I still have yet to see a thread proving that even one of Ron Paul's ideas are bad. Not one thread, just off the cuff insults. I started talking about Dr. Paul to some friends, and a girl laughed explosively and exclaimed that "Ron Paul is an IDIOT!"
I asked her why she thought that, and she immediately became silent unable to think of a single reason. She finally responded with, "Well, he just is."
Later I found out she goes to a nationalized Baptist Church. The preacher told her not to vote for Ron Paul because he threatened the benefits that organized religions get from the government. Ron Paul believes in true separation of church and state which scares the sheeple herders to death.
Sorry for the threadjack.
BOT, Soldiers these days are mercenaries. Paid killers. If they don't do their job, they damn sure don't deserve my tax dollars.