Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 05:47 pm
bizkit;34148 wrote:
You have got to be kidding me. To judge black republicans in this way is insane. This whole thread is turning into something just crazy. Republicans are NOT against blacks...and neither is GWB. He has promoted more blacks into power positions than any other President.
Reading some of the posts on here reminds me of why America is in distress politically....

You can deny reality all you want...first of all, you not on the recipient end, so all that hearsay you get from Fox News is all spin and no truth. If the Republican Party were so inclusive, why wouldn't it be in blacks best interest to give them a fair chance at proving it? Why, because they are not. The Colin Powells, Condoleeza Rices, and JC Watts, are few and far between...why, because if you can't serve some useful purpose...in Rice's case, adding bona fide foreign policy credentials to Bush's lackluster cabinet, and in the case of Powell, adding credibility with his broad based popularity, and Desert Storm expertise and leadership...the Repubs have no use for you, other than furthering their own agenda, which is primarily aimed at rich white folks. Truth...and the perception of most blacks, and Dems.
They might not be against them (blacks), but they ain't necessarily for them either....they're much like a problem to be dealt with, or ignored....hence New Orleans, in the aftermath of Katrina. (and No, you will never live it down.)
Keep on drinking the kool aid...we know better...walk a mile in our shoes.
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 05:51 pm
Pinochet73;34152 wrote:
Don't let Aaron bother you. He's a wildman. Very Happy

not as wild as you....but anything but conservative.
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 05:54 pm
aaronssongs;34173 wrote:
not as wild as you....but anything but conservative.

Yeah....I guess we're all 'wild', each in his own way.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 05:55 pm
Pinochet73;34153 wrote:
Do you know what will break the bonds of anti-White racism among Blacks? Money. As more Blacks become solidly middle-class, they'll fight to not pay more taxes. Money talks.

You know what will really break the bonds of anti-white racism among blacks is, when whites stop shooting bull, and own up to the fact that the "playing field" is not level...them willing to level it, and then letting the chips fall where they may...Talent, smarts and determination winning out over winks and nods, and mediocrity. "nuff said.
0 Replies
crackface mcgee
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 08:46 pm
aaronssongs;34140 wrote:
Seriously.....Who do "white Cubans", predominantly vote for?.....The Dems are no picnic, either...as they have moved too far right for my liking...but they are the lesser of the two evils.

Wow! How can you accuse the Republicans of supporting Cuban immigrants to gain votes without acknowledging that Democrats have the same motive for the plethora of entitlements they will grant to any minority that will accept them?

And the Dems are too far right for you? And I am talking like a crazy person? And Bizkit is drinking the kool-aid? Wow!
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 10:03 pm
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;34190 wrote:
Wow! How can you accuse the Republicans of supporting Cuban immigrants to gain votes without acknowledging that Democrats have the same motive for the plethora of entitlements they will grant to any minority that will accept them?

And the Dems are too far right for you? And I am talking like a crazy person? And Bizkit is drinking the kool-aid? Wow!

Simple....Democrats have hearts....Republicans are "heartless"...Democrats care about minorities, the poor, the elderly, the disenfranchised, and freedom.
The Republicans care about the rich, the rich getting richer, themselves, money, power, the good ol' boy networking, and having their cake and eating it too, while the rest squabble over the crumbs that they may leave (remember Reagan's trickle down economics)
Yes, the Dems have their supporters and for valid reasons...
The Repubs have theirs for entirely different reasons....propagation of the status quo, and never relinquishing too much of the pie.
And yes, the Dems have come too far right of center, almost indistinguishable from moderate Repubs.
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 11:03 pm
aaronssongs;34191 wrote:
Simple....Democrats have hearts....Republicans are "heartless"...Democrats care about minorities, the poor, the elderly, the disenfranchised, and freedom.
The Republicans care about the rich, the rich getting richer, themselves, money, power, the good ol' boy networking, and having their cake and eating it too, while the rest squabble over the crumbs that they may leave (remember Reagan's trickle down economics)
Yes, the Dems have their supporters and for valid reasons...
The Repubs have theirs for entirely different reasons....propagation of the status quo, and never relinquishing too much of the pie.
And yes, the Dems have come too far right of center, almost indistinguishable from moderate Repubs.

Unbelieveable. really, I just don't understand how you can be so far back in the stone age. and the "heartless" comment is just plain ridiculous! I have a lot of black friends and many of them have the same views as I. You have this "old school" view about politics...and I know you will never change it, so I don't intend to change your mind. I will tastefully agree to disagree with you on this subject...but you are totally wrong about Republicans. Not all politics are good politics, but I believe that Republicans do a heck of a lot more than you give them credit for...not to mention that a LOT of Democrats like to say that they are for blacks, the poor, the elderly etc... when they are in it for making themselves richer and more powerful. You can think what you want about the leading Democrats these days...but they are made up of a large amount of power and money grubbing politicians, sorry to inform you. Oh, and the last time I checked...we were in America. I believe that is also called the land of opportunity....no matter what color or race you happen to be.
Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 11:31 pm
aaronssongs;34171 wrote:
They might not be against them (blacks), but they ain't necessarily for them either....they're much like a problem to be dealt with, or ignored....hence New Orleans, in the aftermath of Katrina. (and No, you will never live it down.)
Keep on drinking the kool aid...we know better...walk a mile in our shoes.

and I am from the land of Katrina...so don't talk to me about living anything down. I have family and friends that were affected by the storm, so keep the kool aid comments to yourself. by the way, Dosen't New Orleans have a black mayor????
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 01:16 am
bizkit;34198 wrote:
and I am from the land of Katrina...so don't talk to me about living anything down. I have family and friends that were affected by the storm, so keep the kool aid comments to yourself. by the way, Dosen't New Orleans have a black mayor????

So what? You're from Louisiana...big deal. So's both of my parents. Big whoop! What is that supposed to mean...that we don't hold the federal government (i.e Homeland Security. i.e . The Bush Administration) accountable for the lack of aid, the mismanagement of funds and resources, and the downright neglect, and indifference?
New Orleans has a black mayor, who is more interested in appearances than in doing any good..he is trying to cover his behind...I ain't moved....by the mayor or the governor, or the president...now what? Where does the buck stop....not with the mayor, not with the governor....ok? So what you talking about?
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 01:41 am
bizkit;34197 wrote:
Unbelieveable. really, I just don't understand how you can be so far back in the stone age. and the "heartless" comment is just plain ridiculous! I have a lot of black friends and many of them have the same views as I. You have this "old school" view about politics...and I know you will never change it, so I don't intend to change your mind. I will tastefully agree to disagree with you on this subject...but you are totally wrong about Republicans. Not all politics are good politics, but I believe that Republicans do a heck of a lot more than you give them credit for...not to mention that a LOT of Democrats like to say that they are for blacks, the poor, the elderly etc... when they are in it for making themselves richer and more powerful. You can think what you want about the leading Democrats these days...but they are made up of a large amount of power and money grubbing politicians, sorry to inform you. Oh, and the last time I checked...we were in America. I believe that is also called the land of opportunity....no matter what color or race you happen to be.

Oh, peaches and cream...I'm in the "Stone Age", and you've been "dipping in the kool aid". Don't give me that patronizing crap about you having "black friends", which invariably means, you must be "white"...because if they think like you do, they're "Uncle toms", just like any other black Republicans. If Republicans change their platforms to be "inclusive", rather than just "lip service", then there would be no need for me to be hyperbolic. Check the platform....it's not in black folks' interest...and since it's not, you can't get upset if we, collectively, seek out those, namely the Dems, that best serve our interests. Damnation. Why don't the Christian Right or the anti abortion crowd endorse the Dems? Because there is fundamental difference in the way we see the world. Are the Dems supposed to be bitching and moaning because we dont' have more evangelicals, or conservatives in our ranks? Hell, no...we dont' see things eye to eye...so naturally, you wouldn't expect conservatives or pro-lifers, or the anti-gay crowds to be voting for Barack or Hill. Duh!~
Likewise, don't think that black people are so much like sheep that we'll go wherever the grass is...and don't mind that a wolf is the shepherd. How stupid.
And you know the reason I'm not wrong about the lot of Republicans? Because not one single Repub lifted a voice in opposition to this abomination of a president, halting his full court press to a unjust war, under false pretext. Narry a one. Even some Dems were guilty of condoning this unholy war...and don't think for one minute, I, personally, wouldn't vote them out of office, in a heartbeat, were I able.
Whatever this president wanted to do....whether it was to reduce our freedoms, hold prisoners without due process, indulge in torture, use political clout and leverage to strengthen the powers of the executive branch, far beyond what the founding fathers had intended, or disregard the rule of law, or more importantly, the voice of the people, the Republican Party to a legislator supported this president and failed to hold him accountable. That is unpardonable, and unforgivable....and sinful, if you ask me. The Democratic Party, with all of its faults and foibles, is infinitely better than the Republican Party, which has, seemingly, lost its' way, and its' moral compass and duty to the American People, it claims to represent.
And here in Texas we have a poster child for the Republican Party....Tom Delay, who left office, in disgrace, but somehow still tries to be a player, pundit and spoiler, on the scene...and CNN has the audacity to ask him his opinion on the Craig Affair...as if he were in a position to comment. It's beyond ludicrous.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 03:58 am
aaronssongs;34199 wrote:
So what? You're from Louisiana...big deal. So's both of my parents. Big whoop! What is that supposed to mean...that we don't hold the federal government (i.e Homeland Security. i.e . The Bush Administration) accountable for the lack of aid, the mismanagement of funds and resources, and the downright neglect, and indifference?
New Orleans has a black mayor, who is more interested in appearances than in doing any good..he is trying to cover his behind...I ain't moved....by the mayor or the governor, or the president...now what? Where does the buck stop....not with the mayor, not with the governor....ok? So what you talking about?

Wrong again my friend...I'm not from Louisiana. I said I was from the land of Katrina...didn't say New Orleans. Im from Mississippi. I'm from the state that didn't **tch and moan about the government not helping us and coming to save us constantly! You didn't hear as much about Mississippi on all of the liberal news channels (even though Katrina wiped parts of Mississippi off the map) because the people from my state sucked it up and rebuilt. Their fight was mostly with insurance companies....not the government. I mentioned that N.O. has a black mayor because you seem very interested in color...whereas I couldn't care less.
I don't agree with every last thing that was done during Katrina.... Yes, it took too long to get food and water and supplies to all those poor pitiful people at the Superdome...and my heart went out to them. Like I said, I don't agree with it all....Im a nurse for God's sake, I wanted to save them all...but it was a Natural Disaster!! The last time I checked GWB didn't go out into the ocean and stir up a big windstorm! The major problem that happened during Katrina, was a total breakdown in the local and state government of Louisiana.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 06:51 am
bizkit;34204 wrote:
Wrong again my friend...I'm not from Louisiana. I said I was from the land of Katrina...didn't say New Orleans. Im from Mississippi. I'm from the state that didn't **tch and moan about the government not helping us and coming to save us constantly! You didn't hear as much about Mississippi on all of the liberal news channels (even though Katrina wiped parts of Mississippi off the map) because the people from my state sucked it up and rebuilt. Their fight was mostly with insurance companies....not the government. I mentioned that N.O. has a black mayor because you seem very interested in color...whereas I couldn't care less.
I don't agree with every last thing that was done during Katrina.... Yes, it took too long to get food and water and supplies to all those poor pitiful people at the Superdome...and my heart went out to them. Like I said, I don't agree with it all....Im a nurse for God's sake, I wanted to save them all...but it was a Natural Disaster!! The last time I checked GWB didn't go out into the ocean and stir up a big windstorm! The major problem that happened during Katrina, was a total breakdown in the local and state government of Louisiana.

Oh, figures...Mississippi. Although Katrina dealt Miss. 2.7 billion dollars in damages...the devestation due to the levees break, and loss of life and the displacement was far greater in NOLA. Sorry. Haley Barbour, the governor, apparently did a better job handling the federal government's lackluster performance. Ultimately, as I mentioned before, the buck didn't stop at local or state government...it stopped at the WH.
Sadly, I mention color, because although people are fond of pretending that they don't care about it, their actions or their inaction indicate that they almost certainly factor in race.
So glad that your heart went out to the poor, pathetic people at the Superdome. Had it "actually" gone out, it might have saved a few lives...
Don't know what significance your being a nurse has to do with it.....I am a ex-cardiopulmonary tech. So what?
You're still clamoring to let GWB off the hook...sorry, but the damage is already done, and you can't re-write history. His incompetence and failure have forever blemished his presidency....and fulfilled my predictions of doom, back in November 2000.
Nope, GWB didn't create the hurricane that destroyed NOLA and the Gulf Coast, but his indifference and incompetence exacerbated the inevitable and foreseeable disaster. Only underscoring the fact that while Repubs will fight "tooth and nail" to prevent abortions, once said life is born, until it dies, it's basically "on its' own", having to "fend for itself", for the duration...able to take comfort in the fact that it was more valuable "unborn", than born...for some ghastly macabre reason that escapes me.
crackface mcgee
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 11:14 am
aaronssongs;34191 wrote:
Simple....Democrats have hearts....Republicans are "heartless"...Democrats care about minorities, the poor, the elderly, the disenfranchised, and freedom.
The Republicans care about the rich, the rich getting richer, themselves, money, power, the good ol' boy networking, and having their cake and eating it too, while the rest squabble over the crumbs that they may leave (remember Reagan's trickle down economics)
Yes, the Dems have their supporters and for valid reasons...
The Repubs have theirs for entirely different reasons....propagation of the status quo, and never relinquishing too much of the pie.
And yes, the Dems have come too far right of center, almost indistinguishable from moderate Repubs.

Thank you for your clarification. There are always compassionate, good intentions behind thd Democrats' pandering to minorities (regardless of how far right these conservative Dems may be), and there are always self-serving, bad intentions behind any Republican support of minorities.

100% of black Republicans are Uncle Toms. No exceptions. If you are black and pro-life, for example, suck it up and compromise your values because Aaronsongs has it figured out for the entire race. As a black American, your political leaning is assigned to you, not open to your own observations, morals, and opinions. Fight the MAN (who is and always has been and always will be George W. Bush)!

The sad thing is you believe every word of the sarcasm in the above paragraphs. You are on the far-left fringe, my friend, completely obsessed with an anti-Bush agenda. Arguing with you is completely pointless.
crackface mcgee
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 11:16 am
aaronssongs;34214 wrote:
Haley Barbour, the governor, apparently did a better job handling the federal government's lackluster performance.

Are you sure you can say this? Haley Barbour is a Republican. You are black. Is this allowed?
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 12:32 pm
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;34302 wrote:
Thank you for your clarification. There are always compassionate, good intentions behind thd Democrats' pandering to minorities (regardless of how far right these conservative Dems may be), and there are always self-serving, bad intentions behind any Republican support of minorities.
Excuse me, but didnt' I say that the Dems were 'no picnic"...they are not my mother's Dems...but, hey, look at the alternative.

100% of black Republicans are Uncle Toms. No exceptions. If you are black and pro-life, for example, suck it up and compromise your values because Aaronsongs has it figured out for the entire race. As a black American, your political leaning is assigned to you, not open to your own observations, morals, and opinions. Fight the MAN (who is and always has been and always will be George W. Bush)!

When Condie Rice and Colin Powell, came into their respective offices, I fully expected them to be the voice of reason and moderation within this administration...but what did we get? A "'yes man, and an "alright, I'm with ya, mama". Not once did I ever hear of them disagreeing with Bush policy, and looking out for the interest of common black folk...they had, essentially, "sold out". All that was missing were recordings of them saying, "Yes, Massa Bush, I's gwine whip them darkies into shape, and stop all theys squealing, ya knows all deys looking fo' is a han' out...let' jus get 'em some crack, dey shut up."
As things have turned out, George Bush is the embodiment of "Da Man"...go figure.
And I can very well understand those blacks, who for status, position, advancement, or finances, embrace the Republican party....I just have to ask myself, is it worth selling your soul to the devil, or his proxy. Or for a reasonable chance at the American Dream, for real. In my book, NO.

I have worked hard all my life never asking for any handouts...even capitulated when the racist English instructor at U of H, decided to award me a "D", while giving the East Texas "white" s...kickers, who never answered any questions and had lack luster performances, "B's" and "C's"...I appealed to the Dean of Humanities, who informed me that there was nothing that could be done, but to make up the grade....that was one of the many slaps in the face that the system and "da man" gave to me...I could recount more, but I'm sure I would bore, and be perceived as a "whiner". Suffice it to say, those incidences are what shaped me politically...some things one never forgets...
Before you go there, your sympathy is neither warranted nor needed...I have moved on with my life...but I'm not about to let you or anyone else insult my integrity, or diminish my life experiences, based on your denial or your content at drinking kool aid. Real life ain't what's portrayed on Fox News. And racism is rampant in River City. Make no mistake.
Yet, somehow, I haven't given up hope, that this country can be mended, provided cool heads prevail.

The sad thing is you believe every word of the sarcasm in the above paragraphs. You are on the far-left fringe, my friend, completely obsessed with an anti-Bush agenda. Arguing with you is completely pointless.

My disregard and yes, hatred for all things Bush, is palatable. There is no redemption. He got to the presidency by hook and crook. He is not, nor has ever been "my president". Indeed, arguing with me is completely pointless. Took you long enough.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 12:38 pm
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;34305 wrote:
Are you sure you can say this? Haley Barbour is a Republican. You are black. Is this allowed?

Unlike you, I can be objective, and own up to reality. For all practical purposes, though he is Republican, he "seems" like an honorable and upstanding man.
What? Surprised? Reports of my alledged racism have been grossly exaggerated. I love the Dixie Chicks, Emmylou Harris, Vince Gill, Amy Grant, Arnold, and Bill Maher (who on some level, calls "the witch" his friend). What?
For the umpteenth time...I'm no racist...I have scores and scores of white friends. Geez.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 01:09 pm
@crackface mcgee,
"Unlike you, I can be objective, and own up to reality."

Yeah, right. Ha.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 01:10 pm
aaronssongs;34310 wrote:
My disregard and yes, hatred for all things Bush, is palatable. There is no redemption. He got to the presidency by hook and crook. He is not, nor has ever been "my president". Indeed, arguing with me is completely pointless. Took you long enough.

Why has Bush allowed steroid use to continue in all-star wrestling? Bush killed Benoit.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 02:16 pm
Pinochet73;34322 wrote:
Why has Bush allowed steroid use to continue in all-star wrestling? Bush killed Benoit.

For all we know...you did. Don't you got guns? And you're trigger happy?
0 Replies
crackface mcgee
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 02:26 pm
"I have moved on with my life...but I'm not about to let you or anyone else insult my integrity, or diminish my life experiences, based on your denial or your content at drinking kool aid. Real life ain't what's portrayed on Fox News."

Sounds like you have moved on with your life...geez, how bad would it be if you actually acknowledged that enormous chip you carry on your shoulder?

Oh, and the reason you don't know about the epidemic of liberal judges letting child molesters roam free throughout the Northeast is because this only exists in the Fantasyland that is Fox News, a network that is apparently another obsession of yours. As I said in a previous post, you must take your news filtered. Anything that might reflect poorly on a bleeding heart liberal judge or the liberal governers who appoint them and look the other way when a child predator is set free is not considered to be newsworthy by your news outlets....because it might make a liberal look bad.

And before you go there, Fox News is NOT my only source of news, so I see what is and is not covered by mainstream media and am consistenty amazed at the ommissions by NBC, CNN, etc. These omissions work quite well for you and your agenda.

Hope I didn't insult your integrity or hurt your feelings.

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