Church of England to Apologise to Darwin

Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2008 06:36 am
@Musky Hunter,
Musky Hunter;61517 wrote:
I think you have presented a strong argument. Thanks!

I think you'll find he hasn't. Time and time again Mr Campbell fails to produce anything other than obscure artifacts that have been either proven to be fakes or are not actually what he claims they are.

This is just another one of those occasions
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2008 07:25 am
Campbell34;61493 wrote:
Well when we can go back to an ancient culture and see pictures in their art work of a Triceratops, and a T. Rex which match what we know existed, I have no problem believeing that ancient man must of seen the same thing. When their art work shows pictures of animals that exist today, we believe that. Yet when they draw pictures of animals that scientest insist died off 75 million years ago, then we must refuse to believe those pictures? I believe dinosaurs existed just thousands of years ago, because the art work of ancient man depicts them. And I believe Evolutionest must deny what they can clearly see with their own eyes, because if refutes their belief system.
There is much more ancient art out there, that depicts dinosaurs.

Respond to my post.

Do you believe in aliens or not?

If the answer is no then you must explain why you reject the art depicting aliens yet accept that of dinosaurs.
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 10:19 pm
Sabz5150;61519 wrote:
And that's all you have. Pictures. Figurines. However no actual dinosaur... anything, actually. All the claims of dinosaurs and man interacting have been refuted time and time again. Again, explain to me why there aren't any detailed records of dinosaurs? I mean, anything like that would be rather known... there'd be a lot more documented than obscure figurines and carvings. You have about as much evidence as exists for saying that unicorns and phoenixes existed. Carvings, check! Figurines, check! So they must have existed, right?

Where are the actual dinosaurs? In the regions where these claims are made, where are the actual dino remains? Why weren't these beasts hunted? Why weren't things made out of them?

And you claim there's no evidence for evolutionary biology. How funny.

What I have is much more evidence for dinosaurs existing in the recent past, then evidence believers in Evolution could offer us to support their Theory. And this evidence has not been refuted, it has been denied. And it has been denied only because it does not agree with their Evolutionary beliefs. And there is very little documentation from 2,000 years ago or more. Even Roman records are scarce. Yet, there is ancient documentation that speak of dinosaurs. The Book of Job describes dinosaurs, and it does this in at least 2 chapters. There are other historical writings that also speak on the subject. Again, these writings are ignored by Evolutionest. Their faith in their theory has blinded them from the truth. A child could look at this ancient art, and they could tell you what kind of dinosaur is depicted. Yet a believe in Evolution could not? The fact is, the art work of the past is found all over the world, and that art matches the dinosaurs of the past. The chances of so many cultures drawing the same pictures of dinosaurs, and those pictures matching dinosaurs that we know today really existed, only confirms that early man without question must have seen them.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 10:21 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61531 wrote:
Respond to my post.

Do you believe in aliens or not?

If the answer is no then you must explain why you reject the art depicting aliens yet accept that of dinosaurs.

I believe in aliens, but they far more alien then most people understand.
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 10:46 pm
Campbell34;61603 wrote:
I believe in aliens, but they far more alien then most people understand.

By aliens, you mean angels don't you?

So where does it say that in the Bible?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 10:46 pm
Campbell34;61603 wrote:
I believe in aliens, but they far more alien then most people understand.

you believe they visited earth, based on the art?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 12:59 am
Numpty;61530 wrote:
I think you'll find he hasn't. Time and time again Mr Campbell fails to produce anything other than obscure artifacts that have been either proven to be fakes or are not actually what he claims they are.

This is just another one of those occasions

Believers in Evolution have tried to state that the Inca stones were fakes, and I have know doubt that some might be. Yet back in 1528 a priest inquired about the strange animals that were dipicted on the Inca burial stones. This story was in the OJO which was a newspaper located in Lima Peru. The article was dated Oct. 3, 1993. And most of the art that has been discovered depicting dinosaurs has not been proven to be fakes, it is ignored. And they ignore it in the same manner as you are doing here.
The figurines of ElToro were not proven to be fakes, and the one person who rejected them, had rejected them before he ever saw them. Yet those who did see them acknowledge that they were the real thing and very old. And the figurines were tested many times for age, and it was obvious from the dates that came back that they were not some recent invention. Still, they did not fit with the Theory of Evolution. So they were ignored. Evolution is a Theory that can only exist by ignoring this kind of evidence, and that is why they got the courts to block such evidence from being presented in the public schools. It is not science that will keep Evolution afloat, it is the courts.
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 01:19 am
Campbell34;61622 wrote:
Believers in Evolution have tried to state that the Inca stones were fakes, and I have know doubt that some might be. Yet back in 1528 a priest inquired about the strange animals that were dipicted on the Inca burial stones. This story was in the OJO which was a newspaper located in Lima Peru. The article was dated Oct. 3, 1993. And most of the art that has been discovered depicting dinosaurs has not been proven to be fakes, it is ignored. And they ignore it in the same manner as you are doing here.
The figurines of ElToro were not proven to be fakes, and the one person who rejected them, had rejected them before he ever saw them. Yet those who did see them acknowledge that they were the real thing and very old. And the figurines were tested many times for age, and it was obvious from the dates that came back that they were not some recent invention. Still, they did not fit with the Theory of Evolution. So they were ignored. Evolution is a Theory that can only exist by ignoring this kind of evidence, and that is why they got the courts to block such evidence from being presented in the public schools. It is not science that will keep Evolution afloat, it is the courts.

Into conspiracy theories now are we?

When you actually go and read some text books, watch some footage and understand how science works, and how many thousands of independant scientists all come to the same conclusion based upon experiments which have been carried out, re-carried out and then done again. You will begin to appreciate the amount of time and work that has gone into studying, geology, palaeontology, genetics, biology. This isn't just one group of people studying one part of the theory. The scientists show no mercy when it comes to testing the science, they are relentless in their pursuit of facts, all the time other sientists working indepenantly verifying the data produced.

You cling to obscure figurines as some sort of proof that they bring down evolution. Yet time and time again I have asked you to bring the science to the table which says your idea is true, but you have failed to procuce a single piece of geological evidence. All you are intent in doing is trying (and failing) to some how disprove a science which has been scutinised for 150 years, yet still fails to be proved wrong.

So again I ask you, please produce your testable science which proves a young earth and that evolution does not occur.
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 01:19 am
Numpty;61605 wrote:
By aliens, you mean angels don't you?

So where does it say that in the Bible?

They are fallen angles. Most Christians refer to them as demons. To understand what we are dealing with, we need to listen to the contact stories. People who claim that they were in contact with beings from a UFO often do so shortly after they have seen a UFO. And those who have had such encounters, often talk about a terrifying experience. I myself had such an encounter with the demonic many years ago. And it was very unnerving. It lasted for about 6 months. What is happening today in the UFO area is that human kind is being processed to begin to accept UFOs as real.
There is a plan ahead of us that is being worked out on a world wide scale.
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 01:23 am
Campbell34;61624 wrote:
They are fallen angles. Most Christians refer to them as demons. To understand what we are dealing with, we need to listen to the contact stories. People who claim that they were in contact with beings from a UFO often do so shortly after they have seen a UFO. And those who have had such encounters, often talk about a terrifying experience. I myself had such an encounter with the demonic many years ago. And it was very unnerving. It lasted for about 6 months. What is happening today in the UFO area is that human kind is being processed to begin to accept UFOs as real.
There is a plan ahead of us that is being worked out on a world wide scale.

So how does this go with your idea we are nearing the 'End of Days' as with what is happening in the middle east?
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 02:24 am
Numpty;61625 wrote:
So how does this go with your idea we are nearing the 'End of Days' as with what is happening in the middle east?

According to the Bible, God would allow the Jewish people to return to the land of Israel in the latter years after a world wide exile. They would first retake southern Israel, and some time after that they would retake Jerusalem. This would anger certain nations which would finally lead to them forming an alliance in which they would band together to try and destroy the state of Israel, and retake Jerusalem. None of this can happen until the Jewish people make peace with their neighbors. This attack would be led by Russia and her allies during a time when Israel is at peace. When Russia and her allies finally move on Israel, this will be the time that God will show His hand. It will be similar to the time when God destroyed the Pharoahs army during the Red sea crossing. And yet, this will be just the beginning of things to come. Israel is God's time piece.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 03:08 am
Campbell34;61624 wrote:
They are fallen angles. Most Christians refer to them as demons. To understand what we are dealing with, we need to listen to the contact stories. People who claim that they were in contact with beings from a UFO often do so shortly after they have seen a UFO. And those who have had such encounters, often talk about a terrifying experience. I myself had such an encounter with the demonic many years ago. And it was very unnerving. It lasted for about 6 months. What is happening today in the UFO area is that human kind is being processed to begin to accept UFOs as real.
There is a plan ahead of us that is being worked out on a world wide scale.

Demons/fallen angels ride around in spacecraft?
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 03:56 am
Numpty;61623 wrote:
Into conspiracy theories now are we?

When you actually go and read some text books, watch some footage and understand how science works, and how many thousands of independant scientists all come to the same conclusion based upon experiments which have been carried out, re-carried out and then done again. You will begin to appreciate the amount of time and work that has gone into studying, geology, palaeontology, genetics, biology. This isn't just one group of people studying one part of the theory. The scientists show no mercy when it comes to testing the science, they are relentless in their pursuit of facts, all the time other sientists working indepenantly verifying the data produced.

You cling to obscure figurines as some sort of proof that they bring down evolution. Yet time and time again I have asked you to bring the science to the table which says your idea is true, but you have failed to procuce a single piece of geological evidence. All you are intent in doing is trying (and failing) to some how disprove a science which has been scutinised for 150 years, yet still fails to be proved wrong.

So again I ask you, please produce your testable science which proves a young earth and that evolution does not occur.

It is not just obscure figurines that have passed testable scientific dating that confirms them, it is countless other art forms from ancient times that depicts dinosaurs. These pictures refute Evolution, because it clearly show us that dinosaurs did not die off 75 million years ago as those who believe in Evolution state they did. Bring science to the table? The only way you could bring todays bias science to the table is at gun point. Science is not intrested in disproving their Theory, nor do they want to see any of this evidence. Outside of one man that was sent to look at the figuriens of ElToro mountain, I do not recall any Evolutionest who took it apon themselves to consider this find. It was others outside of Evolution who took the time to do this. And when the figurines dates were confirmed by thermoluminescent dating, they were still dismissed by Evolutionest. The facts are out there, yet if these facts are just ignored, you can spend a life time asking me to produce testable science, only to ignore it when it is presented. And this is what has been happening. Much of the science you speak of is guess work and assumptions. And when you have facts that refute those assumptions, science has learn to ignore those facts. And if this is not true, who outside of the one Evolutionest named Dipeso was sent down to Mexio to consider the 33,000 figurines of ElToro mountain? Where is their in depth study of these figurines? Which of the believers in Evolution took the time to do thermoluminescent testing on them? I will tell you. (NOT ONE OF THEM).

It is not I who has failed here, it is todays science that is so bias, that they just dismiss evidence without doing the research or the testing. And when others confirm the find and secure the results, todays science calls that unscientific. Science has only proven that Evolution can only be believed if you are willing consider their Theory through a very narrow filter. And that filter ignores or excludes all other evidence that would call into question the Theory of Evolution.

As I have stated, if I am incorrect, can you show us where science has done an in depth study of the ElToro mountain figurines? Can you tell us what labs the believers in Evolution sent the figurines to for thermoluminescent testing? Can you show us what Evolutionest outside of Dipeso actually looked at the figurines?
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 04:03 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61646 wrote:
Demons/fallen angels ride around in spacecraft?

Demons are not going to present themselves for world acceptance as demons. They have chossen to present themselves as an advanced race which people on earth are now being programed to believe as real, or possible.
This will be part of what the Bible calls the great deception.
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 09:23 am
Campbell34;61657 wrote:
It is not just obscure figurines that have passed testable scientific dating that confirms them, it is countless other art forms from ancient times that depicts dinosaurs. These pictures refute Evolution, because it clearly show us that dinosaurs did not die off 75 million years ago as those who believe in Evolution state they did. Bring science to the table? The only way you could bring todays bias science to the table is at gun point. Science is not intrested in disproving their Theory, nor do they want to see any of this evidence. Outside of one man that was sent to look at the figuriens of ElToro mountain, I do not recall any Evolutionest who took it apon themselves to consider this find. It was others outside of Evolution who took the time to do this. And when the figurines dates were confirmed by thermoluminescent dating, they were still dismissed by Evolutionest. The facts are out there, yet if these facts are just ignored, you can spend a life time asking me to produce testable science, only to ignore it when it is presented. And this is what has been happening. Much of the science you speak of is guess work and assumptions. And when you have facts that refute those assumptions, science has learn to ignore those facts. And if this is not true, who outside of the one Evolutionest named Dipeso was sent down to Mexio to consider the 33,000 figurines of ElToro mountain? Where is their in depth study of these figurines? Which of the believers in Evolution took the time to do thermoluminescent testing on them? I will tell you. (NOT ONE OF THEM).

It is not I who has failed here, it is todays science that is so bias, that they just dismiss evidence without doing the research or the testing. And when others confirm the find and secure the results, todays science calls that unscientific. Science has only proven that Evolution can only be believed if you are willing consider their Theory through a very narrow filter. And that filter ignores or excludes all other evidence that would call into question the Theory of Evolution.

As I have stated, if I am incorrect, can you show us where science has done an in depth study of the ElToro mountain figurines? Can you tell us what labs the believers in Evolution sent the figurines to for thermoluminescent testing? Can you show us what Evolutionest outside of Dipeso actually looked at the figurines?

Geez,...so post the bloody truth then!! Still waiting for the scientific evidence.

Ok I couldn't resist, so off i went a searching for some 'truth', Heres what I got.

Implications of Dino-human coexistence: EVOLUTION OBLITERATED!!!
Artifacts of Live Dinosaurs, some interacting with Humans courtesy of Dr. Javier Cabrera (Professor of Medicine) and Dr. Don Patton (Geologist)

Seems to be a theme here, have a guess, two points to the first who identifies it.

Is this it Conspiracy theories?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 09:32 am
Campbell34;61658 wrote:
Demons are not going to present themselves for world acceptance as demons. They have chossen to present themselves as an advanced race which people on earth are now being programed to believe as real, or possible.
This will be part of what the Bible calls the great deception.



Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 09:37 pm
Numpty;61671 wrote:
Geez,...so post the bloody truth then!! Still waiting for the scientific evidence.

Ok I couldn't resist, so off i went a searching for some 'truth', Heres what I got.

Implications of Dino-human coexistence: EVOLUTION OBLITERATED!!!
Artifacts of Live Dinosaurs, some interacting with Humans courtesy of Dr. Javier Cabrera (Professor of Medicine) and Dr. Don Patton (Geologist)

Seems to be a theme here, have a guess, two points to the first who identifies it.

Is this it Conspiracy theories?

Still waiting for scientific evidence?

Well thats the point I have been trying to make. The believers in Evolution should be the first ones to present scientific evidence that would refute this ancient art. Yet, they simply ignore it without comment. Even the links you have posted here did not come from believers in Evolution, it came from others outside of the field of Evolution. I don't see this as a conspiracy, I see it as evidence that is just ignored by todays science. And they ignore this evidence because it does not agree with their theory or their belief system. It's like you have two scientist in a room debating the theory of Evolution, while at the same time they don't consider the 800 pound gorilla sitting in the corner eating a banana. The link below shows more ancient art that depicts dinosaurs.

Ancient Dinosaur Depictions
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 10:13 pm
Campbell34;61675 wrote:
Still waiting for scientific evidence?

Well thats the point I have been trying to make. The believers in Evolution should be the first ones to present scientific evidence that would refute this ancient art. Yet, they simply ignore it without comment. Even the links you have posted here did not come from believers in Evolution, it came from others outside of the field of Evolution. I don't see this as a conspiracy, I see it as evidence that is just ignored by todays science. And they ignore this evidence because it does not agree with their theory or their belief system. It's like you have two scientist in a room debating the theory of Evolution, while at the same time they don't consider the 800 pound gorilla sitting in the corner eating a banana. The link below shows more ancient art that depicts dinosaurs.

Ancient Dinosaur Depictions


Nice try, you make the claim, you put it to bed. I have seen and read many many reasons why these objects are not either dino's or they are fakes. This is one part of your argument, which is very weak to say the least. Keep the evidence coming, if you can.
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 10:26 pm
Campbell34;61675 wrote:
Still waiting for scientific evidence?

Well thats the point I have been trying to make. The believers in Evolution should be the first ones to present scientific evidence that would refute this ancient art. Yet, they simply ignore it without comment. Even the links you have posted here did not come from believers in Evolution, it came from others outside of the field of Evolution. I don't see this as a conspiracy, I see it as evidence that is just ignored by todays science. And they ignore this evidence because it does not agree with their theory or their belief system. It's like you have two scientist in a room debating the theory of Evolution, while at the same time they don't consider the 800 pound gorilla sitting in the corner eating a banana. The link below shows more ancient art that depicts dinosaurs.

Ancient Dinosaur Depictions

Fail again Campie. If you bring forth a claim, YOU must back it up with evidence. No evidence? You'll be ignored.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Oct, 2008 10:26 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61672 wrote:



John Keel is one of the mosted influential ufologists since the 1970s. Keel states that after a lifetime of investigation he discovered an astonishing overlap between psychic phenomena and ufos. Keel believes like others in his field who have done the footwork, that ufos are a non human or spiritual intelligence source that has staged whole events over a long time period to propagate and reinforce certain erroneous belief systems. Keel believes that ultimately all of these anomalies are a cover for the real phenomenon.

It is my belief that the Bible predictions of the Anti Christ to come will be deeply involved with UFOs. I myself saw a vision of this person when I was about 4 years old, and I believe in the future such a man will be coming to earth in a desperate hour. He will not be here to help mankind, far from it, yet that is what people will believe.

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