bizkit;34197 wrote:Unbelieveable. really, I just don't understand how you can be so far back in the stone age. and the "heartless" comment is just plain ridiculous! I have a lot of black friends and many of them have the same views as I. You have this "old school" view about politics...and I know you will never change it, so I don't intend to change your mind. I will tastefully agree to disagree with you on this subject...but you are totally wrong about Republicans. Not all politics are good politics, but I believe that Republicans do a heck of a lot more than you give them credit for...not to mention that a LOT of Democrats like to say that they are for blacks, the poor, the elderly etc... when they are in it for making themselves richer and more powerful. You can think what you want about the leading Democrats these days...but they are made up of a large amount of power and money grubbing politicians, sorry to inform you. Oh, and the last time I checked...we were in America. I believe that is also called the land of opportunity....no matter what color or race you happen to be.
Oh, peaches and cream...I'm in the "Stone Age", and you've been "dipping in the kool aid". Don't give me that patronizing crap about you having "black friends", which invariably means, you must be "white"...because if they think like you do, they're "Uncle toms", just like any other black Republicans. If Republicans change their platforms to be "inclusive", rather than just "lip service", then there would be no need for me to be hyperbolic. Check the platform....it's not in black folks' interest...and since it's not, you can't get upset if we, collectively, seek out those, namely the Dems, that best serve our interests. Damnation. Why don't the Christian Right or the anti abortion crowd endorse the Dems? Because there is fundamental difference in the way we see the world. Are the Dems supposed to be bitching and moaning because we dont' have more evangelicals, or conservatives in our ranks? Hell, no...we dont' see things eye to eye...so naturally, you wouldn't expect conservatives or pro-lifers, or the anti-gay crowds to be voting for Barack or Hill. Duh!~
Likewise, don't think that black people are so much like sheep that we'll go wherever the grass is...and don't mind that a wolf is the shepherd. How stupid.
And you know the reason I'm not wrong about the lot of Republicans? Because not one single Repub lifted a voice in opposition to this abomination of a president, halting his full court press to a unjust war, under false pretext. Narry a one. Even some Dems were guilty of condoning this unholy war...and don't think for one minute, I, personally, wouldn't vote them out of office, in a heartbeat, were I able.
Whatever this president wanted to do....whether it was to reduce our freedoms, hold prisoners without due process, indulge in torture, use political clout and leverage to strengthen the powers of the executive branch, far beyond what the founding fathers had intended, or disregard the rule of law, or more importantly, the voice of the people, the Republican Party to a legislator supported this president and failed to hold him accountable. That is unpardonable, and unforgivable....and sinful, if you ask me. The Democratic Party, with all of its faults and foibles, is infinitely better than the Republican Party, which has, seemingly, lost its' way, and its' moral compass and duty to the American People, it claims to represent.
And here in Texas we have a poster child for the Republican Party....Tom Delay, who left office, in disgrace, but somehow still tries to be a player, pundit and spoiler, on the scene...and CNN has the audacity to ask him his opinion on the Craig Affair...as if he were in a position to comment. It's beyond ludicrous.