Campbell34;61833 wrote:Well there's a time in ones life after seeing thousands of reports on UFOs from nations, goverments, and people from all walks of life you have to ask yourself.
People also see bigfoot, lochness monster, ghosts, yeti, chupacabra, and even a leprechaun sighting. People have claimed to see all sorts of things, and yet they are all unreliable. The all share common characteristics in the trend of these sightings. These are simply cases of mistaken identity.
If you watch a documentary about UFOs on TV and then go look out side, your mind has been
preconditioned to be more susceptible to UFO sightings.
Secondly the human eye has a tendency to look for patterns or commonality in seemingly random things, this is an acquired evolutionary trait. Humans in the earlier part of our history have had to rely on our vision to detect hidden threats so we are very sensitive to look for faces in everything and our survival has depended on it. Suppose you are wandering in the woods and you catch something out of the corner of your eye that you think is a bear, if you are correct you may have had an advanced warning that could save your life but if you are wrong and it is just a tree stump or a rock then you have nothing to loose so we are more likely to see it as a bear. This survival trait has carried over into other things as well such as a child seeing shapes out of clouds.
Quote:Are they all making these things up?
The vast majority are simply cases of mistaken identity and the others are hoaxes.
Quote: We do have photographs of ufos, and we also have video of them as well.
and all of them are fuzzy.
Perhaps you believe world war II never happened. After all, what proof do you have? Personal accounts. Thats just hearsay. Film. That could be doctored.
Are you seriously comparing UFO sightings to WWII? World war two is one of the most well documented events in history, UFO sightings are dubious at best.