Church of England to Apologise to Darwin

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 12 Oct, 2008 04:56 am
Campbell34;61053 wrote:
There is an abudance of evidence, and that evidence is rejected by believers in Evolution, and that evidenced is barred from being presented in classrooms today because the courts have made that an illegal activity.

When was the last time you were in a science class learning something? As it stands Evolution isn't really taught that much, most classes only teach evolution for about two days if that. It isn't a subject that is extensively covered and to try to use it as footing to interject all differing view point just isn't right, consider there just isn't even time to cover the topics currently being taught nonetheless any differing views on all the different subjects.

If you want it taught in class it must:

1) be science
2) go through all the same scrutiny and verification that evolution did

until then it has no place.


Why print text books when they cannot be used? The American public would like to see this evidence taught in the schools, yet the courts have successsully blocked that from happening.

Fortunately what is taught in the classroom isn't based on popular demand. It just isn't practical to teach all differing view points.

I am not clutching at straws, I am presenting evidence that can be considered, but todays vodo science has dismissed it without any real attempt to consider it.

Hypocritical wouldn't you say, you haven't even considered the paramount of evidence for evolution. You haven't even attempted to explain ERVs despite the numerous times i've brought them up.

There are places all over the earth that show man and his connection with dinosaurs, yet that evidence is ignored because it does not fit in, with their politically correct theory.

Don't even try it. There has been more stigma, repression, and criticism of evolution than any other theory in this century and all based on religious convictions. So don't even try to tell me that it is because of political correctness.

Consider the 50,000 Inca Ceremonial Burial stones. Some of them depict dinosaurs. Or some of the cave drawings that depict dinosaurs.

only in the eye of the beholder

Of course, all such discoveries believers in Evolution will claim are fakes. And they do this, even when the evidence suggest otherwise.

It will take more than some art to over turn DNA evidence.
Reply Sun 12 Oct, 2008 06:27 am
I loved the part in the article where, in 1860, they asked Mr. Huxley if his grandmother or his grandfather was a monkey.
Reply Sun 12 Oct, 2008 06:31 am
Campbell34;61053 wrote:
There is an abudance of evidence, and that evidence is rejected by believers in Evolution, and that evidenced is barred from being presented in classrooms today because the courts have made that an illegal activity. Why print text books when they cannot be used? The American public would like to see this evidence taught in the schools, yet the courts have successsully blocked that from happening. I am not clutching at straws, I am presenting evidence that can be considered, but todays vodo science has dismissed it without any real attempt to consider it. There are places all over the earth that show man and his connection with dinosaurs, yet that evidence is ignored because it does not fit in, with their politically correct theory.

Consider the 50,000 Inca Ceremonial Burial stones. Some of them depict dinosaurs. Or some of the cave drawings that depict dinosaurs. Of course, all such discoveries believers in Evolution will claim are fakes. And they do this, even when the evidence suggest otherwise.

Paintings and carvings of dinosaurs made by the men who lived with them. Dinosaur carvings and statues from Acambaro, Gto Mexico. Mystery in Acambaro Did Dinosaurs survive until recently?

You also might consider the stegosaurus that is found on this ancient building here on youtube. The fact is these kinds of finds are all over the world and are being ignored by todays science.

YouTube - man and dinosaurs alive together!

I dunno..this is all pretty far out there for an old pragmatist like me.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 12 Oct, 2008 06:32 am
socalgolfguy;61116 wrote:
I loved the part in the article where, in 1860, they asked Mr. Huxley if his grandmother or his grandfather was a monkey.

Shows the willingness of people to reject science as long as they hold the "I ain't no monkey" sentiment. This type of ego-centrism is the same attitude that caused the catholic church to reject the science that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around for so long.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Oct, 2008 06:54 am
Ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand. Where you find one, surely the other is close by.
Reply Sun 12 Oct, 2008 06:54 am
I should send that one to Bartlett's Book Of Quotations...
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 12 Oct, 2008 07:00 am
socalgolfguy;61133 wrote:
Ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand. Where you find one, surely the other is close by.

nice. :thumbup:
0 Replies
Musky Hunter
Reply Sun 12 Oct, 2008 07:29 pm
socalgolfguy;61133 wrote:
Ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand. Where you find one, surely the other is close by.

Agreed. :thumbup:

But I am a little confused.:dunno:

Were you referring to those who absolutely insist that Evolution happened without the hand of God in it or those that absolutely insist that Evolution could not be the way that God choose to work? Or both?:p
Reply Sun 12 Oct, 2008 09:04 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61097 wrote:
When was the last time you were in a science class learning something? As it stands Evolution isn't really taught that much, most classes only teach evolution for about two days if that. It isn't a subject that is extensively covered and to try to use it as footing to interject all differing view point just isn't right, consider there just isn't even time to cover the topics currently being taught nonetheless any differing views on all the different subjects.

If you want it taught in class it must:

1) be science
2) go through all the same scrutiny and verification that evolution did

until then it has no place.

Fortunately what is taught in the classroom isn't based on popular demand. It just isn't practical to teach all differing view points.

Hypocritical wouldn't you say, you haven't even considered the paramount of evidence for evolution. You haven't even attempted to explain ERVs despite the numerous times i've brought them up.

Don't even try it. There has been more stigma, repression, and criticism of evolution than any other theory in this century and all based on religious convictions. So don't even try to tell me that it is because of political correctness.

only in the eye of the beholder

It will take more than some art to over turn DNA evidence.

Evolution is supported by science?

Science is knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws obtained and tested through the scientific method.

Evolution cannot be tested nor has it been. Evolution is a belief in something that cannot be tested, and is not a general truth. Evolution is not a scientific fact, and those who believe in Evolution do so on (faith alone). Those of us who believe that dinosaurs existed in recent times, believe this because of evidence that is found in many cultures. And there is far more solid evidence for their existance in recent times, then for those who believe they only existed millions of years ago. There is no verification for evolution, and if Evolution were true, we would see examples of this in the fossil record. Yet, the fossil record is an embarrassment to the Theory of Evolution. To suggest that evolution has earned it's right to be taught in the public schools because it has withstood and passed the scientifice method is laughable.
DNA evidence? Please, what DNA evidence proves that dinosaurs died off millions of years ago? And it appears to me, that if ancient primitive people around the world can draw pictures of dinosaurs, and make figurines of dinosaurs that we now can see today. And people today reject what they can see whith their own eyes because it does not fit with their belief system. Then perhaps, it is the people of our own time that are truly the primitive ones.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 13 Oct, 2008 03:18 am
Campbell34;61201 wrote:
Evolution is supported by science?

Science is knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws obtained and tested through the scientific method.

Evolution cannot be tested nor has it been. Evolution is a belief in something that cannot be tested, and is not a general truth.

Evolution can and has been tested various ways, mostly through testing predictions based on the theory. One of the ways we test evolution is by making predictions of what kind of fossils we should find and where we should find them. For example darwin predicted we should find a transitional fossil of dinosaur-like bird, shortly after he submitted his theory the archeopteryx was found. Other predictions consist of predicting what type of genes should be found when and where such as with fused chromosomes. If common ancestry was correct and chimpanzees have 1 more chromosome than humans then we should expect that between our most common ancestor and modern humans we should see where a chromosome had merged, and indeed that is just what we found. Another way we test evolution is through observations of it occuring in micro organisms like with E. Coli.


Evolution is not a scientific fact,

No it is based on facts.

and those who believe in Evolution do so on (faith alone).

incorrect, it is based on the evidence which you so far have refused to acknowledge or even attempt to refute.

Those of us who believe that dinosaurs existed in recent times, believe this because of evidence that is found in many cultures. And there is far more solid evidence for their existance in recent times, then for those who believe they only existed millions of years ago.

The hypocrisy of this is that creationists will use radiometric dating to support their so called findings yet reject all of the radiometric dating that confirms that dinosaurs are millions of years old.

There is no verification for evolution, and if Evolution were true, we would see examples of this in the fossil record. Yet, the fossil record is an embarrassment to the Theory of Evolution.

Human remains have yet to be found in the same geologic layer as dinosaurs. Nor has any complex organism been found in the very deepest layers of the geologic record. Time and time again we have found the deeper and more simplistic fossils are the older they are.

To suggest that evolution has earned it's right to be taught in the public schools because it has withstood and passed the scientific method is laughable.

only because it questions the authority to which you hold your sacred books. gradually the western world has reluctantly had to admit the truth of evolution while most creationists are middle-easterners. Would not be the first time religion has been used to prevent scientific progress. Evolution has had to endure the harshest of criticisms for over a hundred years and yet it still stands at the forefront and unifying factor of modern biology.

DNA evidence? Please, what DNA evidence proves that dinosaurs died off millions of years ago?

mitochondrial DNA, ERVs, Radiometric dating, relative position in the geologic record.

And it appears to me, that if ancient primitive people around the world can draw pictures of dinosaurs, and make figurines of dinosaurs that we now can see today. And people today reject what they can see whith their own eyes because it does not fit with their belief system. Then perhaps, it is the people of our own time that are truly the primitive ones.

It is well known by the academic world that primitive cultures have known about dinosaurs for quite a while, even if that didn't know exactly what they were. People have been founding dinosaur fossils for a long time. the ancient Chinese found many of them, but they believed they were "Dragon bones", the images of monsters from many ancient peoples around the world are based on the bones those people found and to them they looked like monsters even though today we know what they are.
Reply Mon 13 Oct, 2008 06:55 am
Campbell34;61201 wrote:
Evolution is supported by science?


Science is knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws obtained and tested through the scientific method.

Close enough.

Evolution cannot be tested nor has it been.

Aww, too bad... and you were going so well! Evolution has been tested many times. Is there anything specific you would like to know? I'll be happy to educate.

Evolution is a belief in something that cannot be tested, and is not a general truth.

Fail again! Evolutionary biology has been shown repeatedly. You have those very same markers in your DNA. We have watched organisms evolve, and have mountains of data to support this. New species have been found, they have also been directly observed coming into the wild.

Evolution is not a scientific fact

The evolutionary process is 100% fact.

and those who believe in Evolution do so on (faith alone).

Ah, the old faith argument. Faith has no evidence, it can't by its very nature. Science, however is built upon fact.

Those of us who believe that dinosaurs existed in recent times, believe this because of evidence that is found in many cultures. And there is far more solid evidence for their existance in recent times, then for those who believe they only existed millions of years ago.

Hoaxes, questionable figurines, bronze age texts? This is evidence?

There is no verification for evolution, and if Evolution were true, we would see examples of this in the fossil record.

And we do. Would you like examples of this as well?

Yet, the fossil record is an embarrassment to the Theory of Evolution. To suggest that evolution has earned it's right to be taught in the public schools because it has withstood and passed the scientifice method is laughable.

Now it's your time to explain. Back up your claims.

DNA evidence? Please, what DNA evidence proves that dinosaurs died off millions of years ago?

If you're looking for DNA evidence to show the extinction of dinosaurs, you have the scientific education and knowledge of a four year old.

And it appears to me, that if ancient primitive people around the world can draw pictures of dinosaurs, and make figurines of dinosaurs that we now can see today. And people today reject what they can see whith their own eyes because it does not fit with their belief system. Then perhaps, it is the people of our own time that are truly the primitive ones.

Ever seen a phoenix? How about a dragon? Six armed goddess? A "Chimera"? A griffon? Perhaps a colossus?

No? Really? They should exist. Because while these "ancient primitive" people were supposedly making these figurines, cultures far more advanced had come and gone over the millenia... guess what? No dinosaurs. Not a one. They didn't find any of those mythical beasts, either... but they have carvings and writings about these creatures, detailed stories. I suppose they must exist.

Dunno about you, but I'm all for seeing the Muses. You'd probably dig the Kraken. Oh, and we should teach the kids about these. There's enough evidence, according to your logic, that they clearly existed.
Reply Mon 13 Oct, 2008 06:56 am
@Musky Hunter,
Musky Hunter;61192 wrote:
Agreed. :thumbup:

But I am a little confused.:dunno:

Were you referring to those who absolutely insist that Evolution happened without the hand of God in it or those that absolutely insist that Evolution could not be the way that God choose to work? Or both?:p

The guys without the evidence Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Oct, 2008 04:59 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61221 wrote:
Evolution can and has been tested various ways, mostly through testing predictions based on the theory. One of the ways we test evolution is by making predictions of what kind of fossils we should find and where we should find them. For example darwin predicted we should find a transitional fossil of dinosaur-like bird, shortly after he submitted his theory the archeopteryx was found. Other predictions consist of predicting what type of genes should be found when and where such as with fused chromosomes. If common ancestry was correct and chimpanzees have 1 more chromosome than humans then we should expect that between our most common ancestor and modern humans we should see where a chromosome had merged, and indeed that is just what we found. Another way we test evolution is through observations of it occuring in micro organisms like with E. Coli.

No it is based on facts.

incorrect, it is based on the evidence which you so far have refused to acknowledge or even attempt to refute.

The hypocrisy of this is that creationists will use radiometric dating to support their so called findings yet reject all of the radiometric dating that confirms that dinosaurs are millions of years old.

Human remains have yet to be found in the same geologic layer as dinosaurs. Nor has any complex organism been found in the very deepest layers of the geologic record. Time and time again we have found the deeper and more simplistic fossils are the older they are.

only because it questions the authority to which you hold your sacred books. gradually the western world has reluctantly had to admit the truth of evolution while most creationists are middle-easterners. Would not be the first time religion has been used to prevent scientific progress. Evolution has had to endure the harshest of criticisms for over a hundred years and yet it still stands at the forefront and unifying factor of modern biology.

mitochondrial DNA, ERVs, Radiometric dating, relative position in the geologic record.

It is well known by the academic world that primitive cultures have known about dinosaurs for quite a while, even if that didn't know exactly what they were. People have been founding dinosaur fossils for a long time. the ancient Chinese found many of them, but they believed they were "Dragon bones", the images of monsters from many ancient peoples around the world are based on the bones those people found and to them they looked like monsters even though today we know what they are.

Primitive men finding bones may be one thing, yet constructing or drawing accurate figurines or pictures is another. And to suggest that primitive man took the time to do in depth dinosaur research would be a real stretch.
Human bones have been found in coal deposits along with other man made objects. These finds are rejected by the believers in Evolution because it throws into question their belief. Yet such objects have been found, and offers much stronger evidence that refutes evolution.
Reply Tue 14 Oct, 2008 06:48 pm
Sabz5150;61313 wrote:

Close enough.

Aww, too bad... and you were going so well! Evolution has been tested many times. Is there anything specific you would like to know? I'll be happy to educate.

Fail again! Evolutionary biology has been shown repeatedly. You have those very same markers in your DNA. We have watched organisms evolve, and have mountains of data to support this. New species have been found, they have also been directly observed coming into the wild.

The evolutionary process is 100% fact.

Ah, the old faith argument. Faith has no evidence, it can't by its very nature. Science, however is built upon fact.

Hoaxes, questionable figurines, bronze age texts? This is evidence?

And we do. Would you like examples of this as well?

Now it's your time to explain. Back up your claims.

If you're looking for DNA evidence to show the extinction of dinosaurs, you have the scientific education and knowledge of a four year old.

Ever seen a phoenix? How about a dragon? Six armed goddess? A "Chimera"? A griffon? Perhaps a colossus?

No? Really? They should exist. Because while these "ancient primitive" people were supposedly making these figurines, cultures far more advanced had come and gone over the millenia... guess what? No dinosaurs. Not a one. They didn't find any of those mythical beasts, either... but they have carvings and writings about these creatures, detailed stories. I suppose they must exist.

Dunno about you, but I'm all for seeing the Muses. You'd probably dig the Kraken. Oh, and we should teach the kids about these. There's enough evidence, according to your logic, that they clearly existed.

The science of Evolution is built on the rejection of many facts. And when you have figurines that match reassembled dinosaurs that we can see today, simple logic would suggest that yes, early man did see dinosaurs. And when we see cave drawings and art work from all over the earth of the same dinosaurs, then yes again, logic should suggest there is a connection. Yet if simple logic gets in the way of a popular theory, then it appears logic is rejected. And you would be wrong if you think more modern cultures did not have art work that shows us dinosaurs. And that art work is also rejected by believers in Evolution. You may not be aware of such evidence, because believers in Evolution have used the courts to block it from the class room. So it is not as obvious as the Theory they have pushed down the throats of every kid that goes to a public school. And thats why you are hear spouting their talking points, because that is all you know. And the figurines of ElToro have only been questioned by one man who did not believe in them before he even saw them. And that same person claimed to have look at all 33,000. Yet, he made that claim when it was known that he only spent four hours where the collection was stored. And that persons questions have been refuted by numerous others.

The most recent find is of a Stegosaurus found in a stone ornate carving in an ancient Cambodian temple.

Dinosaurs in ancient Cambodian temple
Reply Tue 14 Oct, 2008 09:01 pm
Campbell34;61406 wrote:
The science of Evolution is built on the rejection of many facts. And when you have figurines that match reassembled dinosaurs that we can see today, simple logic would suggest that yes, early man did see dinosaurs. And when we see cave drawings and art work from all over the earth of the same dinosaurs, then yes again, logic should suggest there is a connection. Yet if simple logic gets in the way of a popular theory, then it appears logic is rejected. And you would be wrong if you think more modern cultures did not have art work that shows us dinosaurs. And that art work is also rejected by believers in Evolution. You may not be aware of such evidence, because believers in Evolution have used the courts to block it from the class room. So it is not as obvious as the Theory they have pushed down the throats of every kid that goes to a public school. And thats why you are hear spouting their talking points, because that is all you know. And the figurines of ElToro have only been questioned by one man who did not believe in them before he even saw them. And that same person claimed to have look at all 33,000. Yet, he made that claim when it was known that he only spent four hours where the collection was stored. And that persons questions have been refuted by numerous others.

The most recent find is of a Stegosaurus found in a stone ornate carving in an ancient Cambodian temple.

Dinosaurs in ancient Cambodian temple

Answer this simple question: What part, exactly about "the non-random survival of randomly varying replicators" is refuted by thirty-three thousand clay figurines? What part of "mitochondrial DNA" do they refute?

And if that's a stegosaur, then why are there no fossils or remains of them anywhere in Cambodia? I mean... anywhere in Cambodia.

And why does the carving have tusks? Stegs have tusks?
Musky Hunter
Reply Tue 14 Oct, 2008 10:24 pm
Campbell34;61406 wrote:
The science of Evolution is built on the rejection of many facts. And when you have figurines that match reassembled dinosaurs that we can see today, simple logic would suggest that yes, early man did see dinosaurs. And when we see cave drawings and art work from all over the earth of the same dinosaurs, then yes again, logic should suggest there is a connection. Yet if simple logic gets in the way of a popular theory, then it appears logic is rejected. And you would be wrong if you think more modern cultures did not have art work that shows us dinosaurs. And that art work is also rejected by believers in Evolution. You may not be aware of such evidence, because believers in Evolution have used the courts to block it from the class room. So it is not as obvious as the Theory they have pushed down the throats of every kid that goes to a public school. And thats why you are hear spouting their talking points, because that is all you know. And the figurines of ElToro have only been questioned by one man who did not believe in them before he even saw them. And that same person claimed to have look at all 33,000. Yet, he made that claim when it was known that he only spent four hours where the collection was stored. And that persons questions have been refuted by numerous others.

The most recent find is of a Stegosaurus found in a stone ornate carving in an ancient Cambodian temple.

Dinosaurs in ancient Cambodian temple

That Stegosaurus is pretty awesome!
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 15 Oct, 2008 09:51 am
Campbell34;61405 wrote:
Primitive men finding bones may be one thing, yet constructing or drawing accurate figurines or pictures is another. And to suggest that primitive man took the time to do in depth dinosaur research would be a real stretch.
Human bones have been found in coal deposits along with other man made objects. These finds are rejected by the believers in Evolution because it throws into question their belief. Yet such objects have been found, and offers much stronger evidence that refutes evolution.

As sabz and myself have pointed out numerous times the figurines aren't accurate. You can only tout your clay toys so far, until we get some fossil evidence then you cannot logically conclude that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time.

This is not an accurate depiction of natural history:

Musky Hunter
Reply Wed 15 Oct, 2008 10:02 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61424 wrote:

This is not an accurate depiction of natural history:


Sssssheeeesh.... Like everyone doesn't know that men didn't start wearing ties until much later on:p
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 15 Oct, 2008 10:46 am
@Musky Hunter,
Musky Hunter;61426 wrote:
Sssssheeeesh.... Like everyone doesn't know that men didn't start wearing ties until much later on:p

Like that's the only thing wrong with that picture Wink
Musky Hunter
Reply Wed 15 Oct, 2008 11:21 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;61427 wrote:
Like that's the only thing wrong with that picture Wink

Well... I did notice that the caveman only had 3 toes and 4 fingers but I figured that we probably evolved the rest later.:cavt-126-asard:

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