Church of England to Apologise to Darwin

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 9 Nov, 2008 05:47 am
Campbell34;62268 wrote:
Another bird discovery that refutes Archie.

another? You still haven't provided one yet!


If Archie was the bird that was to be the transional that all other birds evoloved from. Why do we see another bird named Eoalulavis? It existed at the same time as Archaeopteryx, and this bird had no teeth, it had a beak, feathers, and a skeletal structure as modern birds.

nope, nope and nope. I don't know where you getting your information but it's incorrect. This bird is actually younger than archeopteryx and it's only noticeable difference from it is a structure on it's wings that allowed it to fly faster.

Another new discovery of a fossil bird called Liaoningornis in northeastern China shows us a sparrow-size bird, and it possesses a keeled sternum which is seen in modern birds. It is said to be around 137 to 142 million years old.
I know you want to believe in evolution, yet why believe in evolution when it is obvious that the bird you have chossen for a transional is surrounded by birds that are already equipped with what we see in modern birds today?

The single fossil is an incomplete semi - articulated skeleton the size of a sparrow. It includes both feet, the right leg, the sternum, part of the right arm, and fragmentary coracoids and pubes. Its accession number is IVPP11303. It is in the collection of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing.

I'm not useing blind faith, I'm just looking at what science has already discovered. And I have accepted their findings.

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 9 Nov, 2008 05:56 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
More birdlike than velociraptors and more dinosaur like than archeopteryx:


[SIZE="4"]Rahonavis[/SIZE] has historically been the subject of some uncertainty as to its proper taxonomic position--whether it is a member of the clade Aves or a closely-related dromaeosaurid. The presence of quill knobs on its ulna (forearm bone) led initially to its inclusion among the birds; however, the rest of the skeleton is rather typically dromaeosaurid in its attributes. Given the extremely close affinities between primitive birds and their dromaeosaurid cousins, along with the possibility that flight may have developed and been lost multiple times among these groups, it has been difficult to place Rahonavis firmly among or outside the birds. Rahonavis could be a close relative to Archaeopteryx, as originally suggested by the describers, and thus a member of the clade Aves, but while the pelvis shows adaptations to flight similar in function to those of Archaeopteryx, they seem to be independently derived.
Reply Sun 9 Nov, 2008 07:56 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;62270 wrote:
another? You still haven't provided one yet!

nope, nope and nope. I don't know where you getting your information but it's incorrect. This bird is actually younger than archeopteryx and it's only noticeable difference from it is a structure on it's wings that allowed it to fly faster.

The single fossil is an incomplete semi - articulated skeleton the size of a sparrow. It includes both feet, the right leg, the sternum, part of the right arm, and fragmentary coracoids and pubes. Its accession number is IVPP11303. It is in the collection of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing.


Smithsonian Institution debunks Bird Evolution.

The Idea of feathered dinosaurs and the theropod origin of birds is being actively promulgated by a cadre of zealous scientists acting in concert with certain editors at Nature and National Geographic who themselves have become outspoken and highly biased proselytizers of the faith. Truth and careful scientific weighing of evidence have been among the first casualties in their program, which is now fast becoming one of the grander scientific hoaxes of our age-

Letter written by Storrs L. Ollson Curator of Birds National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution Washington,DC

Full letter link below.

Smithsonian critiques National Geographic in open letter
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 9 Nov, 2008 09:30 am
Campbell34;62275 wrote:
Smithsonian Institution debunks Bird Evolution.

go there and ask them if they believe in evolution, do it!


The Idea of feathered dinosaurs and the theropod origin of birds is being actively promulgated by a cadre of zealous scientists acting in concert with certain editors at Nature and National Geographic who themselves have become outspoken and highly biased proselytizers of the faith.

You mean like 99% of scientists?

answersingenesis is NOT a legitimate source[/SIZE]!
Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 03:01 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;62277 wrote:
go there and ask them if they believe in evolution, do it!

You mean like 99% of scientists?

answersingenesis is NOT a legitimate source[/SIZE]!

So I will ask you again, where did you get your 99% of scientest?
You seem to throw that percentage out a lot, yet you never give me any legitmate source for it.

And are you saying answergenesis printed a phoney letter with adress and phone number. If you think they did, why don't you call the phone number given at the bottom of the letter to confirm your suspicions?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 03:20 am
Campbell34;62281 wrote:
So I will ask you again, where did you get your 99% of scientest?
You seem to throw that percentage out a lot, yet you never give me any legitmate source for it.
And are you saying answergenesis printed a phoney letter with adress and phone number. If you think they did, why don't you call the phone number given at the bottom of the letter to confirm your suspicions?

No, but they do have a history of taking things out of context, quote mining, and leaving out important information and for all i know the letter could be phony or corrected. But at any rate you need to use unbiased source, you don't see me using TALKORIGINS.org
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 12:43 pm
Campbell34;62268 wrote:
Another bird discovery that refutes Archie. If Archie was the bird that was to be the transional that all other birds evoloved from. Why do we see another bird named Eoalulavis? It existed at the same time as Archaeopteryx, and this bird had no teeth, it had a beak, feathers, and a skeletal structure as modern birds. If birds existed already with the features as modern birds, why do you think they had to evolove from Archie?

Eoalulavis dates back 115 million years ago. You have 35 million years of hole to account for.

Another new discovery of a fossil bird called Liaoningornis in northeastern China shows us a sparrow-size bird, and it possesses a keeled sternum which is seen in modern birds. It is said to be around 137 to 142 million years old.
I know you want to believe in evolution, yet why believe in evolution when it is obvious that the bird you have chossen for a transional is surrounded by birds that are already equipped with what we see in modern birds today?

You STILL have a hole to fill... seven million years to be exact.

I'm not useing blind faith, I'm just looking at what science has already discovered. And I have accepted their findings.

Then why are you using creatures several million years younger than Archaeopteryx to discount Archaeopteryx? If you accept science's findings, then you need to accept that the Earth is a bit older than you expected.
Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2008 05:31 pm
Sabz5150;62295 wrote:
Eoalulavis dates back 115 million years ago. You have 35 million years of hole to account for.

You STILL have a hole to fill... seven million years to be exact.

Then why are you using creatures several million years younger than Archaeopteryx to discount Archaeopteryx? If you accept science's findings, then you need to accept that the Earth is a bit older than you expected.

Your right, I should use something much older than Archaeopteryx, like Longisquama. They say it lived 220 million years ago, and it had hollow bones and feathers. According to Science magazine of June 2000. It believes it may be the real ancestor to birds. However with Evolution, you can believe whatever you want, because it is not really hard science we are talking about heaar. It is more assumptions, and speculation.
Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2008 09:01 pm
Campbell34;62308 wrote:
Your right, I should use something much older than Archaeopteryx, like Longisquama. They say it lived 220 million years ago, and it had hollow bones and feathers. According to Science magazine of June 2000. It believes it may be the real ancestor to birds. However with Evolution, you can believe whatever you want, because it is not really hard science we are talking about heaar. It is more assumptions, and speculation.

You mean this?


Hollow bones... sure, why not? Feathers... you could call them the precursors of modern feathers.

A bird? Hardly.

Keep trying, though...
Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2008 09:09 pm
So time and time again your views are refuted and answers given to everything you throw.

So for the Forth time of asking, will you please demonstrate the evidence which shows us their is a God. Surely there must be some physical evidence out there.

For a Universe only 6-10,000 years old there must be something, we have artifacts from those time periods. There must be something that depicts the creation of the universe from then, surely?

Can you show us please? This is the Forth time I have asked.
Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2008 02:57 pm
Numpty;62310 wrote:
So time and time again your views are refuted and answers given to everything you throw.

So for the Forth time of asking, will you please demonstrate the evidence which shows us their is a God. Surely there must be some physical evidence out there.

For a Universe only 6-10,000 years old there must be something, we have artifacts from those time periods. There must be something that depicts the creation of the universe from then, surely?

Can you show us please? This is the Forth time I have asked.

Well I can't explain everything thats for sure, yet I base much of what I believe in the Bible and it's intergity. Now I know you don't believe the Bible in the same way I do, yet lets take the story of the flood. I doubt that you believe in the Biblical Flood account. However, if the flood never happened, could you explain to me why they have located Whale bones 440 feet above sea level, north of Lake Ontario? And a skeleton of another whale in Vermont, more than 500 feet above sea level. And another Whale was found near Montreal-Ouebec, about 600 feet above sea level. Maybe those were walking whales, because outside of swimming, that's the only way they could of got there. LOL. Can you explain that physical evidence?
Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2008 03:05 pm
Sabz5150;62309 wrote:
You mean this?


Hollow bones... sure, why not? Feathers... you could call them the precursors of modern feathers.

A bird? Hardly.

Keep trying, though...

Hey don't blame me, it was science magazine that made that claim, and others into Evolution. At least it looks more like a bird than a dinosaur. I will leave it up to you and your other Evolution buddies to fight over this nonsense. LOL.
Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2008 06:40 pm
Campbell34;62314 wrote:
Well I can't explain everything thats for sure, yet I base much of what I believe in the Bible and it's intergity. Now I know you don't believe the Bible in the same way I do, yet lets take the story of the flood. I doubt that you believe in the Biblical Flood account. However, if the flood never happened, could you explain to me why they have located Whale bones 440 feet above sea level, north of Lake Ontario? And a skeleton of another whale in Vermont, more than 500 feet above sea level. And another Whale was found near Montreal-Ouebec, about 600 feet above sea level. Maybe those were walking whales, because outside of swimming, that's the only way they could of got there. LOL. Can you explain that physical evidence?

Well if you have some sites i could look at maybe i can make an informed judgement.

However based upon similar findings, with the bones/ fossils dated, usully this is because of the shifting platetetonics of the ever moving surface of the Earth. Millions of Years ago Everest was at the bottom of the Ocean, as the contitnents collided they force the land upwards, what was once at the bottom of the sea will eventually (after millions of years) become a mountain. This is why we find many sea creatures in mountain rock.

This secondary school stuff Cambell, you should already know this.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2008 06:08 am
Campbell34;62314 wrote:
if the flood never happened, could you explain to me why they have located Whale bones 440 feet above sea level,

Plate tectonics.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2008 06:09 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;62271 wrote:
More birdlike than velociraptors and more dinosaur like than archeopteryx:


[SIZE="4"]Rahonavis[/SIZE] has historically been the subject of some uncertainty as to its proper taxonomic position--whether it is a member of the clade Aves or a closely-related dromaeosaurid. The presence of quill knobs on its ulna (forearm bone) led initially to its inclusion among the birds; however, the rest of the skeleton is rather typically dromaeosaurid in its attributes. Given the extremely close affinities between primitive birds and their dromaeosaurid cousins, along with the possibility that flight may have developed and been lost multiple times among these groups, it has been difficult to place Rahonavis firmly among or outside the birds. Rahonavis could be a close relative to Archaeopteryx, as originally suggested by the describers, and thus a member of the clade Aves, but while the pelvis shows adaptations to flight similar in function to those of Archaeopteryx, they seem to be independently derived.

no response?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2008 06:17 am
Campbell34;62315 wrote:
Hey don't blame me, it was science magazine that made that claim, and others into Evolution. At least it looks more like a bird than a dinosaur. I will leave it up to you and your other Evolution buddies to fight over this nonsense. LOL.

How, precisely, does that look like a bird?

However, given its features and age, it does fit right nicely into the fossil record.


Longisquama insignis was an unusual archosaur from the Late Triassic of central Asia. Along its dorsal axis Longisquama bore a series of paired integumentary appendages that resembled avian feathers in many details, especially in the anatomy of the basal region. The latter is sufficiently similar to the calamus of modern feathers that each probably represents the culmination of virtually identical morphogenetic processes. The exact relationship of Longisquama to birds is uncertain. Nevertheless, we interpret Longisquama's elongate integumentary appendages as nonavian feathers and suggest that they are probably homologous with avian feathers. If so, they antedate the feathers of Archaeopteryx, the first known bird from the Late Jurassic.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2008 06:20 am
Campbell34;62314 wrote:
Well I can't explain everything thats for sure, yet I base much of what I believe in the Bible and it's intergity. Now I know you don't believe the Bible in the same way I do, yet lets take the story of the flood. I doubt that you believe in the Biblical Flood account. However, if the flood never happened, could you explain to me why they have located Whale bones 440 feet above sea level, north of Lake Ontario? And a skeleton of another whale in Vermont, more than 500 feet above sea level. And another Whale was found near Montreal-Ouebec, about 600 feet above sea level. Maybe those were walking whales, because outside of swimming, that's the only way they could of got there. LOL. Can you explain that physical evidence?

As has been stated: plate tectonics.

Can you explain where all the water to create this "flood" went?
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2008 07:16 pm
Sabz5150;62327 wrote:
As has been stated: plate tectonics.

Can you explain where all the water to create this "flood" went?

Plate tectonics are also the reason we are above the flood of the past.
Consider link below.

Where did the Genesis Flood waters go? - ChristianAnswers.Net
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2008 01:14 am
Campbell34;62335 wrote:
Plate tectonics are also the reason we are above the flood of the past.
Consider link below.

Where did the Genesis Flood waters go? - ChristianAnswers.Net

If water of that amount covered the entire planet, if mountains sprang up like that, the evidence would be clear. Sadly it is not. Plate tectonics isn't a high speed mechanism and it has never been shown to be such.

It's wishful thinking, but if such evidence existed, it would be all over the textbooks... nobody would refute it at all.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2008 06:07 am
Campbell34;62335 wrote:
Plate tectonics are also the reason we are above the flood of the past.
Consider link below.

Where did the Genesis Flood waters go? - ChristianAnswers.Net

You realize that plate tectonics takes millions of years, right? 40 days isn't sufficient time for plate tectonics to create taller mountains 'round the world.

This is a laughable explanation at best.

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