Church of England to Apologise to Darwin

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 12:45 am
Campbell34;61681 wrote:
John Keel is one of the mosted influential ufologists since the 1970s. Keel states that after a lifetime of investigation he discovered an astonishing overlap between psychic phenomena and ufos. Keel believes like others in his field who have done the footwork, that ufos are a non human or spiritual intelligence source that has staged whole events over a long time period to propagate and reinforce certain erroneous belief systems. Keel believes that ultimately all of these anomalies are a cover for the real phenomenon.

It is my belief that the Bible predictions of the Anti Christ to come will be deeply involved with UFOs. I myself saw a vision of this person when I was about 4 years old, and I believe in the future such a man will be coming to earth in a desperate hour. He will not be here to help mankind, far from it, yet that is what people will believe.

BWHAHAHA!!! :rollinglaugh:

This is the funniest part right here:

"that ufos are a non human or spiritual intelligence source that has staged whole events over a long time period to propagate and reinforce certain erroneous belief systems."

You actually believe this crap? :rollinglaugh:

This is probably the most ridiculous thing i've heard in over a decade, and i've heard some pretty ridiculous things in the past, but this takes the cake for sure.

I'd ask for evidence but i'd only be kidding myself if i expected to actually get any. This guy you mention is a magician and journalist for chrissakes! Ufology is a pseudoscience, there are absolutely no qualifications to consider yourself a ufologist, anybody with a camera can call themselves a ufologist. This guy has no scientific education beyond high school nor any other education in related fields, his only qualification is in writing stories, in which he writes some stupendous tales indeed. he is a wack-job out to make money and you are gullible if you can't see that.
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 01:09 am
Numpty;61677 wrote:

Nice try, you make the claim, you put it to bed. I have seen and read many many reasons why these objects are not either dino's or they are fakes. This is one part of your argument, which is very weak to say the least. Keep the evidence coming, if you can.

I don't have to put these claims to bed. Evolutionist already have by their unscientific approach to new evidence. They just ignore it or deny it. You say you have seen many reasons why these objects are not dino's or fakes. Tell me, what are the reasons you do not believe the figurines from El Toro mountain. Only one believer in Evolution claims they are fakes, and his claims have been refuted by a number of others more involoved in the dig site than he. And outside of that one person, can you name any others who actually saw the collection that are believers in Evolution. And if you can name names, are these believers in Evolution now on record claiming they are fakes based on a scientific approach? It's easy to make bland general statements, but can you back up your claims with specifics? What is weak, is the responce from believers in Evolution. To simply claim these items are fakes, without even so much as to actually time test the items is laughable. Where is this investigative science you talk about? The fact is, most believers in Evolution will not touch the figurines from El Toro mountain with a ten foot pole. Prove me wrong, show me where there has been a serious study by believers in Evolution in reguards to these figurines. As I said before, what good is it to present new evidence, when believers in Evolution simply say it's not true, based not on science, but their personal opion. And then they say, show me more evidence. It's obvious these people are not seeking the truth, they appear only intrested in protecting their Theory.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 01:57 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61686 wrote:
BWHAHAHA!!! :rollinglaugh:

This is the funniest part right here:

"that ufos are a non human or spiritual intelligence source that has staged whole events over a long time period to propagate and reinforce certain erroneous belief systems."

You actually believe this crap? :rollinglaugh:

This is probably the most ridiculous thing i've heard in over a decade, and i've heard some pretty ridiculous things in the past, but this takes the cake for sure.

I'd ask for evidence but i'd only be kidding myself if i expected to actually get any. This guy you mention is a magician and journalist for chrissakes! Ufology is a pseudoscience, there are absolutely no qualifications to consider yourself a ufologist, anybody with a camera can call themselves a ufologist. This guy has no scientific education beyond high school nor any other education in related fields, his only qualification is in writing stories, in which he writes some stupendous tales indeed. he is a wack-job out to make money and you are gullible if you can't see that.

Well if you can just negate everyone based on your personal opinion then what can one say. Even if it is obvious that others in this field of research consider Keel one of the most influential ufo writers in the world today, such as Jerome Clark and others, who cares. You don't have to believe the evidence, just use your personal opinion. That should trump expert testimony anytime. John Keel was the author of the MothMan Prophecies, which was a story based on events that occured at Point Pleasent West Virginia back in 1966 and 1967. His books have been read by millions, and his beliefs have been formulated by the thousands of testimonies that have come from everyday people from around the world. Now, if all these testimonies can be refuted by you based on you own personal opinion, which I'm sure is limited in nature and scope. What can one say. Anytime you have numerous people telling you the same basic story of something that is beyond normal, you really should slow down and consider what is being said. Yet if your mind has been slammed shut, I guess you can call them all fools, and then lean back falling asleep in your rocking chair. I for one have my own stories to tell, and I must say, there is a lot more going on out there than science is going to be able to reveal to you.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 02:34 am
Campbell34;61690 wrote:
Well if you can just negate everyone based on your personal opinion then what can one say. Even if it is obvious that others in this field of research consider Keel one of the most influential ufo writers in the world today, such as Jerome Clark and others, who cares. You don't have to believe the evidence, just use your personal opinion. That should trump expert testimony anytime. John Keel was the author of the MothMan Prophecies, which was a story based on events that occured at Point Pleasent West Virginia back in 1966 and 1967. His books have been read by millions, and his beliefs have been formulated by the thousands of testimonies that have come from everyday people from around the world. Now, if all these testimonies can be refuted by you based on you own personal opinion, which I'm sure is limited in nature and scope. What can one say. Anytime you have numerous people telling you the same basic story of something that is beyond normal, you really should slow down and consider what is being said. Yet if your mind has been slammed shut, I guess you can call them all fools, and then lean back falling asleep in your rocking chair. I for one have my own stories to tell, and I must say, there is a lot more going on out there than science is going to be able to reveal to you.

It is my opinion against his. And he has nothing that qualifies him as an expert, and considering the preposterous nature of his claims he has an enormous burden of proof. Overall i'd just say anything he has so far presented is simply confirmation bias. People who believe in these things are more willing to accept any sign that there belief is true. These "stories/testimonies" are of people who believed before the fact.
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 03:38 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61698 wrote:
It is my opinion against his. And he has nothing that qualifies him as an expert, and considering the preposterous nature of his claims he has an enormous burden of proof. Overall i'd just say anything he has so far presented is simply confirmation bias. People who believe in these things are more willing to accept any sign that there belief is true. These "stories/testimonies" are of people who believed before the fact.

It would be a mistaken assumption to believe that all testimonies were of people who believed before the fact. I have read some of Keels books in the past, and often people who were involved were people who had no idea of the events that were about to over take them. Keel himself stated that as he got involved into the ufo research he found himself being catapulted into the age old world of demonology. He also stated that friends of his were having some of the same experiences. He stated this in a book he wrote back in the
70s titled, "Why UFOs". I myself had an experience with two spirits back in 1973 that lasted six months. At no time did I actually believe something like that could happen in the modern age we live in. Yet it did. I still have the tapes from a delieverence I had to go through to rid myself from events that were beyond my control. What qualifies Keel is a desire to seek the truth of the matter. His belief is formulated on the testimonies of others, and I would point out that his belief and his opinion is shared by others in the field. What I experienced was totally unexpected, and up to the time of that experience, I would not of believed such a thing could be possible.
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 04:31 am
Campbell34;61699 wrote:
It would be a mistaken assumption to believe that all testimonies were of people who believed before the fact. I have read some of Keels books in the past, and often people who were involved were people who had no idea of the events that were about to over take them. Keel himself stated that as he got involved into the ufo research he found himself being catapulted into the age old world of demonology. He also stated that friends of his were having some of the same experiences. He stated this in a book he wrote back in the
70s titled, "Why UFOs". I myself had an experience with two spirits back in 1973 that lasted six months. At no time did I actually believe something like that could happen in the modern age we live in. Yet it did. I still have the tapes from a delieverence I had to go through to rid myself from events that were beyond my control. What qualifies Keel is a desire to seek the truth of the matter. His belief is formulated on the testimonies of others, and I would point out that his belief and his opinion is shared by others in the field. What I experienced was totally unexpected, and up to the time of that experience, I would not of believed such a thing could be possible.


Spreading your word around the world eh Campbell?

Another Question For Creationists (reject, evolution, attend, genesis) - Religion and Philosophy - Page 26 - City-Data Forum

Ready to read,..or just dismiss?

The Acambaro Figures - Famous Fakes and Frauds

Quote from PanTerra (another person from another site)

What is the point of "Folk Tales," or "Tall-Tales?" - Entertainment, and the fun people gets out of fooling the naive. What's that saying? A Sucker born every minute? Have you not heard of snake-oil salsemen? What is their point? The onus is on you to prove they are authentic. Not on me to show the folly in these claims. You haven't. And just waving your arm making these absurd proclamation isn't swying anyone's opinion on this. YOu already have made it clear to everyone reading this that you are not a good judge on what is reality and what is not. Yeah, I read the stories on the figurines years ago. You have got to quit promoting this nonsense, it is not helping your case.

Just because you say it over and over again don't make it any more real.
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 05:36 am
Numpty;61703 wrote:

Spreading your word around the world eh Campbell?

Another Question For Creationists (reject, evolution, attend, genesis) - Religion and Philosophy - Page 26 - City-Data Forum

Ready to read,..or just dismiss?

The Acambaro Figures - Famous Fakes and Frauds

Quote from PanTerra (another person from another site)

Just because you say it over and over again don't make it any more real.

On the figurines your article was just a repeat of what DiPeso said of them 50 years ago. And you could tell by the bias of the author of the article that because the person who found them suggest that they had to of been made from tribes of the past, and that person believed those tribes would of actually had to of seen dinosaurs. This statement was reason enought for serious scientist to reject the discovery. Wow.
Your article was another example of science rejecting the figurines without any attempt to investigat, or test them. Personal opinion does not make for good science. However, when it is used to put down evidence that would refute Evolution, I guess that is acceptable science to a believer in Evolution.
I say it over and over, because science has refused to test or consider this evidence over and over. And they do this all the time, and on other discoveries as well. I dismiss this article because it is the same arguement from the same man from 50 years ago. While the believers in Evolution do what they do best, which is to ignore the evidence. Others who do not have such a bias slant, or a Theory to protect, took the time to do the testing again and found that the figurines are as old as the first test indicated. I am still waiting for believers in Evolution to present evidence that the figurines are fakes. Useing DiPeso's personal opinions from 50 years ago will not cut it, and please do not try to pass off his opinion of 50 years ago as credible science.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 06:10 am
Campbell34;61699 wrote:
It would be a mistaken assumption to believe that all testimonies were of people who believed before the fact. I have read some of Keels books in the past, and often people who were involved were people who had no idea of the events that were about to over take them. Keel himself stated that as he got involved into the ufo research he found himself being catapulted into the age old world of demonology. He also stated that friends of his were having some of the same experiences. He stated this in a book he wrote back in the
70s titled, "Why UFOs". I myself had an experience with two spirits back in 1973 that lasted six months. At no time did I actually believe something like that could happen in the modern age we live in. Yet it did. I still have the tapes from a delieverence I had to go through to rid myself from events that were beyond my control. What qualifies Keel is a desire to seek the truth of the matter. His belief is formulated on the testimonies of others, and I would point out that his belief and his opinion is shared by others in the field. What I experienced was totally unexpected, and up to the time of that experience, I would not of believed such a thing could be possible.

Personal rhetoric has been shown over and over again to be the least reliable form of evidence, especially when the witness doesn't understand what they are seeing they will often have to interpret what they are seeing into a preconceived notion. There has been many times where someone has been convicted by multiple eye-witnesses yet DNA evidence overturns the ruling.

and it doesn't matter if other people in the same field agree with him if the "field" is a pseudo-scientific field for which he has no qualifications. Sorry a "desire for truth" isn't gonna cut it.

The fact of the matter is the burden of proof has not even close to being met. The problem is that UFOs are just that "unidentified", they aren't aliens, they aren't demons, of spirits, or ghosts, they are UNIDENTIFIED while keel must assume there is some intelligence behind them to base his idea on, an idea that must make other assumptions (such as the existence of demons or spirits). And to be honest I find Scientology to be more believable than this.
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 07:29 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61716 wrote:
Personal rhetoric has been shown over and over again to be the least reliable form of evidence, especially when the witness doesn't understand what they are seeing they will often have to interpret what they are seeing into a preconceived notion. There has been many times where someone has been convicted by multiple eye-witnesses yet DNA evidence overturns the ruling.

and it doesn't matter if other people in the same field agree with him if the "field" is a pseudo-scientific field for which he has no qualifications. Sorry a "desire for truth" isn't gonna cut it.

The fact of the matter is the burden of proof has not even close to being met. The problem is that UFOs are just that "unidentified", they aren't aliens, they aren't demons, of spirits, or ghosts, they are UNIDENTIFIED while keel must assume there is some intelligence behind them to base his idea on, an idea that must make other assumptions (such as the existence of demons or spirits). And to be honest I find Scientology to be more believable than this.

As Keel points out, it is not the ufo's themselves or the sightings that are that important. It is the contact stories that follow after the sightings. That is where you can get the details. Now there are thousands of such stories and from all over the world. It's is hard for me to understand how so many people keep repeating the same story, especially when we are speaking of other cultures and languages.
Keel believes there is intelligence to such stories because it is obvious there is a common story line found in each one. Radom thoughts could not keep repeating themselves with this kind of order and detail. Also, what happens to many of the people involved is often the same, they describe strange procedures that are preformed on them. Many of those procedures are the same that are experienced by others in more remote locations. What is happing here lies beyond the bounds of science, and because of this science is blinded by what they cannot see or understand.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 12:43 pm
Campbell34;61730 wrote:
As Keel points out, it is not the ufo's themselves or the sightings that are that important. It is the contact stories that follow after the sightings.

unreliable! people claim to encounter all sorts of strange things, doesn't mean they actually happen.

That is where you can get the details. Now there are thousands of such stories and from all over the world. It's is hard for me to understand how so many people keep repeating the same story, especially when we are speaking of other cultures and languages.
Keel believes there is intelligence to such stories because it is obvious there is a common story line found in each one. Radom thoughts could not keep repeating themselves with this kind of order and detail. Also, what happens to many of the people involved is often the same, they describe strange procedures that are preformed on them. Many of those procedures are the same that are experienced by others in more remote locations. What is happing here lies beyond the bounds of science, and because of this science is blinded by what they cannot see or understand.

One word: Society.

'tis where these stories start from.
Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2008 01:09 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61746 wrote:
unreliable! people claim to encounter all sorts of strange things, doesn't mean they actually happen.

One word: Society.

'tis where these stories start from.

So are government official reports also to be considered all unreliable? Recent goverment files released by the British, state that in 1957 American fighter pilots were scrambled and told to shoot on site a ufo that was over British air space. This ufo was the size of an aircraft carrier and was traveling at speeds of over 7,000 miles an hour. It was observed by radar. So was this Society?

On November 7, 1975 a ufo was spotted at an American Nuclear Launch Control Facility. Sabotage Alert Teams were sent to invistigate, when they arrived at the base they saw a bright object so big that they refused to approach it. And they refused, even after they were ordered to do so. The object then took off and was tracked up to 200,000 feet where it disapeared.
Right after this, computer specialists were sent in to check the site, they discovered that all the missile launch codes had mysteriously been changed.
So was this society?

Your society answer is to simplistic and does not reflect the reality of what is really happening out there. Again, you can only believe what you do by ignoring the facts on the ground and embracing your belief that is not supported by facts.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 09:02 am
Campbell34;61809 wrote:
So are government official reports also to be considered all unreliable?

....um, yeah actually.

Recent goverment files released by the British, state that in 1957 American fighter pilots were scrambled and told to shoot on site a ufo that was over British air space. This ufo was the size of an aircraft carrier and was traveling at speeds of over 7,000 miles an hour. It was observed by radar. So was this Society?

On November 7, 1975 a ufo was spotted at an American Nuclear Launch Control Facility. Sabotage Alert Teams were sent to invistigate, when they arrived at the base they saw a bright object so big that they refused to approach it. And they refused, even after they were ordered to do so. The object then took off and was tracked up to 200,000 feet where it disapeared.
Right after this, computer specialists were sent in to check the site, they discovered that all the missile launch codes had mysteriously been changed.
So was this society?

It's unfortunate we don't have any photographs huh?

Your society answer is to simplistic and does not reflect the reality of what is really happening out there.

It needn't be complicated. False perceptions are perpetuated by society.

Again, you can only believe what you do by ignoring the facts on the ground and embracing your belief that is not supported by facts.

You have presented no facts, merely hearsay.
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 11:58 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61828 wrote:
....um, yeah actually.

It's unfortunate we don't have any photographs huh?

It needn't be complicated. False perceptions are perpetuated by society.

You have presented no facts, merely hearsay.

Well there's a time in ones life after seeing thousands of reports on UFOs from nations, goverments, and people from all walks of life you have to ask yourself. Are they all making these things up? We do have photographs of ufos, and we also have vedio of them as well. Yet why put them here, you will just say thats not proof. We have endless reports of people who state they have seen them. Yet you will say, thats just hearsay. We have releases of information now from governmets from all over the world, Yet you will say thats just hearsay. We have reports of radar controllers telling us what they have spotted, and those sightings are confirmed by others on the ground. You can say hearsay, or wheres the proof. The fact is, the documentation is there. And the fact is, all you have to do is just deny it. It appears denial is your best evidence for your belief. You have the ability to hear thousands of personal experiences which involves goverments and people worldwide. Yet just deny all of it. I have enought faith that of the tens of thousands of reports from both the common man, and the professional alike that there is truth in their statements, and when their statements are backed up with both pictures, videos, and radar that only lends support to that truth. Perhaps you believe world war II never happened. After all, what proof do you have? Personal accounts. Thats just hearsay. Film. That could be doctored. Can you offer me any real proof that World War II really happened?
Maybe World War II was just another one of those fales preception perpetuated by society.
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 12:09 am
Campbell34;61833 wrote:
Well there's a time in ones life after seeing thousands of reports on UFOs from nations, goverments, and people from all walks of life you have to ask yourself. Are they all making these things up? We do have photographs of ufos, and we also have vedio of them as well. Yet why put them here, you will just say thats not proof. We have endless reports of people who state they have seen them. Yet you will say, thats just hearsay. We have releases of information now from governmets from all over the world, Yet you will say thats just hearsay. We have reports of radar controllers telling us what they have spotted, and those sightings are confirmed by others on the ground. You can say hearsay, or wheres the proof. The fact is, the documentation is there. And the fact is, all you have to do is just deny it. It appears denial is your best evidence for your belief. You have the ability to hear thousands of personal experiences which involves goverments and people worldwide. Yet just deny all of it. I have enought faith that of the tens of thousands of reports from both the common man, and the professional alike that there is truth in their statements, and when their statements are backed up with both pictures, videos, and radar that only lends support to that truth. Perhaps you believe world war II never happened. After all, what proof do you have? Personal accounts. Thats just hearsay. Film. That could be doctored. Can you offer me any real proof that World War II really happened?
Maybe World War II was just another one of those fales preception perpetuated by society.

Take a geiger counter to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 02:19 am
Campbell34;61833 wrote:
Well there's a time in ones life after seeing thousands of reports on UFOs from nations, goverments, and people from all walks of life you have to ask yourself. Are they all making these things up? We do have photographs of ufos, and we also have vedio of them as well. Yet why put them here, you will just say thats not proof. We have endless reports of people who state they have seen them. Yet you will say, thats just hearsay. We have releases of information now from governmets from all over the world, Yet you will say thats just hearsay. We have reports of radar controllers telling us what they have spotted, and those sightings are confirmed by others on the ground. You can say hearsay, or wheres the proof. The fact is, the documentation is there. And the fact is, all you have to do is just deny it. It appears denial is your best evidence for your belief. You have the ability to hear thousands of personal experiences which involves goverments and people worldwide. Yet just deny all of it. I have enought faith that of the tens of thousands of reports from both the common man, and the professional alike that there is truth in their statements, and when their statements are backed up with both pictures, videos, and radar that only lends support to that truth. Perhaps you believe world war II never happened. After all, what proof do you have? Personal accounts. Thats just hearsay. Film. That could be doctored. Can you offer me any real proof that World War II really happened?
Maybe World War II was just another one of those fales preception perpetuated by society.

Well my Grandad fought in it, was a Desert Rat and I have actual physical evidence he was there, Jewllery, Medals, Helmet, Webing, photos of him next to Tanks. All pieces of a puzzel that 'lend' thereselves to the truth. Plus I am guessing the Tens of Thousands of war graves in Normandy, would 'lend' it's self to the truth. Go dig up a few, I am sure there will be plenty of skeletons in there with bullet wound trauma and limbs missing due to explossions. Man!! I am sorry but that is just a dumb analogy on your behalf.

On the other side, could you show me some physical evidence of Ufo's please? piece of a ship, part of a space suit, maybe an Extra Terestrial? Maybe producing some of these items would help 'lend' itself to the truth.

I am open minded about the whole UFO phenomena. Until there is concrete proof either way, they are what they are UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS. Nothing more nothing less.
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 02:25 am
Numpty;61842 wrote:
Well my Grandad fought in it, was a Desert Rat and I have actual physical evidence he was there, Jewllery, Medals, Helmet, Webing, photos of him next to Tanks. All pieces of a puzzel that 'lend' thereselves to the truth. Plus I am guessing the Tens of Thousands of war graves in Normandy, would 'lend' it's self to the truth. Go dig up a few, I am sure there will be plenty of skeletons in there with bullet wound trauma and limbs missing due to explossions. Man!! I am sorry but that is just a dumb analogy on your behalf.

On the other side, could you show me some physical evidence of Ufo's please? piece of a ship, part of a space suit, maybe an Extra Terestrial? Maybe producing some of these items would help 'lend' itself to the truth.

I am open minded about the whole UFO phenomena. Until there is concrete proof either way, they are what they are UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS. Nothing more nothing less.

My grandfather was UXB in Britain.
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 02:32 am
Sabz5150;61843 wrote:
My grandfather was UXB in Britain.


Mine was in North Africa fighting Rommel, . 7th Armoured Division. Nickname 'The Desert Rats'
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 03:33 am
Numpty;61844 wrote:

Mine was in North Africa fighting Rommel, . 7th Armoured Division. Nickname 'The Desert Rats'

UXB is "UneXploded Bombs". After an aerial bombardment, they were sent in if any bombs were found that didn't go off. They were to disarm or safely detonate the device.

I seem to be very capable in stressful situations Wink
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 06:44 am
Campbell34;61833 wrote:
Well there's a time in ones life after seeing thousands of reports on UFOs from nations, goverments, and people from all walks of life you have to ask yourself.

People also see bigfoot, lochness monster, ghosts, yeti, chupacabra, and even a leprechaun sighting. People have claimed to see all sorts of things, and yet they are all unreliable. The all share common characteristics in the trend of these sightings. These are simply cases of mistaken identity.

If you watch a documentary about UFOs on TV and then go look out side, your mind has been preconditioned to be more susceptible to UFO sightings.

Secondly the human eye has a tendency to look for patterns or commonality in seemingly random things, this is an acquired evolutionary trait. Humans in the earlier part of our history have had to rely on our vision to detect hidden threats so we are very sensitive to look for faces in everything and our survival has depended on it. Suppose you are wandering in the woods and you catch something out of the corner of your eye that you think is a bear, if you are correct you may have had an advanced warning that could save your life but if you are wrong and it is just a tree stump or a rock then you have nothing to loose so we are more likely to see it as a bear. This survival trait has carried over into other things as well such as a child seeing shapes out of clouds.

Are they all making these things up?

The vast majority are simply cases of mistaken identity and the others are hoaxes.

We do have photographs of ufos, and we also have video of them as well.

and all of them are fuzzy.


Perhaps you believe world war II never happened. After all, what proof do you have? Personal accounts. Thats just hearsay. Film. That could be doctored.

Are you seriously comparing UFO sightings to WWII? World war two is one of the most well documented events in history, UFO sightings are dubious at best.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 06:54 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
The Oregon UFO Wave That Wasn
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