Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2007 10:48 am

Has Fox News Excluded Ron Paul? — Ron Paul 2008
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,191 • Replies: 43
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Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2007 10:51 am
We all know how much Fox News hates the Constitution, this just confirms it.
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Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2007 10:54 am
I suppose they are within there right.
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Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2007 12:30 pm
Proves that the MSM and status quo elites are scared of, and threatened by him.
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2007 01:06 pm
92b16vx;49635 wrote:
Proves that the MSM and status quo elites are scared of, and threatened by him.
OR realise he's a crack pot
Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2007 01:31 pm
REDWHITEBLUE2;49637 wrote:
OR realise he's a crack pot

Once again, coming from someone like you, a compliment.
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Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2007 05:17 pm
it's bullshit.

news media shouldn't have a choice.

they should be PRIVIALIDAGED to be able to FILM such events, not to chose who can show up to them.
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Reply Mon 31 Dec, 2007 12:03 pm

What word is that supposed to be? (seriously, I'm not trying to be rude, I just have no idea what you're talking about.)

Fox can choose who is invited, it's their party after all, just like the MSM can choose to accept questions from people who they have to know are working on Hillary's campaing. The candidates are not doing them a favor by showing up, they are the main beneficiaries of the debates as long as they do okay.
Reply Mon 31 Dec, 2007 03:31 pm
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Reply Mon 31 Dec, 2007 03:43 pm
The Chiarman of the NH GOP thinks he should be included. It is Faux Newz sponsoring the debate, but this leaves zero doubt, as in proof positive that they are indeed NOT "fair, and balanced" and are an agenda driven machine, not a news outlet.

Ron Paul was on the previous debates sponsored by Fox, and from personal watching experience he's gotten quite a bit of publicity from them, not always negative. I'm pretty sure they've interviewed him too. Must everything be a grand conspiracy with you people?
Reply Mon 31 Dec, 2007 03:57 pm
Reagaknight;49697 wrote:
Ron Paul was on the previous debates sponsored by Fox, and from personal watching experience he's gotten quite a bit of publicity from them, not always negative. I'm pretty sure they've interviewed him too. Must everything be a grand conspiracy with you people?

You people? Whacha talkin' 'bout you people? FACT is, he is THE leading republican candidate in fundraising and is being excluded from one of the more important debates right before the NH primaries, and is only being excluded because Fox supports their warmongers. Don't pretend it's not BS.
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Reply Mon 31 Dec, 2007 04:11 pm
Yes, "you people", as in Ron Paul supporters. You are free to call me and assorted others in any group "you people." Ron Paul may have raised a large amount of money, but his poll numbers have stayed consistently fairly low in many polls, and I doubt that he has yet achieved the point where he is insane enough to mistake the portraits of presidents on money as voters. He might want to spend some of that quick, because time is running out for him. Anyway, my point was that Fox has been a nice publicity outlet for him so far (I believe he had a lot of text message votes in the previous debates), and yet now, when they make a decision not to have him in the debate, people attack them for bias.
Reply Mon 31 Dec, 2007 06:13 pm
It's wrong and the other candidates should refuse to participate.

Fox news is so anti-American. :frown:
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Reply Mon 31 Dec, 2007 09:24 pm
Fox news is so anti-American.

Ron Paul is now the embodiment of America as a whole in addition to the Constitution?
Reply Mon 31 Dec, 2007 11:06 pm
Reagaknight;49689 wrote:
What word is that supposed to be?


yeah, i typoed that one up. privileged was what i was after
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Reply Tue 1 Jan, 2008 12:01 am
Reagaknight;49706 wrote:
Ron Paul is now the embodiment of America as a whole in addition to the Constitution?


I'm not even a Paul supporter so save your sarcasm.
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Reply Tue 1 Jan, 2008 01:19 am
Reagaknight;49706 wrote:
Ron Paul is now the embodiment of America as a whole in addition to the Constitution?

No, but it is extraordinarily hypocritical to call themselves a "fair and balanced" news outlet, and then right before the New Hampshire primary, exclude the candidate that has raised more money, and in any poll other than ones sponsored by the MSM dominates the other candidates. It's a joke.
Reply Tue 1 Jan, 2008 11:22 am
92b16vx;49713 wrote:
No, but it is extraordinarily hypocritical to call themselves a "fair and balanced" news outlet, and then right before the New Hampshire primary, exclude the candidate that has raised more money, and in any poll other than ones sponsored by the MSM dominates the other candidates. It's a joke.

Okay, okay, but why does your first thought seem to be that it's a grand conspiracy when they've had the guy on before and he's always been the same way except now he's got more money. I checked this out more, and it's not like they're inviting everyone but him, they've apparently decided to base their view of the front runners on votes (of the MSM polls, if you like) instead of money. Duncan Hunter's not going to be there either, and Fox doesn't exactly love Huckabee since they're having Coulter on bashing him and talking about how the MSM would love for him to win.

If Ron Paul is really as strong as you say, you'll be vindicated on election day, won't you? The MSM can't change those results. Until then I reserve the right to treat him as a very funny joke.
Reply Tue 1 Jan, 2008 12:20 pm
Reagaknight;49744 wrote:
Okay, okay, but why does your first thought seem to be that it's a grand conspiracy when they've had the guy on before and he's always been the same way except now he's got more money. I checked this out more, and it's not like they're inviting everyone but him, they've apparently decided to base their view of the front runners on votes (of the MSM polls, if you like) instead of money. Duncan Hunter's not going to be there either, and Fox doesn't exactly love Huckabee since they're having Coulter on bashing him and talking about how the MSM would love for him to win.

If Ron Paul is really as strong as you say, you'll be vindicated on election day, won't you? The MSM can't change those results. Until then I reserve the right to treat him as a very funny joke.

They are scared of him, and it shows. And for the record, he is polling higher than Thompson in NH, and Thompson is invitied, so that excuse doesn't fly.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jan, 2008 12:42 pm
Does the debate have anything to do in particular with NH? It doesn't seem like that's the case, and if not, Thompson definitely is doing better nationally. The significance of the early primaries is definitely not as high now, since states are pushing their primaries back.
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