92b16vx;35650 wrote:Because Edwards is more of a republican than Giuliani. He is a DINO to GIuliani being a RINO.
I see Edwards a a re-hashed Bill Clinton...a southern moderate Democrat (minus the negative baggage, going in), smart, articulate, very Kennedy-esque, who learned something his go around as Kerry's choice for VP in 2004. He not as abrasive as Hillary, who is tied to Washington political machinery, and is trying desperately to be an "everywoman", and a "good ol' boy" when the occasion calls for it. Still, she has Bill, and despite what people say...the man is brilliant, and she could have a worse adviser than him. I'd settle for "Bill-light", which is probably "more filling" and "less satisfying", but infinitely better than a Republican, who, undoubtedly, would follow Bush's status quo (otherwise, there would have been at least one maverick, who "bucked" Bush throughout his presidency, and pointed out his gross mistakes...alas there was "none"....not one person, Republican, ever took Bush to task, "for real"....and to me that's just unconscionable....the Republicans can't even scold their own, and make endless excuses for past mistakes....remember when a reporter asked Bush in a press conference, if he could name a mistake he regretted...and he couldn't think of one, and told the reporter, he'd have to get back to him later...??????? Unbelievable . I digressed.
I like Obama....truly a fresh face...and if "inexperience" is a hindrance, look no further than the inept Mr. Bush. Enough for now.