I love Lewis Black. he is right on the money (unlike our elected officials, he just jokes about it. They steal it)
I didn't mean your vote isn't something to you or your civic duty.
I mean that the vote is the governments way of making us think we are doing something right.
Like I asked what has the Dem's done that they promised? It won't be any different no matter who is elected.
I joked about a movie from the shooters point of view. But somehow no matter who (party) is elected the same results are done. There isn't a difference between the two main parties.
And when has any third party won election?
I felt I was doing my civic duty when I fell for the lie about the Gulf of Ton kin.
So I enlisted in the Army, went Airborne and re-enlisted to become a grunt.
I have voted sense returning in 1968. I'm slow but it isn't a civic duty to put in power things that have taken this country from where it was to were it is now!
I would not fight for this country again. Nor am I going to waste my time in a booth B.S. myself.
Now if nobody voted then I would join in and maybe something good would come from it.
Besides Bush is going to attack Iran, and declare Marshall Law. He will be King forever.
But I do respect your dedication