
Red Devil, Your arugment won't hold water. You said that God speakes to us through the Bible instead of directly to us. Why would he could this? It has only been in recent years that the masses of people could read and write. Even Andrew Johnson couldn't read or write until he married a school teacher who tought him and later became the 17th president of the United States. Over 2,000 years later, there are some languages that do not have a written form. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

By what do you base your assumption that one has to know how to read to "hear" the words that are written in the scriptures? The words themselves do not offer salvation, but the truth contained therein does. It is best if one can read and know for certain that he is being presented the correct information regarding what is written, but the inability to read would not preclude anyone from seeking the truth that is found in scriptures, if they have the desire to know the truth, they would seek out a Bible teaching church and attend such.

But the whole argument does indeed hold water, as it has been presented many times and proven via the scriptures themselves. First one must start at the beginning of the chain of authority and see how it is finally delegated to the words of the scriptures themselves.

The ultimate source of authority of course is God the creator and we are told such in scriptures (1Cor11:3). That authority has been given to his Son, Jesus (Matt28:18). But God still remains supreme (1Cor15:23-28).

With Jesus now holding all authority over man, one might ask, How does Jesus choose to make his will known to mankind? When Christ left the earth he told his disciples that they would not be left alone and on their own. The Spirit of Truth would guide them in "all" truth (John16:13-15). By the command and commission of the Christ they were to teach that "truth"(all) to all nations (Matt28:19-20), they were to teach all things commanded by Jesus. This is exactly what happened to the disciples, as Paul explains that he and the other apostles have the mind of Christ through the Spirit as promised (1 Cor 2:16). And Paul told the Ephesian elders, "For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God" (Acts20:27). Even though the whole Bible was yet to be recorded, Paul through the teachings of the Spirit taught the "WHOLE COUNCIL OF GOD.

The scriptures then go on to tell us of the completeness of God's revelation. Peter claimed that through our knowledge of God we learn EVERYTHING pertaining to life and godliness (11Peter1:2-4). That knowledge of God comes through the writings of the Apostles. All Scripture is able to make a man COMPLETE (11Timothy3:16-17). Scripture are the written words of God. So, what has been left out for man to gain the knowledge of salvation? Nothing.

They(apostles) very well knew that they would not always be present to present the inspired words of God. They knew people, who did no have the direct inspiration of the Spirit of God would need in future generations to be taught "all" truth, even after their death, and what needed to be done to gain salvation (11Peter1:10-15), as Peter said, "Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle(die), even hath as our Lord Jesus Christ hath showed me.........Moreover I will endeavor that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance."

Thus they wrote them down as a permanent record. John says much the same thing (1John:3-4). The apostles gave a complete account of all that Jesus taught them through the aid of the Holy Spirit and confirmed their teachings with signs and wonders, thus this truth must not be altered because, the teachings were not the apostles' own opinions, but by proxy of the spirit the words of Christ(11Peter1:16, 19-21). They were not the teachings of other men (Galatians1:11-12). They were the WORDS OF GOD, ONCE DELIVERED(complete with no more need of modern day Holy Ghost inspiration, in fact if there is more inspiration of the Holy Spirit as truth today, why not add another book into the bible, if not, why not?). This does not leave any room for leeway. The Bible and its scriptures are set in a standard for all generations and cannot be altered or contradicted.

There is no further need for revelation. Jesus' word will judge us all (John 12:48). The apostles' writings will guide us as the basis of judgment, to determine the truth (Romans2:16).

Could there be continuing revelations from God? Yes, if the requirements were meet. Is there any still alive that was commissioned by the Christ to be guided into all truth, that was there in person when Jesus made his commandment of commission? If there were further truth delivered, it could only match what the apostles have already written since alterations are not allowed, nothing to be added or taken away without contradicting the apostles own message(and they by proxy of the Spirit were speaking the words of Christ) that their message was complete. If something new was revealed, how could those who lived prior to the new revelation be judged by it?

Jude said the message was only delivered once (Jude 3). There are not to be different messages for different people. It was delivered for all times and all peoples, as God shows no respect of person. Simply put, the message does not change over time. Thus we conclude that he Bible claims that it is complete, and it does. It has everything we need to know.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 06:16 pm
RED DEVIL;45724 wrote:
"The bible in its entirety is God's written word to man. Free of error in its original autographs, wholly reliable in history and doctrine. Its divine inspiration has rendered the book 'infallible' (incapable of teaching deception) and 'inerrant' (not liable to find false or untrue). Its inspiration is 'plenary' (extending to all parts alike), 'verbal' (including the actual language form), and 'confluent' ( a product of the two free agents, human and divine). Inspiration involves infallibility as essential property, and infallibility in turn implies inerrancy." (Clark H. Pinnock, A Denfese of Biblical infallibility, page 1)

We as Christians believe that it is free of errors in its original manuscripts. Many claim that due to the fact a few minor copy errors of translations have occurred that this gives them the right to lay claim to the original being untrue. But a few copying errors do not take away from the truth made in the context of the scripts. We may not have any complete originals but the "cannonization" process has validated the "authenticity" and time period to the New Testament Scripts as being accurately dated from 45AD to 150AD, some 200 years before the first council of Nieasa in 325AD (a common claim made by educated fools to claim the fallibility of the NT writtings). New Testament - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the Old Testament books that have been found in the Dead Sea Scrolls validate the truth and the accuracy of the New Testament in fulfilling future prophecy. Two complete copies of the book of "Isaiah" were found and accurately dated to a time period of some 200 years before the birth of Christ. Dead Sea scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This particular book of the Old Testament has been carbon dated and confirmed a original. The writings found therein mirror the actual happenings of the NT scripts exactly in their prophecies. Chapter 53 contains an incredibly accurate description of Jesus Christ and tells of just how his trial and death would come about. He was not physically beautiful...vs2, He was rejected by men...vs3, He was wounded, bruised, scrouged....vs 5, He had a mock trial...vs7-8, He died at a young age before his time and without children...vs8, He was killed and hung along the wicked and buried among the rich.

"THE BIBLE IN ITS ENTIRETY IS GODS WRITTEN WORD TO MAN"......if not, why not, prove it wrong. RD

Amen, very good Red Devil
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 06:30 pm
Numpty;45714 wrote:
Well in my humble opinion that is just crap!!

Take away the religous aspect and that it is god and look from a moral perspective.

Out-lined in a book is a list of 10 items that show you how to lead your life, if you follow them you will truely lead a good life and meet the lord in heaven, there is however a catch you must believe in the person that is in the book.
Basically it says no matter how good a person you are, how positive a life you lead, how many lives you save then because you don't believe in me you can't join my club.

Now is the person in the book so far removed from reality that they cannot see a good virtuos person when they see one and so condem them to eternal hell because they haven't already developed a personal relationship.

not very forgiving is it?

Well it's only crap to you because you believe your belief is more valid than the Bible. The fact is, there are some people who are better than other people, yet the Bible tells us ALL have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. People who seek God are the ones who have put aside their own desires, and now look to live the servants life. They are the one's who truly seek to do good. The preaching of the cross to them that perish is foolishness, but to we which are alive and saved it is the power of God. Good people seek God, evil people seek their own way, and then tell God how they deserve to go to heaven because of their own good deeds, and their own good works. Numpty, is your life so perfect that you deserve to go to heaven?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 06:51 pm
Campbell34;45781 wrote:
Well it's only crap to you because you believe your belief is more valid than the Bible.

and you believe the bible is more valid than my or Numpty's belief!
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 09:54 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45786 wrote:
and you believe the bible is more valid than my or Numpty's belief!

It was the God of the Bible who told me to pray for a job, and when I did, I got a job as soon as I said the word, "Amen." It was the God of the Bible who told me that my wife was going to have a child, and I found this out four hours before even my wife knew. One day when I told the God of the Bible I loved Him, a ballon came down the street and squeezed through a fence post and almost hit me in the face, I caught it in my hands, and when I turned it over, printed on the ballon were the words, "I LOVE YOU". Yes, the God of the Bible has often proven Himself to me. And because of that proof, I believe His book is more valid, than both you and Numpty's belief.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 10:09 pm
Campbell34;45835 wrote:
It was the God of the Bible who told me to pray for a job, and when I did, I got a job as soon as I said the word, "Amen." It was the God of the Bible who told me that my wife was going to have a child, and I found this out four hours before even my wife knew. One day when I told the God of the Bible I loved Him, a ballon came down the street and squeezed through a fence post and almost hit me in the face, I caught it in my hands, and when I turned it over, printed on the ballon were the words, "I LOVE YOU". Yes, the God of the Bible has often proven Himself to me. And because of that proof, I believe His book is more valid, than both you and Numpty's belief.

and the hidus or muslims who have their prayers answered, are just lying right?

the problem that lies, is you try to make these occurances fit into your belief, only ambigious or coincidental prayers are answered...thats why god didn't say your wife will have your child on sunday august 12, 2008 at 9:37 PM! Pray for a very specific occurance and see if it happens, I dare YOU!
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 10:55 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45838 wrote:
and the hidus or muslims who have their prayers answered, are just lying right?

the problem that lies, is you try to make these occurances fit into your belief, only ambigious or coincidental prayers are answered...thats why god didn't say your wife will have your child on sunday august 12, 2008 at 9:37 PM! Pray for a very specific occurance and see if it happens, I dare YOU!

I believe it is possible that a hindu or muslims will have their prayers answered. Yet, it is not my God that answers them. And God could of told me an exact date, yet when God speaks to you, and you rush home to tell your wife what God said to you, and you find your wife asleep. And then four hours later you discover she is pregnant, you don't worry about an exact date. God does not jump on our command, He instills in His people a thought, or a voice that can be heard, and when we act on His thought or His voice, that is when we see His power at work. I don't have to make anything fit into my belief system, it is obvious that God is in control. Some years ago I had an encounter with two demons by the names of Abjar and Altra. I was only 23 at the time. Yet this encounter lasted for a period of 6 months. It was not until other Christians came into the picture that I was able to rid myself of them. I did not try to force fit them into my belief system, it was obvious they did not like me, and they hated Christ. In my 57 years on this earth, I have seen much of God, and nothing had to be fabricated or forced to fit my belief system. The problem is, this world can only relate to the physical world. When spiritual events occure they cannot grasp any of it, and often resort to explaining it away with purely humanistic understanding. God speaks to me when I least expect Him to. I don't have to work myself up for that to happen. I was just thanking God for my life when God interjected in the middle of my prayer that my wife was going to have a child. That thought was never in my mind, He just took that time to tell me. The closer you get to Christ, the more you find out just how real He is.
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 11:16 pm
Campbell34;45781 wrote:
Well it's only crap to you because you believe your belief is more valid than the Bible. The fact is, there are some people who are better than other people, yet the Bible tells us ALL have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. People who seek God are the ones who have put aside their own desires, and now look to live the servants life. They are the one's who truly seek to do good. The preaching of the cross to them that perish is foolishness, but to we which are alive and saved it is the power of God. Good people seek God, evil people seek their own way, and then tell God how they deserve to go to heaven because of their own good deeds, and their own good works. Numpty, is your life so perfect that you deserve to go to heaven?


Put aside their desires, yet they want the glory of God,..which is it?

Mate, of course my life isn't perfect and as I stated before i don't want to meet the god you describe to me, I find him quite backward thinking, vindictive and very jealous. Nope you can keep your god, I am happy that once my time is up, that is it, job done.
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 12:36 am
Numpty;45846 wrote:

Put aside their desires, yet they want the glory of God,..which is it?

Mate, of course my life isn't perfect and as I stated before i don't want to meet the god you describe to me, I find him quite backward thinking, vindictive and very jealous. Nope you can keep your god, I am happy that once my time is up, that is it, job done.

So how do you enter into a perfect heaven, if you are less than perfect. Why do you deserve to go to heaven?
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 01:15 pm
Campbell34;45849 wrote:
So how do you enter into a perfect heaven, if you are less than perfect. Why do you deserve to go to heaven?

You are asking the wrong question to the wrong person. It has no relevence to me personally.

I am HAPPY in my knowledge that once I am dead that is it. I am making the most of the life I have now. Not trying to feather a bed for another life. As much as I don't understand your views on what happens when we die, you don't seem to be able to comprehend that I don't want eternal life, nor Gods Glory nor do I want sit before his throne, nothing repulses me more than the thought of a God on a throne watching my every move and judging me on everything I do. If he is a father he is not a very loving parent nor forgiving. If your children did not believe in you, would you cast them aside and condem them to eternal damnation?

On the subject of death, why do christians mourn people when they are dead? Surely if they are a good christian everyone should be singing, dancing having a party celebrating their life and generally being happy in the knowledge they have finally attained what all christians aspire to, eternal life with God. It shouldn't be a funeral it should be a bloody damn good knees up.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 07:01 pm
Campbell34;45845 wrote:
I believe it is possible that a hindu or muslims will have their prayers answered. Yet, it is not my God that answers them. And God could of told me an exact date, yet when God speaks to you, and you rush home to tell your wife what God said to you, and you find your wife asleep. And then four hours later you discover she is pregnant, you don't worry about an exact date. God does not jump on our command, He instills in His people a thought, or a voice that can be heard, and when we act on His thought or His voice, that is when we see His power at work. I don't have to make anything fit into my belief system, it is obvious that God is in control. Some years ago I had an encounter with two demons by the names of Abjar and Altra. I was only 23 at the time. Yet this encounter lasted for a period of 6 months. It was not until other Christians came into the picture that I was able to rid myself of them. I did not try to force fit them into my belief system, it was obvious they did not like me, and they hated Christ. In my 57 years on this earth, I have seen much of God, and nothing had to be fabricated or forced to fit my belief system. The problem is, this world can only relate to the physical world. When spiritual events occure they cannot grasp any of it, and often resort to explaining it away with purely humanistic understanding. God speaks to me when I least expect Him to. I don't have to work myself up for that to happen. I was just thanking God for my life when God interjected in the middle of my prayer that my wife was going to have a child. That thought was never in my mind, He just took that time to tell me. The closer you get to Christ, the more you find out just how real He is.

believe whatever you want, i am obviously not going to change your beliefs, just as you won't change mine.....but i'll have you know your belief is not any more valid than mine!
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 07:48 pm
Numpty;45857 wrote:
You are asking the wrong question to the wrong person. It has no relevence to me personally.

I am HAPPY in my knowledge that once I am dead that is it. I am making the most of the life I have now. Not trying to feather a bed for another life. As much as I don't understand your views on what happens when we die, you don't seem to be able to comprehend that I don't want eternal life, nor Gods Glory nor do I want sit before his throne, nothing repulses me more than the thought of a God on a throne watching my every move and judging me on everything I do. If he is a father he is not a very loving parent nor forgiving. If your children did not believe in you, would you cast them aside and condem them to eternal damnation?

On the subject of death, why do christians mourn people when they are dead? Surely if they are a good christian everyone should be singing, dancing having a party celebrating their life and generally being happy in the knowledge they have finally attained what all christians aspire to, eternal life with God. It shouldn't be a funeral it should be a bloody damn good knees up.

Anytime you have to say goodbye, even if it is for a short time, it is sometimes a little sad. When my father passed away I was not able to make it to the hospital in time to say good bye. So I felt kind of bad, and when I got to the hospital, I thought, well thats it for now. Yet even then, I still did not fully know the power of God. About a month later I had this very vivid dream. I recall looking out in front of my home and seeing all these really happy people. As I was watching them, I saw my father. I recall running out of the house and taking him by the arm and saying, "boy dad, am I glad to see you." My father then reached for my shirt pocket taking a small bible from it that he had given me 25 years before. He pointed to a notation that he had written in the cover of that Bible. It said I should never be ashamed of the Gospel, and to continue in the work of the Lord. He then put it in my pocket, and I had the feeling that we went off somewhere to talk for a while. Then I recall telling my dad that we could spend the whole day together, and then he said to me, "I can't, I can't Tom, I'm walking with Jesus now." He then ran off and jumped into the front of a line of people, and disappeared into a cloud. Seeing him run off was something, because my father had broken his leg two years before his death, and I never saw him walk again. My family and I were still trying to figure out what words to put on my fathers grave stone, and after that dream, we all decided we should put the words which he spoke to me in the dream. "I'm walking with Jesus now." And those are the words that are on my fathers grave stone today. And that dream is the last memory I have of my father. I know someday I will see him again, and on that day, both of us will be walking with Jesus.
God does not send anyone to Hell, you have to volunteer to go there. God tells us that He would have all people come to repentenance. That's what God wants, but we humans all have are own will, and we all have a choice to make. The Bible tells us, that most people will willingly reject God's gift of Salvation. And I think the sad part of it will be, when people see what they could of had, and then to see what they actually ended up with because of their misguided choices, and because of the hardness of their hearts.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 07:55 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45923 wrote:
believe whatever you want, i am obviously not going to change your beliefs, just as you won't change mine.....but i'll have you know your belief is not any more valid than mine!

Is your belief based on a God who has revealed Himself to you? Or is your belief based on your own imagination?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 08:10 pm
Campbell34;45938 wrote:
Is your belief based on a God who has revealed Himself to you? Or is your belief based on your own imagination?

my belief is based on reality, Magic is not real!

there is no evidence for dragons, so i dont not believe in them, there is no evidence for lepprechauns, so i dont not believe in them, there is no evidence for gods so i do not believe in them!

nobody knows the absolute truth, not untill we die, and anybody claiming to know the absolute truth is a LIAR! You claim to know there is a god, you claim to know him, you claim to know is son, you claim to know his actions, you claim to know his name his actions, you claim to know his feelings.....i have never seen, nor heard nor felt this god....so how do i know he exists? Where is your evidence? Why is your god true and others not?

The burden of proof is on those who make the claim! extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 08:51 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45939 wrote:
my belief is based on reality, Magic is not real!

there is no evidence for dragons, so i dont not believe in them, there is no evidence for lepprechauns, so i dont not believe in them, there is no evidence for gods so i do not believe in them!

nobody knows the absolute truth, not untill we die, and anybody claiming to know the absolute truth is a LIAR! You claim to know there is a god, you claim to know him, you claim to know is son, you claim to know his actions, you claim to know his name his actions, you claim to know his feelings.....i have never seen, nor heard nor felt this god....so how do i know he exists? Where is your evidence? Why is your god true and others not?

The burden of proof is on those who make the claim! extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!

My God, the God of the Bible tells us that if we seek Him with all our mind, with all our soul, and with all our heart we will surly find Him. I did what He instructed us to do, and I found Him, just as He said we would.
If you want to know this God, you have to seek Him. He will be waiting for you. Jesus Christ is not just a historical figure. He is real, He is alive, and He is powerful. If you have a seeking heart, ask Him in a prayer of your own words to reveal Himself to you. Tell Him you need to know that He is real.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 10:07 pm
Campbell34;45943 wrote:
My God, the God of the Bible tells us that if we seek Him with all our mind, with all our soul, and with all our heart we will surly find Him. I did what He instructed us to do, and I found Him, just as He said we would.
If you want to know this God, you have to seek Him. He will be waiting for you. Jesus Christ is not just a historical figure. He is real, He is alive, and He is powerful. If you have a seeking heart, ask Him in a prayer of your own words to reveal Himself to you. Tell Him you need to know that He is real.

your god does not tell you anything, your book however does! But your book was written by man. The book claims tha god is real and that god says the bible is truth, however this is a circular argument....thus not reliable in the least.

Your book says that it was inspired by god....why should i believe it in the first place?
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 10:45 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45954 wrote:
your god does not tell you anything, your book however does! But your book was written by man. The book claims tha god is real and that god says the bible is truth, however this is a circular argument....thus not reliable in the least.

Your book says that it was inspired by god....why should i believe it in the first place?

Well your wrong, my God has spoken to me. And the bible was written by man, yet it was authored by God. Man could not of known the details of the future, only God could of known them. And that is why the Bible tells us that near the end of time the Jews would return to the land of Israel, they would retake Jerusalem, and Jerusalems East Gate would have a porch Gate that would be sealed. And all attempts to open that Gate would fail. They have. Simple men could not of known that Jerusalems Original East Gate would be buried, and then become the foundation of the Porch Gate. They could not of known that the Porch Gate then would be sealed up by non believers hundreds of years later. And they could not of know that all attempts to open the Porch Gate would fail. This is not a circular arguement, this is a fact that can only be denied by those who refuse to believe the written Word.

Focus on Jerusalem~Eastern Gate in Prophecy
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 11:36 pm
@Adam Bing,
Why should anyone believe in the truths of the Bible and the self professed statement contained therein that states, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works"? (2 Tim. 2:16-17).

HOW ABOUT THE SCIENTIFIC FOREKNOWLEDGE IN THE BIBLE.....of things that man did not even consider to be facts until hundreds and sometimes thousands of years in the future. Here a few examples of such foreknowledge and the fact that they are true, even though they were written hundreds of years before man even considered them.

Psalm 147:5 says, "Great is our Lord, and of great power; his understanding is infinite."

God indeed is the God of all knowledge and his knowledge is infinite. While the Bible is designed to reveal spiritual truths, it sometimes deals in scientific facts. Where it comments on those facts, we can expect it to be correct because of God's infinite understanding. While man's knowledge of science has been rather limited until just recent years, the Bible' handling of scientific facts is accurate despite man's ignorance.

Here are but a few of the scientific facts that was written with foreknowledge of man wisdom and ability to comprehend.

The water cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7) states, "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again." This is the basic understanding of the modern "water cycle". Waters from rivers flow into the ocean. The Mississippi alone dumps 6,052,500 gallons of water per second into the Gulf of Mexico. Yet the sea is not full. The ocean evaporates. Water returns to the land in the form of clouds. The water returns to the rivers in the form of precipitation, the idea of a complete water cycle. This idea was not developed by the scientific community until the 16th and 17th century. First proposed by Pierre Perrault and Edme Mariotte. Just how could the writers of the Bible know 2000 years prior to this scientific work?

Noha's ark (Genesis 6).....the size and design of the ark was as such, 300 cubits long by 50 cubits wide by 30 cubits high. This would be a ratio of 30 to 5 to 3. It was about 450ft long by the conservative estimate of using a cubit....the length from a man's elbow to the end of his outstretched fingertips. It was the largest sea going vessel ever recorded prior to 1885. In "modern" shipbuilding we find that in 1844 Isambard K. Brunnel built the "Great Britian". It's dimension as measured by the best engr's available at that time to be perfect for the open seas....30 to 5 to 3. These dimensions are 'perfect' for a seaworthy vessel. Shipbuilders during the 2nd world war used these dimensions to build battle ships. Just how did Noah gain insight to have the perfect dimensions for such a large vessel considering, he had no previous experience upon which to draw as his design was the first and "only" design before modern times?

The Springs of the Sea and Recesses of the Deep (Job 38:16)....God told Job, "Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? Or hast thou walked in the search of the depths?" Modern science now maps these underwater geographical features as Oceanographic maps show springs in the ocean. How could the writer of the book know? They had no instruments, equipment, or devices to discover such. The recesses/trenches of the deep, were never considered until just in recent years as they believed the oceans to be quite shallow. Today, we know that the Atlantic and Pacific oceans have trenches in them. How could the writers have known in Biblical times of such without the means to discover such?

Mans life is in the Blood (Levitcus 17:11-14)....Moses wrote to the children of Israel that the life of the flesh was in the blood. This is "literally" true. Our blood carries oxygen, removes waste, carries nutrients and many other things that sustain man's life. Yet, in this nation the men and women who founded this country thought that men could be cured from disease by bleeding them. Many died from bleeding to death, not having enough blood to sustain their own life. Yet the answer was in Leviticus all the time. How did Moses know of such things?

The Bible proclaims in Genesis 3:15 that women has a "seed". In past years many Doctors thought that the woman was no more than an "incubator" for the seed of man. We know today that man's sperm just contributes to the fertile process of a woman's "egg".

The prohibition of eating certain foods mandated by Law (Deuteronomy 14:8).....The Israelites were forbidden to eat the flesh of swine. This was one of their dietary laws. Pigs indeed are scavengers; they eat just about anything they come across. In doing so they pick up different organisms that are pathogens toward man. Trichinella spiralis, which is the cause of trichjinosis. The tapeworm Taenis solium. The parasite Echinococcus granulosis, which causes tumors in the liver and lungs. Uncooked pig flesh can be very harmful to people. The Mosaic dietary restrictions were remarkable in their preventative abilities. How did Moses know to compile such a list of dietary restrictions of preventative powers?

The Burial of human waste (Deuteronomy 12:12-14)....the common practice of the people before the law was given was to just throw the waste into the street or elsewhere that one could find. We know that such unsanitary acts was one of the factors that led to the great bubonic plague outbreak that nearly wiped out Europe, as this attacked vermin that carried the fleas that spread the disease. Today there are strict laws that cover such in every modern society on earth, but Moses knew that many years prior to modern man gaining this knowledge. How?

Circumcision (Genesis 17:12)....God commanded circumcision to be on the 8th day after birth, why not sooner or later? It now has been shown that it is on the 8th day that a child starts developing Vitamin K, which incidentally starts the process in the blood of starting to develop platelets or that part of the blood which causes wounds to clot. If that vitamin was not present, then the child would bleed to death. But it is on this day "exactly" that the level of the vitamin is naturally the highest due to the action of naturally occurring bacteria in the intestinal tract. It is on that day that God said to circumcise. Kind'a handy for someone that is going to have open surgery to have the ability for ones blood to clot, is it not? How would Abraham have known this? He could not, only the creator of all life could have known such at that time.

There are many more items that we could show and talk about, but these few should be sufficient to show that when the Bible states scientific facts that they are accurate even when man's knowledge of such things is deficient. RD
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2007 11:09 am
@Adam Bing,
Red Devil, in reading the Bible you seem to have missed a lot. Ancient people believed that the Earth was flat and rested on pillows and that mental disorders were caused by evil spirits This is exactly what the Bible teaches, both explicit and implicit. There are about 20 references that refer to such things as the ends of the Earth, the 4 corners of the Earth, the foundation of the Earth and the pillows of the Earth. It also leaves the impression that the Earth is the center of the Universe and not the Sun. This was part of Catholic teaching until recent times. It also strongly implies that mental illness is caused by evil spririts. Hense, the sacrament of exorcism. A few years back an Autistic boy was killed in an exorcism near where I live. While I enjoy debating you and Mr. Campbell and consider both of you my friends, I am dead serious about exposing your false teachings. Your ancient thinking is perhaps the greatest danger the world faces today. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

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